Posts Tagged ‘heat’

Stay Healthy This Summer

Saturday, June 17th, 2017

Nurse Diane speaks about summer heat“Good morning,” said Nurse Diane, as she smiled at the “Can Dos” all sitting together in the community center auditorium. “It certainly is hot out today” said Nurse Diane. “What can we do to stay healthy on summer days that are very warm”?

Orrie raised his hand and when called on said, “Drink lots of water during the summer. Not soda or juices with sugar in them, jut lots and lots of water. Our bodies need lots of water to stay healthy and for us to feel good in the hot weather.” Nurse Diane nodded and said, “Very good Orrie, you are right.”

Willie raised his hand and asked, “Do I have to wear sun screen lotion? I hate how it feels, and my grandma puts more on me every time I come out of the water. Besides, I have dark skin and probably won’t burn.”  Miss Diane answered, “You have a very smart grandma. You do need to put more lotion on when you come out of the water.You will get a burn without sun screen and it will really hurt ad you won’t feel very well.”

Willie looked surprised but as he sat down he turned to Hector and said, “I guess if I want to stay healthy this summer, I better let grandma put all that lotion on me.”

Nurse Diane asked, “What else do we need to put on us when we are playing outdoors”? Kathy and her hand and said, “I got so many bug bites last year. This year I am going to let my mom put bug spray on me.” The “Can Dos”all chuckled and Nurse Diane said, “Good idea, Kathy, bug bites are no fun and some bites can even make us sick.”

Maria raised her hand and said, “We need to wear a hat to protect our head, our face, and our eyes from the sun.” Nurse Diane nodded yes and then Arthur J raised his hand, saying, “I have very fair skin so I have to wear a tee shirt when I am in the water.”  Nurse Diane answered, “That is a very good idea, Arthur J.”

“What are good snacks to eat during the hot weather,” asked Nurse Diane.  Eulyn raised her hand and said, “Fruits like melon and berries are good and so are frozen real-fruit bars.” Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

Nurse Diane said,”You are all summer-smart. You know how to stay healthy so you can continue to have fun this summer.”

Are you going to have a healthy summer?
