Posts Tagged ‘Halloween’

The Halloween that Almost Wasn’t

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

There was no school on the day before Halloween and the electric company said there would be no school on Halloween.

When Hurricane Sandy hit “Can Do” Street, everyone was prepared to be safe and they were. Oh, there were problems…some streets flooded and a few basements of houses, some homes even lost electrical power for a day or so. But all in all, most problems were fixable. Well, almost all problems. You see the school had to close, because the lights went out.

The Can Dos” were really disappointed! No school! Most times they would be happy to hear…No school, but not on Halloween.

What about the costume parade, the prize for best costume, the Halloween games?

Not only was there no school, there would be no house to house trick or treating. The mayor had announced that some of the streets were in darkness and some streets had trees down…not safe conditions for walking from house to house.

Miss Sue, the director of the “Can Do” Street Community Center, came to the rescue. The day before Halloween, some of the parents came in to decorate the center. The seniors club made up treat bags and made Halloween cupcakes and punch.

Halloween Day dawned gray and misty, but the “Can Dos’ were glad they had somewhere to go to celebrate a favorite holiday.

The festivities began at 2PM with a costume parade all around the center. After the parade the judges gave prizes for the best costumes. Willie won for being an M&M. Maria won for being Dora the Explorer. Bobby thought he would win for coming as Sponge Bob Square pants, but there were several kids who wore that costume, so…he didn’t win.

After that there was a Halloween play staring Nellie and Hector.

Then it was time for the cupcakes, the fruit punch and Halloween songs and poems.

Just as they were getting ready to leave, the “Can Dos” were told to line up and pass in front of the line of parents grandparents and neighbors standing by the door. Imagine how surprised the “Can Dos” were when each adult dropped a Halloween treat in the baskets!

Well…it sure was a different kind of Halloween but all the “Can Dos’ agreed it was a good one.



Halloween Computer Matching Games

Friday, October 19th, 2012

The “Can Do” Kids, burst into the computer lab just as Miss Pat was putting the finishing touches on the Halloween games she promised them in home room that morning.

“Take your seats at your computer stations and beginning playing the Halloween matching games,” said Miss Pat.

The “Can Dos” scrambled to get to their seats and followed Miss Pat’s directions to find the Halloween games.

Why not play along? Just go to the “Can Do”: Club House, choose games and choose Halloween games.

Have fun with the Halloween Games!



Time to Get Ready for Halloween!

Monday, October 15th, 2012

“It’s that time again,” announced Miss Pat. “It’s time to talk about all things Halloween!”

The “Can Do” Kids all came alive in their seats. They all love Halloween and look forward to it as soon as they get back to school following summer vacation.

Miss Pat continued with what she was saying,” It’s time to think about decorating our homeroom and the bulletin board outside our homeroom. This year we are going to do something different. We are going to find Halloween graphics on the Internet, print them out and display them on the bulletin board along with the proper spelling of their names.”

Miss Pat could see by the looks on the “Can Dos” faces that they weren’t so sure this was a good idea.  Just then Willie raised his hand and when Miss pat called on him he said, ” That sounds hard. How will that work?”

Miss Pat smiled and answered,”It just so happens that I made computer matching games that contain things we see on Halloween and the correct spelling of each thing.”

Miss Pat saw a look of relief come over the face of each “Can Do” Kid.

Just them, the bell rang for the first class of the day. The “Can Dos” gathered up their books and started for the door and their first class.

Miss Pat called after them,”See you in computer class when we will find ideas for our Halloween decorations in the matching games I made!


Homophones Matching Games

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

homophonesMiss Pat was getting ready to teach the class about homophones, those words that sound alike, but have different meanings and different spellings.

She asked the class, “Can anyone tell me what homophones are?” The whole class stared at her with blank looks on their faces. Even Orrie was stumped!

Miss Pat continued, “Can anyone tell me what homonyms are?” Orrie’s hand went up like a shot. When called on, he answered, “Homonyms are words that sound alike but have different meanings.” Miss Pat smiled and said, “Very good, Orrie.

Homophones are a type of homonyms that also sound alike and have different meanings, but they also have different spellings.”

“Huh,” said Hector, ” Can you give us a few examples of homophones?” The class nodded their agreement.

“Okay,” said Miss Pat here are two examples of homophones. I will even use them in a sentence.

Witch and Which

I am going to be a witch on Halloween.

Which one of you wants to write on the blackboard?

Break and Brake

Don’t break that glass, or you will have to pay for it.

Is the brake on your bike working properly?”

Miss Pat waited for her examples to sink in and then she announced, “Now we are going to play some computer matching games that use homophones. Be sure to pay close attention as tomorrow  I will give you a quiz on some of the homophones you match today.”

Then Miss Pat had the class go to their computers and play the Words that sound alike games.

Want to play along with the “Can Do”Kids? Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose games, then choose words That Sound Alike.


It Must be Halloween….

Monday, October 25th, 2010

It Must Be Halloween, for when I passed him by

A Jack o’ Lantern smiled at me and winked his yellow eye

He grinned with all his teeth, from high upon the shelf

I didn’t feel afraid because I’d cut him out myself!

Author Unknown
