Posts Tagged ‘Grandma Hattie’

The Vegetable Garden

Thursday, May 12th, 2016

Grandma Hattie is known all over “Can Do” Street for having the best vegetable garden.

Since the school was starting a vegetable garden, some of the “Can Dos” wanted to know just how Grandma Hattie takes care of her vegetable garden every year. They went to visit her after school to get some advice on what vegetables to plant and when to plant them. Most of all, they needed to know how to take care of the vegetable garden.

Grandma Hattie was pleased to see the boys and invited them into her kitchen. She had taken chocolate chip cookies out of the oven just before the boys arrived. They smelled so good!

vegetableWhile they all sat around the kitchen table eating cookies and drinking milk, Grandma Hattie shared the secrets of a  good vegetable garden.The boys listened carefully. They nodded, took notes, and asked questions.

Then Orrie asked, “What should we grow?” Grandma Hattie smiled and opened a folder next to her on the table. She took out a word jumble and said,”Whatever vegetables you can find in the jumble, I have seeds for and you may have them.”

The boys all began working on the jumble. When they finished, Grandma Hattie gave them the packages of seeds for the vegetables they found.

Why don’t you try the jumble and see if you can find a vegetable or two or three or more? Just print out the page and try to see how many vegetables you find.

Here is a list of some vegetables you may find in the jumble: corn, carrots, peas, lettuce, onions and tomatoes.



The”Can Do”s Volunteer to Help with Crafts in Summer Camp

Wednesday, July 29th, 2015

picture of grandma hattie, the crafts teacher, with her hand on her hip Boys and girls,” said Miss  Hattie, ” I need volunteers to help me with my preschool crafts classes here, at the Community Center.

I need two volunteers for the morning crafts session from 10 until 11 am and two volunteers for the afternoon session from 1 to 2 pm.”

Everybody, except Hector looked up from their crafts projects and gave Miss Hattie their attention. Hector kept his head down and kept working on his crafts project. Willie poked Hector saying, “Hey Hector, that’s my grandma you’re ignoring!”

“Sorry Willie; sorry Grandma Hattie, I mean Miss Hattie, I am sorry for not paying attention,” said Hector. It’s just that I don’t want to help with little kids. I’ve got a little brother and I have to help him all the time and that’s enough helping to have to do”! Miss Hattie smiled and said, “I  understand how you feel, Hector, but maybe you could help in another way. How about you hand out crafts materials before class? Maybe you would rather collect the craft materials after class and put them away. I always need help with sweeping up after class.”

Hector thought for a moment and then said, “Put me down for sweeping up after the morning crafts  class. I like to sweep. It’s fun.”  Before Miss Hattie could thank Hector, Jay raised his hand and volunteered to sweep after the afternoon crafts class. Then Bobby volunteered to set up for the morning class and  the afternoon class. Miss Hattie said, “Thank you. That will be such a big help! Now, who wants to work with the preschoolers”?

Orrie, Nellie, Kathy and Arthur Jay raised their hands. “That’s wonderful,” said Miss Hattie.

“Okay, here’s the fun part,” said Miss Hattie, “Who has ideas for crafts that the preschoolers might like”? Orrie was first to raise his hand. When called on he said, ” I have a no mess paint craft.”  Miss Hattie nodded and said, “I’m all for that.” Nellie raised her hand and said, “I can make jewelry you can eat.”  That got everyone’s attention, but before they could ask how the crafts projects were done the bell rang signaling that crafts class was over.

As the “Can Dos” got up to go t0 their next activity, Miss Hattie called out, “Thank you all for being so generous with your time!”



A Fun 4th!

Monday, July 6th, 2015

The sun shone; it wasn’t too hot. It was a perfect day to celebrate the 4th and have fun at the “Can Do” Street Community Center.

The 4th of July celebrations started with foot races and games. Jay took first place in his age group for the track race. Willie and Bobby won the three-legged race. Kathy and Eulyn won the sack race. They all received  $25 gift certificates to the “Can Do” Street sports store.

4thThe “Can Do Kids Cooking Club, with the help of the seniors club, turned out a beautiful red, white and blue sheet cake. They also made blueberry smoothies that were the hit drink of the day and in keeping with the colors for the 4th of July.

The play about the signing of the Declaration of Independence was a huge success!

Everyone gave the “Can Do” Kids Chorus a big round of applause for their singing of: God Bless America, My Country Tis of Thee, America The Beautiful and closing with Happy Birthday!

Grandma Hattie won a prize for her strawberry pie at the barbeque supper. Grandma Maureen won for her potato salad and Grandpa Dooley won for the best spareribs.

After it got dark, fireworks professionals put on a beautiful show.

By 10 PM, it was time to head home. The “Can Dos” were tired but happy. It had been a wonderful 4th of July!


Ready for Father’s Day?

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

Jay making something for Father's DayJay and Hector were making their way to the community center when Jay asked Hector,”What are you giving your father for Father’s Day”?

Hector looked surprised and then nervous and said, “Uh Oh…I hector needs a gift for Father's Dayneed a Father’s Day gift for my pop”! Hector thought a bit more and then said, “I need one for my grandpa too! This is going to be expensive and I don’t have any money saved and Father’s Day is the 21st of June. That’s only a few weeks away. What am I going to do”?

Take it easy, Hector”, answered Jay. “We can ask Miss Hattie, our crafts teacher, to help us make something for our dads and grandpas for Father’s Day.”

picture of grandma hattie with her hand on her hipJust then they arrived at the community center and went to see Miss Hattie, the crafts instructor. Miss Hattie listened very carefully and said, “I have just the thing you can make for your dads and grandpas for Father’s Day. Something I know they will like…a decorated picture frame with a picture of you in it.” Hector looked concerned and said, “That sounds hard to do. I don’t think I can make a picture frame.” Miss Hattie smiled and said, “I have small wooden frames in my storage closet. You can each have two. All you need to do is decorate them with different shaped  pieces of small, dried pasta and dried beans.”

Jay asked, “Can we make them now Miss Hattie? Do you have paints and glue we can use”? Miss Hattie nodded and began handing the boys the supplies they needed: 4 small picture frames (one for a grandpa and one for a dad), containers of glue, dried beans, and small, dried pieces of pasta and non-toxic paints in different colors to paint the beans and the macaroni before gluing the pieces to the frame, and of course, the paint brushes.

Jay and Hector covered the crafts table with a plastic cloth. They chose the colors they wanted to use on the pasta and the beans and began painting. When the beans and pasta pieces were dry, Jay and Hector both laid out their pasta and beans and when they were satisfied that the frames looked the way they wanted them to, Miss Hattie guided them in gluing  each  piece in place.

Once the frames were completely dry, Miss Hattie gave each of the boys a box to put the frames in and take home with them.

Each of the boys thanked Miss Hattie and started for home feeling good about the gifts they made for their dads and grandpas for Father’s Day.


Food is Fuel

Friday, April 24th, 2015

Grandma Hattie describes food as fuel that our bodies run on.

She is always telling her grandchildren and their friends how important it is to eat good food, not junk food if they want to grow strong and healthy, not put on too much weight, and have the energy to learn, exercise and play.

Grandma Hattie always has lots of food in her refrigerator.


The other day she challenged Willie and his friends to pick out foods that are good to eat at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Why not see what food you can pick out for each meal? Don’t forget a snack food! Have a grown up check your choices.
