Posts Tagged ‘games day’

The Can Do Kids Fund Raise

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

Miss Sue called a meeting of the “Can Do’ Kids Club at the Community Center to talk about ways to fund raise to help the kids in a town nearby that was hit by a flood.

fund raiseThe “Can Do” Kids knew about the flood from their parentsĀ  and their teacher, Miss Pat. They all agreed that everyone needed to help that could help because the kids who experienced the flood lost a lot of their belongings. Not only do they need clothes and food and housing, they need school supplies and books.

It was going to be a sad holiday season for many of the kids.

fund raiseMiss Sue opened the discussion by asking the kids to come up with ways they thought they could fund raise.

Kathy suggested that the Can Do Cooking Club bake and package holiday cookies with the help of the Seniors Club. They would sell the baked goods to everyone who frequented the events at the center, especially when parents came to watch their kids games. Miss Sue said, “That’s a great idea, Kathy.”

Let’s have a show of hands to see if everyone agrees that this is a good way to fund raise.” It was unanimous!

“OK, how else can we fund raise,” asked Miss Sue. Hector raised his hand, and when called on said,”We could have a games day here at the center and all the money we take in from kids and parents will go to help kids who lost their stuff in the flood.”

Miss Sue beamed at the group and said, “You are very generous to want to help the children in our neighboring town. I am very proud of you.”
