Posts Tagged ‘friends’

Taking Turns Picking What to Play

Sunday, August 13th, 2017

image of kids at play using a soccer ball

Jay and Yundi went to the park to play.

Just then Jay saw some of their friends playing soccer and said, “Let’s go play soccer with our friends.”

“I don’t like soccer,” said Yundi. “I want to play tag.”Jay shook his head and said,”Our friends are playing soccer now. Maybe when they finish their soccer game they will play tag. I’m going to play soccer with them.”

Jay went off and played soccer and Yundi sat on the side of the field where his friends were playing and just looked grumpy.

When the game was over, Jay came over to Yundi with a big smile and said, “That was fun! You should have joined in. “

Yundi answered, “I told you I didn’t want to play soccer.”  Jay looked at Yundi and said,”Well, if you had been willing to play soccer today, than maybe tomorrow the others would be willing to play tag with you. If you look grumpy and don’t join in, then the other boys will think you don’t like any games and won’t ask you to play with them.”

Yundi thought about it for a minute and said,” So, if sometimes I play games I don’t really like so much, but others do, then they might play some of my favorite games?”

“Exactly,” said Jay. “It’s all about thinking of others, not just about what you want to play.” Then he added, “Most of all it’s about joining in and just having fun with friends, not what you play.”



Tuesday, April 12th, 2016

Nellie, Arthur J, Annie, Kathy, Bobby, and Orrie had just gotten comfortable in chairs in front of the big screen TV set at Grandma Maureen and Grandpa John’s house.

The “Can Dos” were having a sleep over. They were in their pajamas and excited about watching two Disney movies when the electricity went off. The kids all cried out at once, “Oh no!

Grandpa John came in the living room with a couple of flashlights and a big lantern. “Looks like the storm knocked out our lights and the TV,” he said.

“But what about our movies, asked Bobby. “Well,” said their grandpa, “we will just have to figure out something else to do. I know, how about I tell you what movies were like when I was your age?”

The “Can Dos” really weren’t so interested in Grandpa John telling a story about movies in the olden days, but a story beat going to bed early, so they all agreed that grandpa’s story sounded like a good idea.

“Well,” began Grandpa John, when I was your age there was no TV.” The “Can Dos” looked at  him, not able to believe what they were hearing! “Nope, if we wanted to see movies, there was a special day and a special time to see movies at our local movie theater.

Every Saturday morning from September to June would find us kids waiting in line in front of our local theater. It was the only chance we had all week to see out action heroes, Flash Gordon, Gene Autry and the Lone Ranger get out of dangerous situations and save people from harm. After the action serials came two movies that were just right for kids.

About 9:30 every Saturday morning, our moms would hand us a brown paper bag with a sandwich in it for lunch, a quarter, which included money for admission to the theater, a small drink and a very small candy bar.

We would line up in front of the theater, waiting for the doors to open. While we waited we’d be laughing, telling jokes and trading lunches with our friends. Once inside the theater, usherettes with flashlights would show us to our seats and keep close watch on us during the movies.

Trouble makers were put out of the theater. There weren’t many of those; no one wanted to miss what happened to the action heroes. Besides, where would you go, if you got kicked out? If you went home, your parents would know right away that you had gotten in trouble and, as a punishment, you wouldn’t get to go the movies on the next Saturday .

If you just walked around town, a grownup was sure to spot you and call your parents. Plus, it was just too much fun to be at the movies with all our friends to risk having to leave because of bad behavior.

Before the movies started, the theater manager would come on the stage and ask us to stand, face the flag, which stood in the left corner of the stage, and put our hands over our hearts. Then we sang the our National Anthem and said the Pledge of Allegiance.

For five hours, kids made there way to and from their seats, to the rest rooms and the candy counter.

At 3 PM, the movies were over for another week. We left the theater content that our action heroes had saved the day once again. Some of us had hoarse voices from cheering our action heroes on and laughing at the funny movies that followed the action heroes.”

Grandpa John got quiet. The “Can Dos” could see his thoughts were far away. Bobby asked,”What made the movies so special?” Grandpa smiled,”Why watching them with my friends made them special. Not only did we have fun while we were watching the movies, but we had stuff to talk about all week, such as what our heroes had done and what would happen in the next action movie.”

Just then the lights came back on and so did the TV. Grandma Maureen came into the living room and said it was getting late; there was not enough time to watch even one of the Disney Movies.

The “Can Dos” were getting ready to beg to stay up late and watch one of the movies, when Grandpa John said, “How about we all meet outside the living room door at 10:00 AM tomorrow morning. Pick up your brown bag lunch in the kitchen before you line up outside the living room door. Be sure to bring a quarter with you to get into the movies and buy a juice and a small candy bar. You will find quarters on the kitchen table when you pick up your brown bag lunch. Remember, take only one quarter.”

Arthur J wanted to know if their would be any short, action hero movies before the Disney movies. Grandpa John smiled that knowing smile that grownups get sometimes. “You’ll have to just wait and see. Now off to bed with you!”

Grandpa John waited until the “Can Dos” were safely tucked in bed. Then he went to his special storage cabinet in the bookcase in the living room , unlocked it, and took out two DVD’s that contained his favorite action hero movies from long ago.

Grandpa John couldn’t wait to share Flash Gordon and the Lone Ranger with the “Can Dos”. He was so excited to be going to a Saturday at the movies after all these years!


Movie Night

Saturday, June 28th, 2014

Movie night at the “Can Do” Street Community Center is a big deal.

The “Can Dos” get to go to a movie with each other, under the watchful eyes of their camp counselors. No parents, grandparents or teachers allowed!

The movie starts at 6:30 PM every Friday night, during camp, and is over by 8:30 PM. Parents drop the “Can Dos” off with their counselors and pick them up from their counselors when the movie lets out.

Each “Can Do” gets $1 from their parents on movie night. Admission is 75 cents and snacks are 25 cents.

Well, last Friday’s movie night was a real test of friendship.

When Arthur J. reached into his pocket for his movie money, it was gone. His mom had given him four quarters, since she didn’t have a dollar bill. Arthur J. didn’t know it, but he had a hole in his pocket and the quarters fell out somewhere along the way.

He didn’t know what to do. He walked over to where his friends were standing and told them what happened. He was really upset. He didn’t want to miss the movie. Most of all he didn’t want to miss the fun of sitting with his friends and trading snacks.

“Can anyone lend me the money for the movie,” asked Arthur J. “I’ll pay you back tomorrow, I promise.”

His friends were quiet for a few seconds, then Hector said, “If I give you my snack money, what will I eat”? Everyone giggled. They all know how important food is to Hector.

Then Willie said, “There are eight of us who always sit with Arthur J. Why don’t we put our snack money together? We will have 8 quarters. We can give 3 quarters to Arthur J for admission to the movie and still have 5 quarters to buy snacks that we can share.”

All the “Can Dos” thought Willie had a great idea, except Hector who said,”I like to eat all my snack myself. I get hungry watching a movie.” Nellie put her hands on her hips, stared at Hector and said, “Hector, you don’t need a whole snack. Besides, Arthur J is our friend. If you lost your money, he’d help you.”

Hector looked at Arthur J, who was nodding his head, agreeing with what Nellie was saying about how he would share if Hector didn’t have money to get into the movie.

Hector thought for a moment as the others stared at him. “Okay, you’re right. Her’s my quarter. I don’t want Arthur J to miss the movie.”

With that, all of the “Can Dos” each put their snack money together. Willie held the money, since it was his idea in the first place. Willie handed Arthur J. three quarters for the movie admission. Then they all went over to the snack table to decide what they could buy with the remaining five quarters.


Grandma Hattie Helpers

Monday, March 24th, 2014

Hattie HelpersgradeWillie and Nellie knew there was something wrong when Grandpa Dooley met them at the door. “Willie, Nellie, Grandma Hattie fell and sprained her ankle today.

She is resting in the living room,” said their grandpa. “Nellie asked,”Is she going to be okay?” Grandpa nodded ad led them into the living room.

There was Grandma Hattie, her foot propped up on a cushion, with her ankle wrapped. Nellie and Willie were careful not to touch her ankle when they hugged her.

Grandpa asked Willie and Nellie to sit down as he needed to talk with them about how they were going to have to be Grandma Hattie helpers until her ankle was better and she could walk on it again. Grandpa reminded them that he had to drive the school bus every morning and teach a music class in the afternoon. He would be out when they were getting ready for school, and would be out when they got home from school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Willie and Nellie looked unsure, but nodded in agreement. Willie said, “I’m supposed to got to Orrie’s for a play date tomorrow. Can I still go?” Grandpa shook his head no, and told Willie he was needed around the house. Grandpa suggested that Willie call Orrie and explain why he couldn’t come over the next day.

After Willie called Orrie, grandpa sat with him and Nellie and went over their helper chores while Grandma Hattie couldn’t walk. There were beds to be made, breakfast dishes to be done, waste paper baskets and trash to be emptied, the table set and cleared and the laundry folded and put away.  Willie’s eyes got bigger and bigger with each chore grandpa named. “Wow,” he said,” that’s a lot. What are you going to be doing grandpa?” Grandpa Dooley chuckled and said,”I will clean the house, wash your clothes, iron your clothes, cook the meals, do the grocery shopping and take care of grandma.” Willie answered,”I never realized how much grandma did around here!”

As they were talking, the doorbell rang. There stood Grandma Maureen, a dinner casserole in one hand and a list in the other. In she marched, checked out Grandma Hattie, sat down and began to read from the Grandma Hattie Helpers list.

Grandma Frances, Grandma Sue and some of the ladies from the senior group would drop off dinner meals each night. Grandma Maureen would do the ironing once a week, and look in on grandma each morning when grandpa was driving the school bus and Willie and Nellie had left for school.

Some of the “Can Do Kids, who live nearby, signed up to help Willie and Nellie with their after school chores.

When Grandma Maureen finished reading from the list, Willie burst out saying,”Yeah for the Grandma Hattie helpers!”


Being a Friend Means Making Thoughtful Choices

Monday, April 15th, 2013

Grandpa John took his grandson Orrie and his friend, Jay to the movie theater.

There is special seating for children and adults using wheelchairs. This seating area is behind the last row of seats in the theater. This is where Orrie needs to sit. There are chairs in this area, where a friend or two can sit with the child or adult sitting in a wheelchair.friend

While Orrie is getting settled in the theater, Jay stands on line to get a bag of popcorn for himself and one for  his friend, Orrie.

Jay meets Hector on line and Hector invites him to sit with him in the front of the theater where he tells Jay he can see the movie better. Jay has been waiting to see this movie and doesn’t want to miss any of it.

Is it okay for Jay to give Orrie his popcorn and tell him he is going to sit up front with Hector and will see him after the movie is over? If he is a good friend, what else can he do? What would you do?

What about asking Hector to sit with him and Orrie in the special seating area? Then they could all watch the movie together. 
