Posts Tagged ‘forced sharing’

Is Sharing Always a Good Idea?

Friday, March 25th, 2011

picture of grandma Maureen Grandma Maureen and Arthur J saw a situation that made them ask, “Is sharing always a good idea”?

Grandma Maureen and her grandson Arthur J were having lunch out at the diner on “Can Do” Street.  At the table next to them there were two mothers and their sons also having lunch. The boys looked and sounded like they were about 3 years old.

The one boy kept bouncing around on his seat, whining and hanging on to his mother’s arm. The other boy ate his lunch quietly and let his mom enjoy her lunch.

The waiter came over to the table and asked if the boys wanted a treat. The boy who had been eating quietly was finished his lunch and asked his mom if he could have an ice cream. His mom said yes. The other boy had left most of his lunch on his plate, but his mother asked him if he wanted ice cream. ” No,” he said loudly, “I want a smoothie.” His mom reminded him that he didn’t eat his lunch and a smoothie would be a lot to drink. He began to cry and slide down in his seat. His mom gave in and ordered him a smoothie.

When the treats arrived, the boy with the ice cream was enjoying his treat, while the boy with the smoothie took a couple of sips and said, “I don’t want this. I want ice cream.”

Grandma Maureen and Arthur J couldn’t help listening and watching. They wanted to see what would happen next!

The mother of the boy who wanted the ice cream turned to the other boy and said, ” Would you mind sharing half of your ice cream “? Before the boy could even answer, his own mother took his bowl of ice cream, scooped out half of it and gave it to the other boy!

Grandma Maureen and Arthur J couldn’t believe their eyes!

The boy who lost half his ice cream pulled his dish close to him and gobbled up what was left as fast as he could. The other boy grinned at him while eating what was once his ice cream.

Arthur J felt mad about what he had just seen. “Grandma,” he said, ” That  just wasn’t fair!  The boy never got a chance to say whether or not he wanted to share. He was forced to share. I don’t know who I feel madder at, the selfish boy who took his ice cream and ate it, or  the mom who asked him to share his ice cream, or his mom who just took his dish and gave his ice cream away. “

Grandma Maureen nodded and said, “Sharing isn’t always a good idea.There were lots of ways that could have been handled fairly. Maybe the boys and girls hearing this story can come up with some other ways than what we just saw.”

What do you think boys and girls? Do you have any ideas?
