Posts Tagged ‘footprints in stone’

Goodbye Camp Until Next Year

Friday, August 15th, 2014

The last day of camp was sunny and warm, not hot, just right. It was a perfect day for end-of-camp events.

There were sack races and three-legged races the first thing in the morning. Then it was time to enjoy the outdoor pool, one last time, as campers.

The camp lunch was a picnic on the lawn behind the recreation center. The picnic was a present from Grandpa John’s market of sandwiches, bottles of  juice and low-fat ice-cream sandwiches.

After lunch, all the campers assembled in the recreation center auditorium for a play and closing ceremonies for the camp.

Some of the “Can Do” Kids put on a play about the fun things at camp. Then Miss Sue, the Director, got up and spoke about all the good things that were accomplished at camp.

Miss Sue gave out certificates to The “Can Do” Chefs Club for the great smoothies they made for the campers. All the kids in Miss Hattie’s crafts class got a certificate for making the best decoration for the new path …footprint stones!

Then it was time for the closing circle. The “Can Dos” sang the camp song. The girls hugged, the boys shook hands. Then it was over. No more camp until next year. Kind of a sad moment, but filled with the promise of all being together next year.

There was still a week before school started after camp ended. There was still time to play with friends, that is if the moms didn’t have lots of things scheduled for them to do before school started.

Then it’s off to school to learn new things and make new friends!
