Posts Tagged ‘flowers’

Are You Ready for Mother’s Day?

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

can do kids are sitting around tables in the classroomMiss Pat knew if she started to talk about Mother’s Day the class would perk up.

It was Wednesday afternoon, just after lunch, and the “Can Do” Kids were having a hard time concentrating on their reading assignment. Miss Pat saw Willie fidgeting in his seat. Hector was scribbling in his notebook. Annie and Eulyn were whispering to one another. “Class”, said Miss Pat, ” I want to have a discussion that I think will be important to all of you.”

The class all looked up and came to attention. Miss Pat asked, “Who knows what day Sunday is?”

“It’s Mother’s Day,” shouted out most of the class.

By the looks on Hector and Arthur J’s faces Miss Pat could tell they forgot Mother’s Day was Sunday.  She couldn’t help thinking it was a good thing she brought it up.

Miss Pat asked, “Who wants to share what he or she is going to do for his or her mom and on Mother’s Day”?

Orrie raised his hand and said, “I saved some money that I got for my birthday and bought my mom a box of her favorite chocolates. I bought my grandma a box too.” The class clapped and Miss Pat said, “That is very thoughtful and generous of you Orrie. I know your mom and your grandma will be so pleased. “

Nellie and Willie shared that their mom was still home on leave from the army, so they were going to make her breakfast in bed with all her favorite foods. Again the class clapped. Then Yundi said he was going to ride his bike to the Chinese bakery and buy his mom her favorite dessert…custard tarts. He plans on paying for them with the money he earned from helping with chores around the house. Wendy wrote a special poem for her mom, all about what a great mom she is. Everyone thought these were special ideas.

Hector said, “I forgot Mother’s Day was coming up and I don’t have any money for a gift.” Arthur J. said, “Me too. I forgot and now I feel bad and I don’t know what to do.”

Miss Pat smiled and said, “Maybe the class can give you some ideas.”Annie raised her hand and said, “Why don’t you make your Mother’s Day cards and write how much you love them. Mothers love to hear that.” Maria suggested giving them a present of helping around the house for one week. “How would that work, asked Arthur J. “Simple,” said Maria, “just make a card that says…My Mother’s Day Gift to You Is Helping Around the House for One Week.  Then list all the things you will help with such as: Cleaning off the table, emptying the trash, sweeping the kitchen floor and putting the folded laundry away.”

“Wow, that’s a pretty big gift,” said Hector. “I wish I had saved money and bought flowers or candy.” The class all shouted out, “Oh Hector!”

Miss Pat said, “I am glad we had this talk. You all have some great ways to remember your moms and grandmas on Mother’s Day!”
