Posts Tagged ‘explorers’

Native Americans and Our First Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015

“Class, Jay is going to tell us about how Native Americans helped to make our first Thanksgiving possible,” said Miss Pat. “As you know,  Jay is a Native American.”

“Thanks Miss Pat,”  said Jay. He began, “The settlers, from Europe, that landed at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts were called Pilgrims. The natives that lived in this area were from tribes of the Wampanoag people who had lived there for 10,000 years before any explorers or settlers came from Europe.

After the Pilgrims built their settlement, they met Squanto, who spoke English. He was a member of the Pawtuxet tribe. He spoke English because he had been captured by explorers and taken to England. He escaped and came back to live with his tribe.

The first winter was very hard on the Pilgrims and many times they were very hungry. Squanto was a big help to the Pilgrims. He taught them to plant corn and other vegetables. He also taught them where to fish and how to hunt beaver and other animals for food.

In 1621, the Pilgrims invited their Native American neighbors to a feast of thanksgiving after they harvested what they had grown with Squanto’s help. That first Thanksgiving is why every year we celebrate Thanksgiving Day,” finished Jay.

The class all clapped and Jay smiled and took his seat. Miss Pat asked, “Does anyone have a question for Jay”?  Hector raised his hand and asked, “What did they eat at the feast”? Jay answered, “Can I talk about that tomorrow? I’m really tired of talking right now.”

Miss Pat smiled and said,”We will have to wait until tomorrow to hear more of Jay’s wonderful story about the first Thanksgiving. Thanks Jay.”

