Posts Tagged ‘donate clothes’

Getting Ready to Go Back to School

Monday, September 7th, 2015

schoolWhile the “Can Dos” thought they would have lots of time to do what they wanted to do in the last week before school started, it didn’t turn out that way! Their parents had lots for them to do.

It’ was that time again; time to do all the things that needed doing before school started for another year.

The time before school is time to:

  • Visit the doctor for a physical.
  • Visit the dentist for a check up and cleaning.
  • Get new school shoes.
  • Get new school clothes.
  • Clean out closets and draws to make room for new clothes and shoes.
  • Clean out an pack up all usable school supplies, clothes and shoes that are too small to wear, books that have been read and donate to an organization that helps children who need these things, but whose parents can’t afford to buy them.
  • Make a space that is quiet for doing homework.
  • Make a space on a shelf, and in draws where school supplies can be stored.
  • Work out a space with mom where important school papers need to be put so she finds them and signs them.
  • Have a talk with mom about the school schedule and what it means for the time to get up, time to leave for school, time to get home from school, chores, homework, free play time, TV and computer time, and bedtime. 

Wow, not much time for playing the week before school starts!
