Posts Tagged ‘Declaration of Independence’

Big Doings for the 4th of July

Thursday, June 30th, 2016

The “Can Do” Kids can’t wait for the 4th of July celebrations at the “Can Do” Street Community Center.

They love birthday parties and the 4th of July is  the biggest birthday party of all…our country’s birthday!

This year, there is so much more they could participate in for the 4th of July, now that they were a year older.

Weeks ago the “Can Dos” signed up for the various events at the Center. At the planning meeting,  they found out the big event on the 4th of July would be a short play about the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

4th of JulyEven though the original signers of the first Declaration of Independence were all men, the girls were given the opportunity to dress in male costumes, if they wanted to be in the play. Annie, Maria and Nellie signed up to be part of the play along with 10 boys to make up the needed 13 signers, one for each of the 13 colonies.

Kathy, Yundi, Hector and Eulyn signed up, as members of the “Can Do” Kids Chefs Club, to work with the senior’s club members to make red white and blue desserts to serve with the barbeque supper after the play.

Jay, Orrie, Mickey, Arthur J. Bobby, Wendy and Willie volunteered to be the chorus singing well-known patriotic songs to open and close the play.

After the barbeque, after the sunset, would come the fireworks. The “Can Dos” could watch the fireworks, they couldn’t participate in the fireworks. That’s a job for experienced adults, not kids. Kids could get hurt by fireworks.

4th of July  is going to be quite a day… NOW IF ONLY IT DOESN’T RAIN!


A Fun 4th!

Monday, July 6th, 2015

The sun shone; it wasn’t too hot. It was a perfect day to celebrate the 4th and have fun at the “Can Do” Street Community Center.

The 4th of July celebrations started with foot races and games. Jay took first place in his age group for the track race. Willie and Bobby won the three-legged race. Kathy and Eulyn won the sack race. They all received  $25 gift certificates to the “Can Do” Street sports store.

4thThe “Can Do Kids Cooking Club, with the help of the seniors club, turned out a beautiful red, white and blue sheet cake. They also made blueberry smoothies that were the hit drink of the day and in keeping with the colors for the 4th of July.

The play about the signing of the Declaration of Independence was a huge success!

Everyone gave the “Can Do” Kids Chorus a big round of applause for their singing of: God Bless America, My Country Tis of Thee, America The Beautiful and closing with Happy Birthday!

Grandma Hattie won a prize for her strawberry pie at the barbeque supper. Grandma Maureen won for her potato salad and Grandpa Dooley won for the best spareribs.

After it got dark, fireworks professionals put on a beautiful show.

By 10 PM, it was time to head home. The “Can Dos” were tired but happy. It had been a wonderful 4th of July!
