Posts Tagged ‘crafts’

A Halloween Happening

Monday, October 24th, 2016


Halloween is always a big event on “Can Do” Street!

Just about everyone participates in Halloween, even adults who don’t have kids or grandkids, because it is always so much fun.

The Halloween celebration starts at the recreation center, which is decorated both outside and inside to look like a haunted house. Everyone gathers around 2 PM. The “Can Do” kids carry and hang up their Halloween costumes in the storage room to be put on just before they go trick or treating.

They walk through a pumpkin patch and each “Can D0” picks out a pumpkin to paint in the crafts class. There’s a hall of funny mirrors maze where the “Can Dos” walk through and see themselves as all different shapes and sizes.

Then the “Can Do” Kids take a tour of the haunted house, stopping to look at the decorated rooms. If they want, they can paint a window pane on one of the windows of the house and the best window painter gets a prize.  Some of the “Can Dos”  make Halloween desserts that everyone can enjoy at supper before going trick or treating. The seniors club members help the kids make and decorate:

  • popcorn balls
  • eyeball in mud pudding ( marshmallow with a dried cranberry stuck in the middle and sitting in a small bowl of instant chocolate pudding )
  • pumpkin bread
  • ghost and witch cookies

Just before supper some of the “Can Dos”, who have been taking square dancing lessons put on a show of what they have learned. Then the choral group, directed by Grandpa Dooley, the music instructor, sing Halloween songs and the audience sings along.

At dinner, in the recreation center cafeteria, the “Can Dos” eat with all their parents and friends and other adults.

Then it is time…time to have faces painted to match costumes…time to get into costumes. Then the big event…the ragamuffin parade, when all the kids parade around in their costumes, parents and grandparents take pictures and there are prizes for the best costumes.

Just when the “Can Dos ‘ think they can’t possibly have any more fun…it is time to trick or treat up and down “Can Do” Street and all the side streets!

Some of the adults leave to get back home in time to give out Halloween treats to the kids as they go from door to door.

Parents and grandparents walk with the children and stay with them as they go from house to house tick or treating. The “Can Dos” all mind their manners, saying thank you when they are handed a treat.

After they visit the last house, it is time to go home. Once home, each “Can Do” spills out his or her bag of  Halloween treats to see what treats the bag holds.

The moms and dads usually say, “You can eat one treat now, then it is off to bed. Tomorrow is soon enough to portion out your treats over the next few weeks, so you don’t get a stomach ache”.

And that is how Halloween happens on “Can Do” Street!


The”Can Do”s Volunteer to Help with Crafts in Summer Camp

Wednesday, July 29th, 2015

picture of grandma hattie, the crafts teacher, with her hand on her hip Boys and girls,” said Miss  Hattie, ” I need volunteers to help me with my preschool crafts classes here, at the Community Center.

I need two volunteers for the morning crafts session from 10 until 11 am and two volunteers for the afternoon session from 1 to 2 pm.”

Everybody, except Hector looked up from their crafts projects and gave Miss Hattie their attention. Hector kept his head down and kept working on his crafts project. Willie poked Hector saying, “Hey Hector, that’s my grandma you’re ignoring!”

“Sorry Willie; sorry Grandma Hattie, I mean Miss Hattie, I am sorry for not paying attention,” said Hector. It’s just that I don’t want to help with little kids. I’ve got a little brother and I have to help him all the time and that’s enough helping to have to do”! Miss Hattie smiled and said, “I  understand how you feel, Hector, but maybe you could help in another way. How about you hand out crafts materials before class? Maybe you would rather collect the craft materials after class and put them away. I always need help with sweeping up after class.”

Hector thought for a moment and then said, “Put me down for sweeping up after the morning crafts  class. I like to sweep. It’s fun.”  Before Miss Hattie could thank Hector, Jay raised his hand and volunteered to sweep after the afternoon crafts class. Then Bobby volunteered to set up for the morning class and  the afternoon class. Miss Hattie said, “Thank you. That will be such a big help! Now, who wants to work with the preschoolers”?

Orrie, Nellie, Kathy and Arthur Jay raised their hands. “That’s wonderful,” said Miss Hattie.

“Okay, here’s the fun part,” said Miss Hattie, “Who has ideas for crafts that the preschoolers might like”? Orrie was first to raise his hand. When called on he said, ” I have a no mess paint craft.”  Miss Hattie nodded and said, “I’m all for that.” Nellie raised her hand and said, “I can make jewelry you can eat.”  That got everyone’s attention, but before they could ask how the crafts projects were done the bell rang signaling that crafts class was over.

As the “Can Dos” got up to go t0 their next activity, Miss Hattie called out, “Thank you all for being so generous with your time!”



Time to Get Ready for Halloween!

Monday, October 15th, 2012

“It’s that time again,” announced Miss Pat. “It’s time to talk about all things Halloween!”

The “Can Do” Kids all came alive in their seats. They all love Halloween and look forward to it as soon as they get back to school following summer vacation.

Miss Pat continued with what she was saying,” It’s time to think about decorating our homeroom and the bulletin board outside our homeroom. This year we are going to do something different. We are going to find Halloween graphics on the Internet, print them out and display them on the bulletin board along with the proper spelling of their names.”

Miss Pat could see by the looks on the “Can Dos” faces that they weren’t so sure this was a good idea.  Just then Willie raised his hand and when Miss pat called on him he said, ” That sounds hard. How will that work?”

Miss Pat smiled and answered,”It just so happens that I made computer matching games that contain things we see on Halloween and the correct spelling of each thing.”

Miss Pat saw a look of relief come over the face of each “Can Do” Kid.

Just them, the bell rang for the first class of the day. The “Can Dos” gathered up their books and started for the door and their first class.

Miss Pat called after them,”See you in computer class when we will find ideas for our Halloween decorations in the matching games I made!


Bear Face Waffle Craft…Make and Eat

Sunday, April 10th, 2011

bear face craft made from different size waffles, cream cheese and pieces of fruitAnnie was all excited as she took her craft to the front of the room to show the class what she made.

As she held it up the craft for all to see she said,  “This is a bear face that I made out of two mini waffles and one regular waffle. I decorated my craft project with strawberry cream cheese and made eyes out of blueberries and a nose out of the tip of the strawberry and the mouth out of a strip of strawberry.”

Before she could say anything else, Willie yelled out,You could have done a better job spreading the cream cheese on the waffles.” Annie’s face turned red and she stared at him, saying, ” Willie Hunt, I did that on purpose. This is a little kids craft. If  I make it perfect looking, they will feel bad if they can’t make the craft to look as good as mine. ”

Miss Hattie smiled at Annie and said, That’s very thoughtful of you Annie! Why don’t you continue with what you were saying before Willie yelled out at you”? Annie gave Willie a look , smiled at Miss Hattie and said, ” After the children make this craft, they can eat is as a snack!

All you need to make this craft  with 10 children is one box of frozen waffles, one box of frozen mini waffles, one tub of strawberry cream cheese, a small container of fresh blueberries, a small container of fresh strawberries, paper plates and one package of plastic knives.”

Miss Hattie thanked Annie  and all the “Can Do” Kids that come up with a craft idea for spring camp. Then she said, You gave me so many good craft ideas that Miss Sue wants to talk to you all about games the Pre-K group can play in spring camp.”


Name Card Crafts

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

Eulyn raised her hand and when Miss Hattie called on her she said, “I have a project for the preschool crafts class that is both practical and fun.

I brought a sample with me to show you and the class. May I tell you about it and show you the sample”?

Miss Hattie smiled and answered saying, “Of course Eulyn, we would all like to hear and see what you brought in as a project for my crafts class”  Eulyn beamed and said, “This is a craft for the first day of camp that will help the teachers and the volunteers quickly get to know the children’s names without having to ask them all the time.

I’m talking about name tags that the children can make in crafts class and wear in all their other classes and activities.”

the crafts class will make decorated name tagsEulyn held up a name tag that was decorated all around the edges with small stickers and had a space in the middle for a child’s name. She said, “In the first crafts class on the Monday of Spring Camp, each child would be given 5 name tags, the kind that you wear right on your clothes; a nontoxic magic marker, and enough small stickers to decorate 5 cards. Those boys and girls who already print can put their names in the middle of their cards.  Volunteers will help those boys and girls who don’t, as yet, print to write their names on their cards.

Doing five cards will keep the boys and girls busy for the whole crafts class and they will each have a new name card for every day of camp.” Eulyn smiled and sat down.

The class clapped and Miss Hattie said, “I like your idea Eulyn. You’re right, it is practical and the children will be very proud to wear the tags. It will definitely make things a lot easier for the teachers. Now they don’t have to keep looking up a child’s name on the attendance sheet”!

Just then Annie raised her hand and said, “Miss Hattie, I have a craft that is fun to make and then you can eat it.” Miss Hattie looked pleased and answered, ” Sounds good, Annie, but you will need to wait to tell us about it until the next crafts class because we are almost out of time.

See you all in our next crafts class.”
