Posts Tagged ‘counting’


Wednesday, June 1st, 2016

The “Can Dos” came back from Memorial Day weekend with their heads full of what they want to do come summer vacation.

Miss Pat knew they would.

The “Can Dos” are not fond of the times tables.

Since Miss Pat knows they are important,  she made up two games using the times tables for the class to play.

Why not play along?

Just go to the “Can Do”Club House, choose games and them choose the games called x+1.

Good luck!


The Coin Game

Wednesday, March 30th, 2016

Miss Pat noticed that some of the “Can Dos” were having trouble figuring out their coin change when they bought snacks at the skating rink the other day.

She decided to put up a game on their computers that would help with coin counting.

The next day she directed the class to go to their computers and play the coin game.

Why don’t you play along? Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose the balloon that says more games and start playing

After you play the game, try writing a sentence about each coin.


The First Day Back…Counting Exercises

Friday, January 9th, 2015

Miss Pat and counting gamesThe first day back to school after the holiday break was hard for the “Can Dos” and Teacher Pat was having a hard time getting and holding their attention.

Kathy fell asleep and Annie had to nudge her with her elbow to wake up. Bobby was doodling in his notebook. Hector looked bored and Nellie and Maria kept whispering to each other.

“Class,” said Miss Pat,”I can see you are all having a hard time getting back into a listening and learning while sitting in your seats.

So, all of you go to your computers and we will do some counting exercises.”

Willie shrugged and said, “Miss Pat, I know how to count. What do I need the computer to count”?

Miss Pat answered, “Willie, I knew everyone would be having a hard time paying attention their first day back, so I made up two counting games to play on the computer. In the games you will be counting by 3’s and by 4’s.”

Nellie, looked nervous. “That sounds hard, she said. “Oh, it will be fun,” said Orrie. “Okay for you to say, Orrie.You are good at math.” answered Nellie.

Once the class was settled in at their computers, Miss Pat directed them to go to the “Can Do’ Club House, then click on games and choose the counting game. First play counting by 3’s. Then play counting by 4’s.

The room grew quiet for the first time all day as the class got busy playing the counting game.

Why don’t you try the counting game boys and girls at home? Just follow Miss Pat’s instructions.


Counting by 5s

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

countingMiss Pat noticed the “Can Dos” were getting tired of all the counting exercises she was giving them to do. She decided to make a few counting games they could do on the computer.

The counting games were not as easy to do as the “Can Dos” thought they would be but they were more fun than doing counting problems on paper.

The counting games are all about putting the numbers in the right order. It took some of the “Can Dos” longer than others to get the counting games right.

Guess who was first to finish the counting games and to get them right? Nope, not Orrie but Annie. She is really good at counting!

Why don’t you try? Go to The “Can Do” Club House and choose games, then choose…counting by 5s.

