Posts Tagged ‘corn’

Here Comes Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 21st, 2014

Miss Pat decided to use the coming Thanksgiving holiday to teach a history lesson about life in the American colonies.

She invited Jay, since he is an American Indian, to tell the story of what the early colonists ate at that first Thanksgiving meal.

Thanksgiving“Hi,” said Jay. ”What I am going to tell you about today I  learned from reading and listening to the History Channel on TV.

What did the Pilgrims and their Native American guests eat that first Thanksgiving day? Well, lots of what they called fowl caught by hunters. There were ducks and geese eaten on the first Thanksgiving. Historians don’t know for sure if they had wild turkeys. They may have.

If the Pilgrims had cranberries, they would not have been sweet. Colonists didn’t start to boil cranberries with sugar for another 50 years.

They didn’t have potatoes either. The colonists were not growing white or sweet potatoes back then. They didn’t have sweet pies for dessert since they didn’t have butter and flour for pie crust and there was very little sugar for pie filling.

They did have lobsters, mussels, white and red grapes, black and red plums, and flint corn. And that’s what I know about what they ate on that first Thanksgiving.”

Everyone clapped and Miss Pat said, “Thank you Jay for sharing all that you know about that first Thanksgiving!”



A Rainbow on my Plate

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

plateThe “Can Do” Kids Chefs Club hosted a camp session on making healthy food choices called …A Rainbow on my Plate.

The guest speaker was Miss Mary, a dietitian, who works for the “Can Do” Street Elementary and High Schools during the school year. Miss Mary’s job is to plan healthy meals for the children attending the schools. She makes sure that the children get foods that will help them feel good so they do well in school and after school activities, such as sports.

“Good Morning “Can Dos,” said Miss Mary. “Let’s play a game I call Rainbow on my Plate.”  With that, Miss Mary handed each “Can Do” a paper plate and said,”We are going to fill the plate with fruits and vegetables that are the colors of the rainbow.” Miss Mary had a box of paper vegetable and fruits and as each “Can Do”answered her questions, with the right answers, she added a picture of the fruit or vegetable to the plate.

Here are the questions. Choose the correct answers from the list of fruits and vegetables listed below the questions.

Let’s see how you do building a rainbow of fruits and vegetables on your plate.

1. Choose a green vegetable____________________

2. Choose a green fruit ________________________

3. Choose a red vegetable ______________________

4. Choose a red fruit__________________________

5. Choose a blue fruit_________________________

6. Choose an orange vegetable__________________

7. Choose an orange fruit______________________

8. Choose a yellow vegetable___________________

9. Choose a yellow fruit_______________________

10. Choose a white vegetable__________________

11  Choose a white fruit______________________

Be sure to ask a family member to review your answers with you.

Did you make a rainbow on your plate?

Answers: pear, cauliflower, pineapple, corn, cantaloupe, carrot, blueberry, apple, beet, pepper, grape.
