Posts Tagged ‘computer games’

The Steps to Good Personal Hygiene

Thursday, April 30th, 2015

At the last parent-teacher meeting some of the parents asked Miss Pat if there was a computer game that could help their children practice the steps of good personal hygiene.

It seems that some of the “Can Dos” were having trouble with the steps for wash their hands and keeping themselves clean.

Miss Pat decided to make up a game, two of them to be exact.

The first game reminded the “Can Dos” of the correct steps to hand washing. The second game Miss Pat made reminded the “Can Dos” of the steps to washing and grooming.

Well, at first the “Can Dos” couldn’t see the need for the games as they all thought they knew the steps of hand washing a personal grooming. Wow, were they surprised when they didn’t do so well in the two games.

Let’s see how well you do with the “Steps” games.

Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, go to games and choose Steps.


The Monkey House

Sunday, November 9th, 2014

The “Can Dos” were still excited about their annual trip to the zoo on Friday; they especially enjoyed visiting their favorite animal house – the monkey house.

Some of the class had drawn pictures of what they saw, others had pictures they took in the monkey house.

Miss Pat had everyone arrange their seats in a circle and announced the rules of the “Monkey Facts” game. Each “Can Do” would take a turn stating a fact they discovered about monkeys. She would go around the circle until there was only one “Can Do” left in the circle who still had a fact they could share about monkeys. He or she would be the winner of the Monkey Facts game.

And so, as each “Can Do” took a turn, they each began share a monkey fact. Here they are:

  • A group of monkeys is called a troop.
  • In the wild, monkeys spend most of their time in trees.
  • Monkeys can live to be over forty years old in captivity.
  • There are over 200 different kinds of monkeys.
  • A monkey can be specially trained to help people with disabilities
  • A monkey can weigh anywhere from four ounces to one hundred pounds.
  • Monkeys peel their bananas and don’t eat the skins.
  • A monkey can use his tail in the same way as his hands and feet.
  • An ape does not have a tail but a monkey does.
  • There are laws against bringing monkeys or apes into the United States or Canada.

Well, surprise, surprise, Orrie didn’t win…Maria did!

After the game, the “Can Dos” looked sad. Miss Pat asked the class what was wrong. Willie answered for the class, “I wish we could see the monkeys again.”

Miss Pat smiled and said, Well, you are in luck because I have surprise for all of you. Go to your computers, choose the “Can Do” Club House and then choose More Games, then choose the Monkey puzzle.”

The “Can Dos” were thrilled as they used the puzzle to create a picture of a monkey!

Okay boys and girls it’s your turn to play the monkey puzzle. Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose more games, choose monkey puzzle and put the pieces together that make the monkey picture. There is an easy version and a hard version…good luck!



A Games Break

Sunday, September 14th, 2014

The “Can Dos” were having a hard time getting back into the swing of a full day at school. So Miss Pat announced,”Time for a games break! ” 

Miss pat and the games“Each of you get up, walk slowly to your computer, and take your seat. Once you are at you computer, your can turn it on and go to the “Can Do” Club House,” said Miss Pat.

“Miss Pat, Miss Pat,” said Nellie, “I’m in the club house, now what?”

Miss Pat asked for a show of hands to make sure that everyone was in the club house. When everyone raised their hands, she said,”Okay, use your mouse to click on the balloon that says More Games.” No sooner did she get the words out of her mouth when oohs and ahs went up from the class.

Jay wanted to know which of the six new games he could play. Miss Pat laughed and said, ” Why all of them. One at a time of course!”

You can play the games too boys and girls. Just go to the home page, click on the cloud that says club house and choose the balloon that says More Games. Then…have fun!


Just for Fun

Monday, June 17th, 2013

It was raining…again.  No fun! What a way to start summer vacation. It had been raining for three days.

Some of the “Can Dos ” were over at Orrie’s having a play date. They had played computer games, watched TV, had lunch and now they were bored. Grandpa John came in and suggested that they do something old fashioned, like solve some mazes just for fun.

The “Can Dos” were will to try anything different than what they had been doing for the past few days. So Grandpa John gave each of them the following maze to work on.

Why don’t you try ? Just print the maze out and see how you do. Have fun!



The First Day Back to School After the Holidays

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

The first day back to school after the holiday was cold and rainy. The “Can Dos” were having a hard time concentrating on school work.

Luckily, Miss Pat knew the “Can Dos”needed some help getting back in the school grove. So, she made two computer games to ease them back into their computer lessons.

She made two matching games about the toys the children got.

Why don’t you play along with the “Can Dos”? Go to the Club House on “Can Do” Street, click on it, then click on games. Look for the games called Show and Tell, click on them and play!
