Posts Tagged ‘computer games’

Would you have Wanted to be a Pilgrim Child?

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016

Pilgrim children were busy.

They did not have as much time as we do today to read or play games. Even young Pilgrim children were needed  to work their parents farms, hunt, fish and participate in the every day life of their community.

Religious activities, school and helping around the house with daily living activities also took a part of their time each week.

During what little free time they had, Pilgrim children were allowed to play games.

They probably played games with each other and their new friends, the Native America children on Thanksgiving Day.  They may have played a game called naughts and crosses, that we know as  tic, tac, toe, and  a game they called draughts that we know as checkers.

Pilgrim children may also played other games such as ball games, shooting marbles and a game similar to hide and seek, called blind man’s bluff.

One thing is for sure…Pilgrim children had to make up games since there were few toys to play with back then and it would be hundred of years before, radio, TV and computers games were invented!


A New School Year

Sunday, September 4th, 2016

schoolThe first day of school was warm and sunny.

For those “Can Dos” who live close enough to school to walk, it was great fun walking with friends and talking about what school was going to be like in a new grade. Of course, the moms all walked to school with the “Can Dos” but they all walked together talking about the stuff that moms talk about.

Most of the “Can Dos” carried knapsacks, which were mostly empty, except for pencils, paper, and other school supplies. On the trip home the knapsacks were sure to be heavier because they would be full of new books for Social Studies, Language Arts, Math and Computer Skills.

As they got near the school, they saw the school bus pull up, stop, and let off those “Can Dos” who live too far away from school schoolto walk. They ran up to meet their friends and then they all walked into school together.

The principal was just inside the school door; she was meeting and greeting each of the “Can Dos” and directing them to the auditorium. Once the “Can Dos” were in the auditorium, Coach Campbell gave them a big hello and led them to their seats.

The “Can Dos” listened carefully as each class was called to stand, meet their home room teacher, and walk to their new classroom. Soon it was their turn.

They were so happy to hear that Miss Pat would be their home room teacher and their computer instructor even though they would have different teachers for their other subjects.

The “Can Dos” followed Miss Pat to a sun-filled classroom with tables and chairs that were just the right size for them. There were rows of computers in the back of the room and coat closets with lots of room for boots and rain and snow gear come winter.

Then came the fun part. Miss Pat said,”When I call your name, please take the seat I assign you.” The “Can Dos” all hoped to sit next to their best friends, but Miss Pat knew better than that. Sitting next to your best friend would be too much of a temptation to talk.

Soon, everyone had his or her seat. Miss Pat welcomed everyone back to school, took attendance and gave the “Can Dos” their daily schedule of classes and the teachers who would teach them in each class. The class did not have to change rooms for each class, the teachers would come to them.

The day went by fast and soon they were on their way home talking a mile a minute about their new teachers and all the new things they would be learning.

The “Can Dos all agreed that the school year was off to a very good start!



Wednesday, June 1st, 2016

The “Can Dos” came back from Memorial Day weekend with their heads full of what they want to do come summer vacation.

Miss Pat knew they would.

The “Can Dos” are not fond of the times tables.

Since Miss Pat knows they are important,  she made up two games using the times tables for the class to play.

Why not play along?

Just go to the “Can Do”Club House, choose games and them choose the games called x+1.

Good luck!


The Coin Game

Wednesday, March 30th, 2016

Miss Pat noticed that some of the “Can Dos” were having trouble figuring out their coin change when they bought snacks at the skating rink the other day.

She decided to put up a game on their computers that would help with coin counting.

The next day she directed the class to go to their computers and play the coin game.

Why don’t you play along? Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose the balloon that says more games and start playing

After you play the game, try writing a sentence about each coin.


What Do You Know About the 4th of July?

Sunday, June 28th, 2015

4th of July

Let’s see what you know about the 4th of July.

Go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose games, then choose …4th of July. There are two new matching games.

The first matching game is about the things you see and can do on the 4th.

The second matching game has pictures about the time when the 13 original colonies came together and declared their independence on the 4th of July.

Good Luck!

