Posts Tagged ‘chores’


Thursday, April 13th, 2017

choresThe boys were snacking with Grandma Hattie but she was wondering if Willie did his chores.

Then Willie asked, “Grandma, may I go to Orrie’s when we finish our snack? He has new computer games and he invited me to come see them.”

Grandma asked,”Did you finish your chores?”

Willie said,”No mam, but I will later, when I get back from Orrie’s.” Grandma Hattie answered, saying,”Willie that’s what you told me yesterday when I asked you to put your toys away, empty the waste paper basket in your room and hang your clothes up. You still haven’t done it  and your cousin is coming for a sleep over in your room tomorrow night.”

Willie got all red in the face and said, “I hate chores. Why do I have to do chores anyway? I bet Orrie doesn’t have to do chores!”

Then it was Orrie’s turn to get red in the face. Orrie sputtered and said, “Hey Willie, don’t think that just because I use a wheelchair I don’t do my fair share of chores at home because I do! I fold my laundry when it comes out of the wash and put it away. I dust my room with a big dusting wand. I empty my waste basket in the main trash can in the kitchen.”

Then Hector chimed in, saying, “I have to do chores every day. I have to keep my room neat. I even clean off the table after dinner at night.”

These were not the answers Willie wanted to hear.

Grandma used the time to talk about chores. “Hector, Orrie, do you think it is fair to have to do chores?”

Orrie answered, “My mom says that we are a family and everyone in the family needs to take responsibility for helping around the house.” Hector added, “My mom works outside of the house all day and then comes home and cooks for us. She needs some help.”

Grandma had another question,”What about your taking care of your rooms?”

“Oh, that’s an easy one,” said Hector, “It’s my room, I messed it, I should clean it up.” Orrie nodded yes. He feels the same way.

Willie was still fighting the idea of chores. He said,”I bet you both get an allowance for doing chores.”

Hector and Orrie shook their heads and Orrie answered,”Nope, I do chores because their my responsibility, because I live in the house, because doing my fair share is expected of me.”

Hector nodded and said, “I get an allowance for spending money. It has nothing to do with chores. I get it if I behave properly, do my homework as I am supposed to and get good grades. I can earn more money if I do extra chores.”

Willie asked to be excused. Grandma wanted to know where he was going. Willie answered, “To clean my room. Orrie, thanks for the invite, but my room is a mess. Can I see the game some other time?”

Grandma smiled. Hector turned to Orrie and said, “Can I see the game? I don’t have any chores until after dinner.” Orrie spun his chair around. He and Hector helped grandma clear the table. Then they each gave her a big hug and a thank you and off they went.

Do you do your chores when you are asked to do them?


A Bath for Scooter

Sunday, January 17th, 2016

ScooterGetting back into the routine of daily learning was hard for some of the “Can Dos” after the holiday vacation. So Miss Pat challenged the class to a story contest to get the “Can Dos back to thinking, being creative and writing.

Miss Pat asked the class to use the 5 Ws and the 1H of writing that they learned about before the holiday break to write a story about a puppy being bathed in a sink.

Well, to Miss Pat’s surprise, the best story, called, “A Bath for Scooter,” was written by Arthur Jay.

After Miss Pat announced the winner of the story contest about the puppy in the sink, she asked Arthur J to read his story to the class. Arthur J stood up, cleared his throat and started reading.

A Bath for Scooter, by Arthur J.

Scooter is a puppy that gets into things. Yesterday Scooter got into the kitchen trash can and got covered with sticky stuff.

Bobby’s mom told Bobby to give Scooter a bath in the sink. Bobby wasn’t happy about having to give Scooter a bath. His mom reminded him of how he kept asking for a puppy and how he promised to take care of the puppy if she would just get him one.

Bobby got the puppy soap. He picked up Scooter and put him in the sink. Scooter tried to get out of the sink, but he couldn’t. So he just laid his head on the side of the sink and got a sad look on his face.

Bobby washed Scooter and dried him with a towel that was just for him. He rubbed him all over until his fur was all fluffy. Then Scooter ran all around. Scooter looked and smelled good.

Whiles Scooter was running around, Bobby cleaned the bathroom and threw the towel in the wash. As he was cleaning up, Bobby made up his mind to do a better job of watching Scooter. He didn’t want to have to keep giving Scooter a bath and he didn’t want his mom to be mad a Scooter.

Okay, boys and girls at home why don’t you write a story about the puppy in the picture? In our next post, we will talk about the 5Ws and the 1H questions. Why not print out Arthur J’s story then circle the who, what, where, when and why and the how answers in Arthur J’s story. Let’s see how you do when you compare your answers to the ones the “Can Dos” give Miss Pat.


Getting Ready to Go Back to School

Monday, September 7th, 2015

schoolWhile the “Can Dos” thought they would have lots of time to do what they wanted to do in the last week before school started, it didn’t turn out that way! Their parents had lots for them to do.

It’ was that time again; time to do all the things that needed doing before school started for another year.

The time before school is time to:

  • Visit the doctor for a physical.
  • Visit the dentist for a check up and cleaning.
  • Get new school shoes.
  • Get new school clothes.
  • Clean out closets and draws to make room for new clothes and shoes.
  • Clean out an pack up all usable school supplies, clothes and shoes that are too small to wear, books that have been read and donate to an organization that helps children who need these things, but whose parents can’t afford to buy them.
  • Make a space that is quiet for doing homework.
  • Make a space on a shelf, and in draws where school supplies can be stored.
  • Work out a space with mom where important school papers need to be put so she finds them and signs them.
  • Have a talk with mom about the school schedule and what it means for the time to get up, time to leave for school, time to get home from school, chores, homework, free play time, TV and computer time, and bedtime. 

Wow, not much time for playing the week before school starts!


Tidy Up

Tuesday, April 7th, 2015

tidy upMiss Pat looked up and saw Hector throwing a piece of paper on the floor. Wow, she thought, Hector doesn’t tidy up after himself; he expects others to clean up after him.

Miss Pat said, “Hector, what are you doing?” Hector turned red and said, “Nothing Miss Pat.” Miss Pat walked over to where he was sitting and picked up the paper he had crumpled up and thrown on the floor. She handed him the paper and said, “Hector where does this paper belong?”  Hector mumbled, “In the trash Miss Pat.”

Miss Pat looked at Hector and said, “Well, if you know where it belongs why throw it on the floor?” Hector answered, “It was easier to throw it on the floor than get up and go put it in the trash basket.” Then he got up and put the paper in the trash.

Miss Pat told the class to tidy up their table areas before going to lunch. When she came back in the room after lunch she was not happy to see that a couple of the “Can Dos” had left their areas messy. So…when the class came back in after lunch it was time to have a talk about how to tidy up after yourself.

“Class,” said Miss Pat, “I was disappointed to see that some of you don’t know how to tidy up after yourselves. Annie raised her hand and asked, “What does tidy up mean?” Miss Pat smiled and answered, “Well, its a term that my grandma used to use all the time when I was a little girl. It means, clean up.”

Miss Pat thought a minute and then said, “I am going to go around the room and ask each one of you what you do at home to tidy up after yourselves.” As she went around the room there were answers such as…I put my toys away, I throw my dirty clothes in the laundry basket, I make my bed, I clean my dishes off the table after eating, I hang up my coat and hat when I get home.

A few of the “Can D0s” could not think of anything they do at home to tidy up after themselves. Not good thought Miss Pat, especially since these were the “Can Dos” who left their table areas messy. Maybe they don’t know how to tidy up, she thought.

Miss Pat announced, “Children, I have a way we can practice tidying up. It’s a game and we can play it on the computer. Everyone go to your computers. The “Can Dos” were all excited. They loved using the computers.

Do you want to play along with the “Can Dos”? Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose more games on the purple balloon and then choose the new game…Tidy Up. You will have fun and your parents will like the game too!


It’s That Time Again…Mother’s Day

Saturday, May 10th, 2014

Tomorrow is mom’s special day… Mother’s Day. So, if you haven’t thought of what to make or do…you better get busy!

Here are some of the things the “Can Do” Kids are doing for Mothers Day. Maybe you will get an idea about what you want to do about Mother’s Day for your mom.

  • Nellie and Willie are looking forward to having their mom home on leave from the military. They’ve decorated the house with welcome home signs. On Mother’s Day, with the help of Grandma Hattie, they are going to surprise their mom with breakfast in bed.
  • Orrie wrote a poem about what his mom means to him and will put it on her dish at breakfast.
  • Hector wrote an”I promise” list to his mom. In it he promises to do extra chores around the house for a week as his Mother’s Day gift.
  • Maria made he mom a necklace in jewelry class at the community center.
  • Yundi and Wendy made cookies with Grandma Sue’s help to give to their mom.
  • Mickey is going to give his mom a rose.
  • Bobby saved up money he got for helping Grandpa John clean up the cellar. He is going to buy his mom a box of her favorite candy.

 What you are going to do for your mom on Mother’s Day?
