Posts Tagged ‘checkers’

Why Does Willie Almost Always Win at Checkers?

Monday, January 9th, 2017

Why is Willie good at checkers?

There was a checkers contest at the community center and Willie beat everyone who played against him!

How did he beat every one of his friends at checkers? When asked by a group of the “Can Dos” who lost to him,  Willie told them that he played checkers often. That is why he is so good at it. Well, just as he was saying that, Grandpa Dooley walked by and heard what he said.

“Willie,” said Grandpa Dooley, “Why don’t you share how you really got so good at playing checkers”? “Oh, do I have to,” said Willie. ” No,” said Grandpa Dooley, “but it would be the fair thing to do.”

“Okay, ” said Willie, “Grandpa Dooley found me a computer game that lets me practice checkers any time I want to. I play against the computer and that can be tricky.”

The “Can Dos” all asked him to show them the game. Grandpa Dooley offered to install the game on the computers at the community center if Miss Sue agreed it was okay to do.

Why don’t you take a look at the game with the “Can Dos”? Why not play a game or so?

Just go to the “Can Do “Club House and choose the balloon that says more games, then click on draughts and checkers.

Have fun!

