Posts Tagged ‘caring for a pet’

A Kitten is Cute; A Kitten is Work

Saturday, April 18th, 2015

 kittenWhen Bobby rang the bell, Arthur J’s mom answered saying,”Sorry Bobby, said Arthur J’s mom, “Arthur J just got that kitten he wanted and now he needs to stay in and spend today learning how to care for the kitten.”

Bobby wanted to know if it was a big job to take care of a kitten, since he wanted a kitten, but his mom wasn’t sure he was old enough to take care of a pet. “Why don’t you come in and see for yourself,” said Arthur J’s mom.

Arthur J was setting up the litter box in the basement when Bobby walked in and asked, “What’s the kitten’s kittenname?” Arthur J held up the kitten and said,”Meet Bubbles.”

“Boy, do I ever want a kitten,” said Bobby. “Well, before you go getting one you need to know a few things that might change your mind,” said Arthur. “All pets are work and my mom said if I want a pet, I have to take care of it.”

Bobby thought a moment and said, “Well at least with a cat you don’t have to walk it, no matter what the weather.” Arthur J said, “Look what I’m doing. I’m filling a litter box with kitty litter so my kitten can go to the bathroom. I have to empty this litter regularly and throw it away and make sure my kitten has fresh kitty litter.”

Arthur’s mom came in a said, “Pets are wonderful, but they are work. Bobby, before you get a kitten think about the following:

  • There are things you need to buy  such as a litter box, cat carrier, food and water bowls, a collar and tags, and several toys.
  • You need to cat-proof your house before kitty arrives and pick up anything small  she could swallow.
  • Kittens need to eat 3x the calories as adult cats. So, you need to buy and feed her food that is especially for kittens.
  • You need to keep lots of fresh water, in clean bowls, around the house for your kitten
  • You need  to place the litter box in a quiet, out of the way place and show your kitten where it is. Make sure the sides of the litter box are low enough for her to get into the litter box while still a little kitten.
  • You need to play with your kitten every day so she learns people skills and is a good pet.
  • It’s important to provide scratching posts around the house so kitty doesn’t ruin furniture or drapes with her scratching.
  • Kitty needs to see the doctor just like you do. Her doctor, a veterinarian, will keep up her vaccinations and keep her safe from ringworm and fleas.  These visits can be expensive, so you need to be sure the family budget can allow for doctor visits for a kitten.”

Bobby looked thoughtful for a minute and then said, “Wow, I had no idea so much went into caring for a kitten! I have to think about this more and talk more about  getting a kitten with my mom.”
