Posts Tagged ‘Can Do Kids’

Mall Manners

Thursday, May 11th, 2017

mallThe “Can Dos” were all excited about the day’s field trip to a new mall in the next town.

They were going to visit a children’s bookstore where, in addition to seeing and hearing about all the new books for sale, they would be participating in a story time.

After spending most of the morning in the mall book store, they would have lunch in the food court.

Miss Pat called the class to order and said,”Please take your seats. I have an announcement to make and then I want to go over mall manners before we line up for the bus.

The book store owner has offered to give each one of you a free copy of the new book she will be reading from during story time.” The class broke out clapping. When they quieted down, Miss Pat continued, “Before we are can think about whether or not we are getting a free book, we need to think about our behavior in the mall. Did we earn a free book by showing that we know how to behave in a mall. Do we have mall manners”?

The “Can Dos” all got questioning looks on their faces and Hector blurted out,”What are mall manners”? Miss Pat smiled and said, “That’s what we need to talk about. I have seen some of you in a mall and you were not practicing mall manners. You were running and  bumped into other shoppers. One or two of you were fooling around on the escalator…a dangerous thing to do. In the food court you cut in line in front of people who were in line before you got there.”

The “Can Dos” all got quiet. Most had done one of the things Miss Pat mentioned. Then Nellie asked,”What are some other mall manners that we need to know”?

“Well, said Miss Pat, “Here are some other mall behaviors that are important:

  • No yelling or making funny mouth noises
  • No throwing punches, pushing each other, grabbing each others clothing
  • When you use the public bathroom, close the stall door, flush the toilet, wash your hands, and throw the paper towels you use in the trash
  • In the food court, be ready to order when it is your turn, clean up after yourself at the table and throw your garbage in the trash can.”

“Wow,” said Hector,” That’s a lot of things we can’t do. That’s a lot to remember. What can we do”?

Miss Pat smiled and answered,”You can walk and talk with friends, tell jokes, share snacks, look in shop windows, enjoy the book store, have a lunch with friends and see new things. Most of all you can be the proud owner of a new book!”

Later that day, when the class got back from their mall trip, Miss Pat told them how proud she was of their mall manners. Then she opened up the box of new books that the store owner had given her and handed one to each of the “Can Dos!”

You guessed it…the entire class practiced mall manners!”


Hector Wants to Know Why Grandmas Have Wrinkles

Thursday, May 4th, 2017

 Did you ever wonder why grandmas have wrinkles?

Well, Hector asked Grandma Hattie why she and all grandmas have wrinkles.

To hear her answer, read along with Grandma Jean and find out why Grandma Hattie believes she has wrinkles. Go to






Orrie’s Wish Comes True!

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

OrrieFor as long as Orrie could remember, he wanted to learn to horseback ride.

He heard about other children with physical disabilities riding horses, but he had never visited a program where children who used wheelchairs learned to ride well enough that they eventually could ride horses on their own.

Orrie’s mom and dad had spoken to Orrie’s doctor who felt that the motion of the pony as it walked and trotted would be good exercise for Orrie’s legs. As the doctor put it, “Riding would be very therapeutic for you, Orrie.”  Great, thought Orrie, the doctor is all for it. Now I have to find a Therapeutic Horseback Riding Program I can get to and my parents can afford.

There were no Therapeutic Horseback Riding Programs on or near “Can Do” Street. So, Orrie got on the Internet and found a program about 50 miles away. When his birthday rolled around in May, he asked Grandpa John to take him to see the program as his birthday present. The two of them set off one Saturday morning. Before they knew it they were there!

The Unicorn Therapeutic Riding Program rents space at a beautiful riding center with an indoor and an outdoor riding area. The program accepts children as young as three. The Unicorn Program has ponies for the little kids and horses for older kids and adults.

OrrieThere are 3 certified riding instructors leading classes, a physical therapist and an occupational therapist on-site whenever the program is in session. There are also three volunteers for every rider; one leads the pony or horse around and the other two serve as side-walkers to make sure the rider was safe at all times. Orrie watched as a little boy took a lesson .

One of the instructors let Orrie sit on Oatmeal, the pony, and go for a brief walk around the ring with a leader and two side walkers. He was in heaven!

Driving back to “Can Do” Street, all Orrie could think about was how could he get to the Unicorn Program and take lessons?”

The lessons are free. They are supported by donations from generous people.  Orrie kept thinking that there had to be a way to get there.

Grandpa John knew what he was thinking and said,”Orrie, we need to think about how you can get to the Unicorn Program. I don’t think I can take you every week. Grandma and I have the store to take care of. Your dad works weekends and your mom has three other kids to take care of and get to activities.

Orrie shared his wish and his visit to the Unicorn Program with Miss Pat and the class the following Monday. A few days later, Mr. Markle, the manager of “Can Do” Street Bank visited the class. After he greeted Miss Pat and the class he announced,” I’m here to present a cash award to the student of the year.”

Well, the class got quiet, very quiet. Then Mr. Markle announced,”The award goes to Orrie for not only being the best prepared for his lessons and getting the highest marks on his tests, but for always being willing to help other students with their studies.”

A cheer went up for Orrie and Mr. Markle handed him a check for 300 dollars.

Everyone wanted to know what he would do with the money. “That’s easy,” said Orrie,”I can pay someone to drive me to and from the riding program when my family can’t do it.”

Orrie turned to Mr. Markle and said, “Thanks for making my wish come true.” Mr. Markle smiled and said, “No Orrie, you did that by working hard. You earned that cash award. The bank is just recognizing your hard work.”

Orrie couldn’t wait to get home and tell his family that wishes can come true!


Why Did Kathy Fall Asleep in Class?

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

Why did Kathy do it again; why did she fall asleep in class?

To find out why Kathy fell asleep in class, read along with Grandma Jean at:


Kathy is asleep

Did you ever fall asleep in class?



Thursday, April 13th, 2017

choresThe boys were snacking with Grandma Hattie but she was wondering if Willie did his chores.

Then Willie asked, “Grandma, may I go to Orrie’s when we finish our snack? He has new computer games and he invited me to come see them.”

Grandma asked,”Did you finish your chores?”

Willie said,”No mam, but I will later, when I get back from Orrie’s.” Grandma Hattie answered, saying,”Willie that’s what you told me yesterday when I asked you to put your toys away, empty the waste paper basket in your room and hang your clothes up. You still haven’t done it  and your cousin is coming for a sleep over in your room tomorrow night.”

Willie got all red in the face and said, “I hate chores. Why do I have to do chores anyway? I bet Orrie doesn’t have to do chores!”

Then it was Orrie’s turn to get red in the face. Orrie sputtered and said, “Hey Willie, don’t think that just because I use a wheelchair I don’t do my fair share of chores at home because I do! I fold my laundry when it comes out of the wash and put it away. I dust my room with a big dusting wand. I empty my waste basket in the main trash can in the kitchen.”

Then Hector chimed in, saying, “I have to do chores every day. I have to keep my room neat. I even clean off the table after dinner at night.”

These were not the answers Willie wanted to hear.

Grandma used the time to talk about chores. “Hector, Orrie, do you think it is fair to have to do chores?”

Orrie answered, “My mom says that we are a family and everyone in the family needs to take responsibility for helping around the house.” Hector added, “My mom works outside of the house all day and then comes home and cooks for us. She needs some help.”

Grandma had another question,”What about your taking care of your rooms?”

“Oh, that’s an easy one,” said Hector, “It’s my room, I messed it, I should clean it up.” Orrie nodded yes. He feels the same way.

Willie was still fighting the idea of chores. He said,”I bet you both get an allowance for doing chores.”

Hector and Orrie shook their heads and Orrie answered,”Nope, I do chores because their my responsibility, because I live in the house, because doing my fair share is expected of me.”

Hector nodded and said, “I get an allowance for spending money. It has nothing to do with chores. I get it if I behave properly, do my homework as I am supposed to and get good grades. I can earn more money if I do extra chores.”

Willie asked to be excused. Grandma wanted to know where he was going. Willie answered, “To clean my room. Orrie, thanks for the invite, but my room is a mess. Can I see the game some other time?”

Grandma smiled. Hector turned to Orrie and said, “Can I see the game? I don’t have any chores until after dinner.” Orrie spun his chair around. He and Hector helped grandma clear the table. Then they each gave her a big hug and a thank you and off they went.

Do you do your chores when you are asked to do them?
