Posts Tagged ‘Can Do Kids’

The Coin Game

Wednesday, March 30th, 2016

Miss Pat noticed that some of the “Can Dos” were having trouble figuring out their coin change when they bought snacks at the skating rink the other day.

She decided to put up a game on their computers that would help with coin counting.

The next day she directed the class to go to their computers and play the coin game.

Why don’t you play along? Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose the balloon that says more games and start playing

After you play the game, try writing a sentence about each coin.


Tic Tac Toe Waffles…a Great Game and a Good Snack!

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016

picture of girl hwith long hair holding a bookOn day two of camp, the Pre-K  campers got to combine a game with snack time by playing Tic Tac Toe Waffles.

Since Maria suggested the game, Miss Sue called on her to show the campers how the game is played. Maria brought a box to the front table that had a paper plate with a tic tac toe game made out of decorated mini waffles.

Maria invited the campers to gather round the table and watch as Annie and Hector showed everyone how to play Tic Tac Toe Waffles.While Annie and Hector played Maria explained the game, saying, “To play, a camper needs to be an O or an X.  The center of the tic tac toe board is a free space for either player. To win, a player needs to eat a straight line of Os or Xs. Each child in the 2 camper team takes  turns selecting a waffle and puttinga tic tac toe board made out of edible waffles on a separate plate to be eaten after the game is won. The volunteer is responsible for marking the plate where an O or an X waffle is removed .

If, after one member of the team wins, they don’t eat their waffles, then, if the loser finishes his or her waffles, they become the winner.

Maria then asked the volunteers to divide the campers into teams with 2 campers to a team making 5 teams, with one team at a table. Then she asked  that each team have a volunteer to help play the game and keep score. Each team drew straws for who got to go first and select whether they wanted to be an O or an X.

All but one camper finished eating their waffles. She was not happy to lose her place as a winner for not finishing her waffles. But, she learned something about being a good sport and following the rules of the game Tic Tac Toe.


Pre-K Games for Spring Camp

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

 It was that time again. It was spring camp time with all the games that going to camp over spring break brings.

Miss Sue is the director of thev Community CenterGames are an important part of any camp, so Miss Sue went to see the “Can Do'”Kids to get ideas.”Hello boys and girls,” said Miss Sue. “I came to ask your help with games for the Pre-K group in spring camp.”

The crafts class all stopped working on their crafts class projects and listened to what Miss Sue had to say.

“Miss Hattie tells me you came up with wonderful crafts ideas for the young campers. I am hoping you can suggest some games that will be good to do with the boys and girls in the Pre-K group. There will be 10 of them.”

Jay raised his hand and when Miss Sue called on him, he said, “How about a few games of crunch and toss”?

Miss Sue looked puzzled and said, “I don’t know that game.” Jay said it was a beginner throwing game for points. It was safe to play indoors. Miss Sue asked Jay to bring in a sample of what was needed to play the game and give a demonstration. Jay agreed, saying, ” I’ll have it ready for our next crafts session. You can come by and see how it is played.”

Miss Sue thanked Jay and said, “Does anyone else have any suggestions”?

Maria raised her hand and said, “How about a few games of TIC TAC TOE Waffles? You’ve got to eat them to win”!

The class laughed and Miss Sue smiled and said, “That sounds wonderful Maria! Please bring in a sample and we can all see what it takes to play TIC TAC TOE Waffles.”

Just then the bell rang and crafts class was over.

Miss Sue said, “Thank you for your ideas. I am looking forward to seeing you in your next class and learning how to play the games you talked about today. “


The Sorting Game

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016

countingMiss Pat wasn’t so sure how good some of the “Can Do” kids were at sorting, so she made a computer game about sorting.

She called the sorting game “What’s What.”

Why don’t you play the sorting game along with the “Can Do” kids?

Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose games, then choose “What’s What.”


The “Can Dos” Need Help with Spelling

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Do you need help with spelling? Well the “Can Dos” do!

Kathy wasn’t the only one who didn’t do well in the spelling bee. Most of the class missed words very early on in the spelling bee.

The only ones who lasted in the spelling bee were…Orrie, Yundi and Nellie. I know you could have guessed that Orrie would do well, but Nellie and Yundi were a surprise. What was more of a surprise was that Yundi, not Orrie won the spelling bee!

Miss Pat had a long talk with the “Can Dos” and all agreed that they would learn five new spelling words a night, from their vocabulary book. They promised to know how to use each new word in a sentence.

In exchange, Miss Pat would design more word jumbles to help them with their spelling.

So, here is the first one she gave them to do. Just print out the word jumble and see how you do.

