Posts Tagged ‘“Can Do” Community Center’

A Christmas Pageant to Remember

Sunday, December 25th, 2016

The Christmas Pageant was held on Christmas Eve Day, which was cold but clear.

When Willie and Nellie made their way down the stairs for breakfast, Grandma Hattie was already hard at work in the kitchen making the casserole she promised for the community center lunch following the pageant.

Grandpa Dooley was busy flipping pancakes for breakfast. He knew how Willie and Nellie loved them.

Willie and Nellie ate in silence. Grandma and grandpa gave each other knowing looks. Holidays were hard for Willie and Nellie with their mom in the military. She couldn’t always get leave on the holidays to be with them.

Grandma Hattie gently reminded them that it was time to change into their costumes for the pageant at the “Can Do” Street Community Center. This year the pageant performance was ” A Christmas Carol.” Nellie had a speaking part, and so did Willie. 

Willie and Nellie nodded and got up from the table to go up stairs and dress.

A few minutes later, they came down  in their costumes. Grandma Hattie could see Nellie had tears in her eyes. She gave her a hug and Nellie said, “I wish momma could see me in the play.” Grandma nodded and said, “I know child. Your mom will be home soon, but for now you need to think about the pageant. It is almost time to leave.”

Willie and Nellie played their parts well, so well that Miss Sue called them back on stage at the end of the show to take an extra bow. Then she told them she had a surprise for them. Just as she said that, their mom popped out from behind the stage curtain. She was still in her uniform. She came right from the airport to see them in the pageant!

Everyone in the audience stood up and cheered as Willie and Nellie hugged and kissed their mom over and over again.

At lunch, following the pageant, Willie and Nellie sat on either side of their mom. After supper, Willie and Nellie, their Mom and Grandpa Dooley and Grandma Hattie helped to pack treats for the local senior residents. When they got to the senior residence, they helped distribute the gifts and sang carols with all who lived there!

It was a pageant to remember!
