Posts Tagged ‘camp’

Goodbye Camp Until Next Year

Friday, August 15th, 2014

The last day of camp was sunny and warm, not hot, just right. It was a perfect day for end-of-camp events.

There were sack races and three-legged races the first thing in the morning. Then it was time to enjoy the outdoor pool, one last time, as campers.

The camp lunch was a picnic on the lawn behind the recreation center. The picnic was a present from Grandpa John’s market of sandwiches, bottles of  juice and low-fat ice-cream sandwiches.

After lunch, all the campers assembled in the recreation center auditorium for a play and closing ceremonies for the camp.

Some of the “Can Do” Kids put on a play about the fun things at camp. Then Miss Sue, the Director, got up and spoke about all the good things that were accomplished at camp.

Miss Sue gave out certificates to The “Can Do” Chefs Club for the great smoothies they made for the campers. All the kids in Miss Hattie’s crafts class got a certificate for making the best decoration for the new path …footprint stones!

Then it was time for the closing circle. The “Can Dos” sang the camp song. The girls hugged, the boys shook hands. Then it was over. No more camp until next year. Kind of a sad moment, but filled with the promise of all being together next year.

There was still a week before school started after camp ended. There was still time to play with friends, that is if the moms didn’t have lots of things scheduled for them to do before school started.

Then it’s off to school to learn new things and make new friends!


Camp Manners

Thursday, July 12th, 2012

camp mannersMiss Sue, the Director of the “Can Do” Community Center Camp, came into the crafts room and asked permission from the art teacher to address the “Can Dos”.

The “Can Dos” knew it was often not a good thing when Miss Sue asked to talk to them. It must mean that one or more of them were doing things, in camp, that needed to be corrected.

After Miss Sue said good morning, she said,”Boys and girls, I have received complaints from the camp janitor on the state of the girls and boys bathrooms.

I have also received complaints from the ladies who work in the cafeteria about the mess on the floor under the tables, and the food and wrappers left on the tables.

Let’s take time now to review how we are supposed to behave in both these areas. Let’s talk about bathroom manners and cafeteria manners. If we are not old enough to practice good manners in both these areas, maybe we are not old enough to be in camp.”

Then Miss Sue handed out two camp manners lists and said,”Let’s review these lists together.

Let’s start with the cafeteria list:

1. Don’t run in the cafeteria.

2. Say please and thank you when you order and receive your food.

3. Don’t cut in line while waiting to order on the cafeteria line.

4. Do not sit on the tables and don’t stand on the seats.

5. After you finish eating, clean off your place at the table and pick up anything you dropped on the floor.

6. Put your trash from the table and the floor in the trash can.”

Then Miss Sue turned to the bathroom manners list:

1. When you use the stall, close the door.

2. Flush the toilet when you are finished using it.

3. Take a piece of toilet paper, and use it to protect your hand from germs as you flush. Don’t flush with your foot!

4. As the toilet is flushing, throw the piece of toilet tissue into the toilet to be flushed away.

5. Make sure your clothes are properly zipped or buttoned or pulled up before you leave the stall.

6. Wash your hands with warm water and soap. Wash for at least 10 seconds (count to ten slowly).

7. Dry your hands with a paper towel.

8. Throw the towel in the waste basket after you use it.”

Miss Sue looked up from reading and asked,”Does everyone promise to practice these camp manners”?

The “Can Dos” all nodded, “We promise,” they all said.

Miss Sue smiled, thanked the art teacher, and went on to speak to the campers in the next room.

