Posts Tagged ‘caboulders’

More Marbles + Cabolders!

Sunday, August 23rd, 2015

After the “Can Do” kids finished playing Marbles in the Box, Grandpa Dooley said, “OK, who’s ready to play my favorite marble game”?

Hector wasn’t so sure, since he didn’t do so well playing Marbles in the Box.” Come on Hector, said Willie. “Be a sport.” Arthur J chimed in saying, “Come on Hector we always play what you want to play. Now it’s your turn to play what we want to play.

Not wanting to be left out, Orrie said, “Hector, you don’t even know what the game is about. Maybe you will be better at this game than your were with the last game.”

Grandpa Dooley took out a really large marble; it was huge! “Does anyone know what this is called.”? The “Can Do” Kids shook their heads. “Well, continued Grandpa Dooley,  “back in the olden days, when I was young they were called caboulders, the most valuable of all the marbles, especially the ones that you could see through.

The name of the game we are going to play is Hit the Caboulder, and this is how it’s played:

1. Place a caboulder on one end of a long table, or on a flat surface on the floor

2. Stand or sit at the other end of the table, or kneel if on the ground

3. Flick the small marble with your thumb pressed against your pointer finger, or, with your pointer finger  against your thumb

4. There are no do-overs once you have flicked the marble and it is moving

5. If you miss the caboulder, you lose the marble you were shooting with

6. If you hit the caboulder but it doesn’t move, you get to keep the marble you were shooting with and go again

7. If you move the caboulder, your win 10 marbles

8. If you knock it off the table, or out of the playing area, when on the ground, you win the caboulder”!

Grandpa Dooley looked at all the eager faces and said, “Okay, what I want to know  is who is going to be the Marble Master and be in charge of the caboulder“?

The boys voted Orrie in as the Marble Master. This time when Grandpa Dooley suggested taking some practice shots, Hector was at the front of the line.

Hector didn’t win the caboulder, but he did win a few marbles!

Who won the Caboulder… no one yet; maybe next time.
