Posts Tagged ‘books’

It’s That Time Again…School Time

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Can Do SchoolIt’s time to go shopping with your parents and grandparents  for new shoes, and clothes, and backpacks and school supplies.

The “Can Do” Kids were all sitting around the table in the community center recreation room talking about going back to school.

Kathy shared that she had gone to the doctor for a check up before going back to school. Willie asked, “Did you get a needle? Did it hurt? All the “Can Dos” looked at Kathy waiting for her to answer. “My doctor is really good at giving shots. Before I knew it, the needle was in and out and I hardly felt it,” said Kathy.

Bobby shared about his trip to the dentist. Eulyn looked scared and said, “I have to go to the dentist before school starts. What did he do to you? Bobby answered, “He checked out my teeth for cavities and then cleaned and polished them.”

The “Can Dos” were quiet for a few seconds then Eulyn asked,” Did it hurt? Did you have any cavities? Bobby looked all sorts of proud and answered, ” Nope, no cavities and it didn’t hurt a bit to get my teeth cleaned.”

Annie noticed that Hector, who always has something to say, hadn’t said anything at all.  Annie said,” Hector, you’re very quiet and you look nervous. Is something wrong?”

“Yeah, there’s something wrong alright. I’m in trouble already and school hasn’t even started,” said Hector. The “Can Dos” just stared at him. Then Annie said, “What kind of trouble could you be in before school even starts?”

Hector answered, “I only read one of the books on the summer reading list for school. I didn’t attend the weekly summer book club at day camp to discuss the books on the reading list. I don’t know what any of the other books are about.”

“Uh,oh,” said Orrie.” You are going to be in trouble when Miss Pat finds out you didn’t do your book assignment before school.” The other “Can Dos” nodded.

Hector thought for a moment and said, “Well I won’t get in trouble if you all tell me what each book was about.” The other “Can Dos” shook their heads no and Jay said,”Why should we help you? We did the work and you didn’t. Plus that would be cheating.”

Hector answered, “Ah, come on guys. I thought you were my friends. If you don’t help me out, I will have to stay in all next week and just read to get ready for school!”

The “Can Dos all answered at once, “We are your friends. Friend don’t help friends cheat. Do what we all did…read the books and be ready for school!”


The Nearly New Toy Drive

Saturday, December 8th, 2012

The “Can Do” Kids were helping their parents and grandparents decorate the party room at the community center for the Holiday party. Just then Miss Sue, the center director, came in and asked to talk to everyone. Parents, grandparents and “Can Dos” all sat down to listen to Miss Sue.

“Good morning everyone,” said Miss Sue.” While I’m happy parents and grandparents are here, what I have to say is mostly for the “Can Do” Kids.” The “Can Dos” looked at each other, worried that they did something wrong but not able to remember what it could be.

Miss Sue smiled. She knew what they were thinking. “You are not in trouble, children. I want to talk with you about what we can do for all the children who lost their toys and books during the hurricane that hit the next town from us. The “Can Dos” looked sad at just the thought of losing all one’s toys and books in a flood from a hurricane.

Orrie asked,”How can we help?” Annie said, “What can we do?” Hector added, “We’re only kids, how can we help them get toys?”

“Well,” answered Miss Sue, “The holidays are coming and you will all be getting gifts of new toys and books. What about going through all the toys and books you have now and giving toys you don’t play with anymore and books you have read to children who lost all the toys and books they had?”

Hector wasn’t so sure. He loved all his toys, even the ones he didn’t play with much. Kathy and Annie were having a hard time with the idea of parting with some of their old toys too.

Orrie was the first to offer a toy and some books. Then Willie and Nellie agreed to go through their toys and books and find some that would make good nearly new play things. Pretty soon all the “Can Dos” agreed to give away a toy and a book to children who lost all their toys and books. Even Hector, Annie and Kathy said they would chip in a toy and a book.

Miss Sue told the “Can Dos” she was very proud of them. “Let’s call our project the Nearly New Toy Drive.”

Miss Sue added, “Be sure that the toy and book you decide to give to the toy drive are in good condition. They need to be clean and have all their pieces if they are games, parts if they are toys, and pages if they are books. Don’t give away anything you wouldn’t want to get yourself.”

The “Can Dos” all nodded. The parents agreed to help them pack up what they were giving to the toy drive. The grandparents offered to help the “Can Dos”write notes to go with the toys and books they were giving away.

Boys and girls reading this, here is a question for you…Do you have a toy or book that is in good condition that you could give to a nearly new toy drive near where you live?


Look Who Got Promoted With the Class!

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

The “Can Dos” were all excited as they met up in the school yard before class on the first day of school.

Some walked to school with a parent or older brother or sister. Some car pooled with other kids from their neighborhood. Those who lived farthest away took the school bus.

Just then the bell rang and the “Can Dos” lined up behind the sign that said their grade. Then they all marched into the school and were led to a new classroom that would be where their class would be for the whole year.

Classroom for can do class

The tables and chairs were all neat and clean. Some had supplies on them like crayons and paper and pencils.

As they were taking their seats, a voice came from behind them, saying, “Don’t take seats just yet, class. I want to assign seating.”The “Can Dos” looked at each other in amazement. They recognized that voice. It was Miss Pat!

Miss Pat walked to the front of the room and greeted each “Can Do”  in the class by name. Smiling she said, “Since I know you all so well, I know who should and shouldn’t sit next to one another. That is why I am going to assign seats.”

The “Can Dos” knew better than to groan or make a smart comment. It was true, Miss Pat, their teacher from last year, knew them very well.

Kathy turned to Hector and whispered,”Did you read those books from the list Miss Pat gave us before summer vacation?” Hector beamed and answered, “I sure did. It took me most of last week to do it!: It was a good thing too, since as soon as they were seated Miss Pat said, “Okay, class let’s begin by reviewing the books from our must read list. You know the one, the one I gave you before summer vacation.”

Before they got started talking about the books they read and what the books were about, Miss Pat asked,”Class, does anyone have any questions about the new school year?” Eulyn raised her hand and when Miss Pat called on her she asked, “How come you are our teacher again this year? How come?”

Miss Pat smiled and said, “Why class, I got promoted just like all of you!”
