Posts Tagged ‘bobby’

Bus Manners

Saturday, August 27th, 2016

The “Can Dos were excited to be taking a bus from their town to a neighboring town on a field trip. The “Can Dos” rarely got to ride a city bus as they either walked to school or rode the school bus.

As the “Can Dos” got on the bus, Hector took the seat behind the driver and Bobby sat alongside of him.  When Miss Sue, the camp director, got on the bus she asked Hector and Bobby to give up their seats as they were sitting in a section reserved for riders with disabilities and senior citizens. “But there isn’t anyone sitting her, said Bobby. “That doesn’t mean you should sit there, said Miss Sue. “Read what the sign says, please. “

Hector read out loud so that everyone on the bus could hear. “These seats are reserved for persons with disabilities and the elderly.”

Hector and Bobby joined the other “Can Dos “ taking seats in the middle of the bus. Hector and Bobby made it their business to watch who got on at every stop and where they sat. A lady with a walker got on and sat in the section reserved for people with disabilities. Then an elderly woman with a cane got on and sat in the same reserved section.

At the next stop two teenage boys got on the bus and plopped themselves down in the reserved section. Hector and Bobby got all upset and pointed the two teenage boys out to Miss Sue saying, “Miss Sue, make them move. They don’t belong there!”

Miss Sue smiled and said, “Wait and see what happens.” Just then a man in a wheelchair got on the bus. There was nowhere for him to sit. The teenage boys were sitting on the seats usually lifted up to make room for a wheelchair. The bus driver got up, and in a voice that could be heard  all over the bus said, “Hey there you boys, you know better than to sit there. Get up, move to the back of the bus, and make room for the man and his chair.

The boys turned beet red as everyone on the bus stared at them. They found seats in the back of the bus.

A few stops later, a woman with a preschooler and a baby in her arms got on the bus. There were no seats left; she had to stand. There was a grown man sitting right by where she was standing.  He pretended he didn’t see her, so he would not have to give up his seat. The teens in the back of the bus pretended to be sleeping.

Hector looked at Bobby, they nodded to each other, got up and walked up to the lady. Hector said, ”We have two seats a few rows back you can have. She thanked them and followed them back to where they were sitting.

All the “Can Dos” clapped for Hector and Bobby. Miss Sue gave them a big smile and said, “I am very proud of you both. You practiced good bus manners!”

Hector and Bobby beamed. Hector said, “We learned a lot about bus rules today and about being kind to people who might need extra help when riding a bus.”


Take Responsibility for Your Actions

Wednesday, May 18th, 2016

responsibility Coach Campbell, Bobby and his sister, Kathy, and some other “Can Dos” are at the “Can Do” Center, working in the storage room, getting out the volleyballs and net to use in the summer camp.

 “OK now guys, let’s pay attention. Be careful, this is not that big a room and we have a lot of stuff to get out.”

 Suddenly, Coach Campbell hears a Can Do kid yell, “OUCH – Hey that hurt!” and then “Yeah, well it’s not my fault!!”

 Kathy comes up to Coach Campbell and lets him know that Bobby hit her, for no reason, just hit her with his fist.

 Coach Campbell takes Bobby aside to talk to him in private about what just happened.responsibility

 Before he can even ask the first question, Bobby says, “It is not my fault, I got mad and when I get mad, well, I just lose it. That’s just the way it is.”

 Really? asks Coach Campbell. Nothing you can do about it, huh?

 “Nope -nothing.”

 OK, let me ask you some questions then, and maybe we can get you to see this a bit differently. OK? Given that I was standing as close to you as I was, why did you hit her, and not me? I was there, and you just had to hit something, why not me?

 “You are big, and would probably crush me if I hit you.”

 So then, you chose to hit Kathy and not me. Right?


 So if you can make a decision, make a choice, then you really have not lost control, have you?

 “I guess not.”

 That’s right. You hit her because you could, because you though you could get away with it. That was a decision you made and that means you are responsible for hitting her.  Now, let me ask you another question. What if, just imagine, what if, I got mad and decided to haul off and hit you. Would that be OK, because, you know, I was mad.

 ’NO! No way Coach!”

 Well, why not?

 “Well, you are bigger than me, and stronger, it would hurt a lot.”

 That’s why you wouldn’t WANT me to hit you…but I asked you if it would be OK to hit you, because – like you said – I was mad.

 “No, it would not be OK for you to hit me.”

 Well, if it isn’t OK for me to hit you, then how can it be OK for you to hit Kathy… right?

 “Yeah, you’re right. What is wrong is wrong.”

 So, now what are you going to do?

 “I am going to say I am sorry to Kathy and tell her I will never do it again.

 We all get mad at times. But, hitting someone is not the way to deal with it. Most of the time, the anger can pass over quickly, other times you need to talk things out, but getting violent is not going to help. If you do get violent, remember – that was your choice and you have to take responsibility for it.


responsibility Story by: Ned Campbell, a coach and teacher in Brooklyn, NY.  He is the voice of  Coach Campbell in the “Can Do” Street programs.


Joining a Team for the 1st Time

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016

teamIn this story, Coach Campbell helps Bobby overcome his concerns about joining a team for the first time.

Hey Coach!

Hey there Bobby. What’s up? How ya’ doing?

Oh, not much…but, well, you know how you were talking to us last week about joining a team?team

Sure do!

Well, there is a team I want to join, but I am kinda’ nervous about it.

Well, that is totally understandable.

It is?

Sure it is. I mean, you have never been on a team before. So many new things to deal with, like meeting new kids, new adults, going to practices, the list goes on. But, none of these things are too big for you to handle. In fact, you have already done these things before.

  I have?

Yes, you have. Maybe you don’t remember your first time here at the Can Do Rec Center, but I sure do. You were a real wall-flower. You came in, quiet as a church mouse, not getting too far from the nearest wall, and just watching everything with real big eyes. I could tell you were a bit nervous, but that didn’t stop you from coming in, and taking a look around.

Oh yeah, I remember. Yeah, I was nervous. Everyone knew everybody, and you    were pretty scary. Biggest person I ever saw up close.

 Coach Campbell laughs….

 Yeah, well…look at you now. You walk around this place like you own it. You know everybody, everybody knows you, and you are so over being nervous around me! If you could do it then, you can do it now. Now, here are some tips to help you out. First, be sure to listen to your coach. Be coachable.


Yeah, that means being able to listen to your coaches, and try your hardest to do what they are trying to teach you, the way they are teaching you to do it. It is probably the most important key to being successful on a team. Believe me, I am a coach a long time now, and there is nothing I like better than a kid who listens and works hard.

What if I am not that good at what they want me to do?

Don’t worry; most kids aren’t very good at first. Yeah, there will be some kids that are better than you right now, but don’t let that discourage you. You just keep doing the work, and you will get there. The coaches will recognize that effort, and appreciate it. I say it all the time as a coach, hard work beats talent that doesn’t work. It will take some time, but it is true. Hard work is what it takes to get better.

OK, but what if I don’t make any friends?

Oh, I am not worried about that, not at all. You will make friends, just like you did here. Don’t get me wrong, you may not become friends with every kid on the team. Heck, you might not even like every kid on the team. But, you don’t have to. You will make friends though, and I bet you some of them will be your friends for a real long time.

Remember, you are not the only one that is a bit nervous, and wants to make friends. In the time before, and after practice, you will get to know some kids. You will get to talking, and well, before you know it, you have some new friends.

So, you gonna’ go out for that team?

YEAH! I am going to go there today.

Super deal; let me know how it goes, OK?

You bet Coach. Thanks.

Ned bio imageStory by: Ned Campbell, coach and teacher in Brooklyn, NY.  He is the voice of  Coach Campbell in the “Can Do” Street programs.

 Parent Note: Coach Campbell has a post for parents on this same subject at



Monday, February 1st, 2016

cheatingYundi caught up with Bobby on the walk to school. By the look on Bobby’s face, Yundi could tell there was something wrong. “What’s wrong Bobby,” asked Yundi.

Bobby answered, “I didn’t study for the math test today and now I will probably fail.”

Yundi asked Bobby why he didn’t study. “Well,” said Bobby, “There was a show I wanted to see and when it was over my mom said it was time for bed.”

Yundi just looked at Bobby and shook his head.”What are you going to do?”

Bobby thought a minute, then said, “I know, I sit next to you. I’ll just copy your answers if I can’t do the problems.

Yundi got read in the face and said, “That’s cheating!”

Bobby said,”No it’s not. You’re just helping me out. You’re my friend aren’t you?”

Yundi sputtered, “Yeah, I’m your friend, but friends don’t ask friends to help them with cheating on a test. Besides, why should I let you take my answers? I studied hard and didn’t get to watch any TV last night so I could do well on this test. Now I’m supposed to let you cheat by taking my answers…no fair, Bobby. No fair!”

Bobby got all upset and said, “What am I going to do? if I fail, my mom will make me stay in for a week and I won’t get to go to the skating party on Saturday.”

Yundi was so mad at Bobby for asking him to help him with cheating on the test that he had no sympathy for Bobby. He said, “You should have thought about that last night!”

Bobby said,”You can’t stop me. I sit next to you. When Miss Pat isn’t looking, I’ll just peak at your paper.”cheating

Yundi was so mad! “You do and I’ll raise my hand and tell Miss Pat.”

“You wouldn’t,” said Bobby. “Oh yes I would,” said Yundi. Then Yundi walked away from Bobby and walked the rest of the way to school by himself.


Was Bobby being fair to Yundi? Was Yundi being a friend to Bobby?

Would you ever ask a friend to help you with cheating on a test? Would you ask a friend to let you copy his or her homework?

Is copying someone’s homework cheating?


Have You Ever Seen a Baby Squirrel?

Monday, August 17th, 2015

Grandpa John closed his market early so he could take his grandchildren to the park to feed the ducks and the usual squirrel or two who was brave enough to come over and take food from them.

Grandpa John got in his station wagon and headed for his first stop…Orrie, Kathy and Annie’s house. They were waiting for him with bags of snacks for the ducks and squirrels. Kathy and Annie  scrambled into the car while Grandpa John helped Orrie into the front seat; he collapsed Orrie’s wheelchair and put it in the trunk of the car. When everyone was buckled up. Grandpa John put the car in gear and began the drive to Bobby and Arthur J’s house.

Arthur J and Booby were waiting out front, snack bags in-hand. When they saw the car, they let out a big cheer and ran towards it. Once inside, they put on their seat belts, and started talking a mile a minute to their cousins.

As soon as the station wagon came to a stop in the parking lot of the car, the “Can Dos” unbuckled their belts and started to open the doors and get out. Grandpa said, “Hold on there. Boys, help me with Orrie’s chair. Once he is in his chair we can all go down to the lake together.”

Booby and Arthur J lifted Orrie’s chair out of the trunk and brought it round to the side of the car. Grandpa John opened the care door, lifted Orrie up and placed him in his chair.

Once they were settled at the lake and feeding the ducks, a squirrel came by, then another, and another. The “Can Dos” threw them some nuts and off they ran. Grandpa asked, “Have any of you ever seen a baby squirrel? I never have”


The “Can Dos” all got quiet; for a few minutes they all thought hard, and then each one answered that they had never seen a baby squirrel. “I wonder why it is that none of us as ever seen a baby squirrel, ” asked their grandpa.

Kathy answered, “I know how we can find that answer. Orrie can look it up on his computer. He finds lots of answers to our questions on there!” Everyone agreed. Orrie was nominated to find out about the life of a baby squirrel and if anyone gets to see a squirrel as a baby.

Grandpa John said, ” You are all coming to my house on Wednesday night for dinner. Orrie, can you have the answer by then?” Orrie nodded yes. It was settled then. Time to finish feeding the ducks.

That Wednesday evening, before dinner, Orrie announced, ” I know why we have never seen a baby squirrel.” Grandpa John and the “Can Dos” all asked at once…”Why?”

Orrie began,”Well baby squirrels don’t leave their nest, the place where their mom watches over them until they are big, big enough to care for themselves. They don’t look like squirrels when they are first born. They have no fur and only weigh a couple of ounces. Since they can’t see or hear as babies, they need to stay with their moms, in the nest, where it is safe.

A squirrel grows fast and is ready to leave the nest after three months. By then he or she looks very much like a full grown squirrel can see and hear.”

Grandpa and the “Can Dos” clapped and thanked Orrie for what he had shared. Grandpa John was heard to say, “Orrie, you are one good researcher!”
