Posts Tagged ‘bobby’

Does “Can Do” Cat Have 9 Lives?

Thursday, August 24th, 2017

Bobby, Hector and Willie were passing by Grandpa John’s store when they saw “Can Do” cat walking on a narrow ledge above the front door. 

image of catThe “Can Dos” ran in to tell Grandpa John. “Grandpa John, Grandpa John they shouted,  “Can Do” cat is going to fall. Come quick.” Grandpa John dropped what he was doing and quickly went outside to see if “Can Do” cat was okay. He looked up to see Can Do” cat balancing himself on the ledge. Grandpa John smiled and said, “Can Do” cat is fine. He is just doing what he always does.”

Hector asked, “Is it true cats have nine lives”? How many lives has “Can Do” cat used up already”? Grandpa John chuckled and said, “Boys, that is just a saying. Cats have a quickness, and the ability to land on their feet, which has kept this saying around for a long time.

Cats are amazing. They seem to be able to get themselves into trouble and get out of trouble unharmed, but…they don’t have nine lives. They are good at running from a dog, dodging a car, or jumping from a high level. Their muscles, bones, and even their inner ears are constructed to help them right themselves during a fall and increase their odds of  landing on their feet, and absorbing the shock. Even with these survival skills, cats do get injured.

I do everything I can to help “Can Do” cat live a long life, so I can enjoy him for many years. I am a responsible pet owner. If someday your mom lets you adopt a  kitty, and give him or her a place to live, remember that this is a lifelong commitment.

A cat is not a toy or a decoration, but a living creature that deserves your love and care as long as he or she lives. If well cared for, a cat can live up to 20 years. That’s how long I hope “Can Do” cat lives.”

The boys nodded. Grandpa John started back into the store, and “Can Do” cat just kept walking on the ledge.


The Shake and Smoothie Contest

Sunday, August 6th, 2017

Shake and Smoothie

Members of the “Can Do” Street Chef’s Club held a shake and smoothie contest at the “Can Do” Street Community Center the other day.

Willie, Nellie, Maria, Bobby, and Arthur Jay got to be the judges. Grandma Hattie and Grandma Frances helped the “Can Do” Chefs Club members prepare those ingredients that required cutting up such as fruits and vegetables for each shake and smoothie.

It was a tough job…choosing a winner. Each of the judges had to drink a quarter of a cup of each shake or smoothie and there were 6 of them!

 The winner…Out Of This Whirled Shake

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Serves: 2

Cups of Fruits and Vegetables per Serving: .5


½ medium banana, peeled and sliced
1 cup unsweetened frozen berries:
(strawberries, blueberries, and/or blackberries)
½ cup low fat (1%) milk or soft tofu
½ cup 100% orange juice

Place all ingredients in a blender container. Cover tightly. Blend until smooth. If mixture is too thick, add ½ cup cold water and blend again. Pour into 2 glasses and serve.


Shake and Smoothie information:

Each serving provides: An excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of folate and potassium.

Credit: Recipe courtesy of Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH). This recipe meets PBH and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) nutrition standards that maintain fruits and vegetables as healthy foods.

Nutritional Information per Serving
Calories: 106 Carbohydrates: 23g
Total Fat: 0.9g Cholesterol: 3mg
Saturated Fat: 0.4g Dietary Fiber: 2g
% of Calories from Fat: 7% Sodium: 30mg
Protein: 3g

The Way it Was When Grandpa Dooley Was Growing Up

Thursday, May 18th, 2017

The “Can Dos” all wanted to know about the way it was when Grandpa Dooley was growing up. What was his favorite fast food? What shows did he watch on television? What did he do for fun?

So, Grandpa Dooley sat them down and told them the way it was when he was their age. The “Can Dos” couldn’t believe it!

If you want to know the way it was when Grandpa Dooley was young, read along with Grandma Jean at:


the Way it was


Be a Better Reader by Reading to the Dogs

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

readingCoach Campbell is cleaning up after a rec center intramural game, Bobby is helping. Coach Campbell asks, “So, how is school going? Passing all your classes?”

Bobby answers, “Yeah, but I am almost failing English. I am having a hard time reading out loud. I get all nervous, and I am afraid the other kids will readinglaugh at me. The out loud reading is a big part of the class grade. I want to get better, but I just get so nervous.”

Coach answers, “How about you practice reading out loud? Like part of your homework. Just something you do every day to get better, like practicing basketball made you a better player.”

Bobby asks,But where do I practice? There are always people around me. Plus, I also don’t like being all alone.”

Coach Campbell answers, “What if there was a place where I could guarantee not a single person would be around to hear you reading aloud, or laugh at you, and, you wouldn’t be lonely? Would that work?” Bobby says, “Yeah, sure – but, where is that place?”

Coach Campbell says, “The local animal shelter. You can sit and read to the dogs all day long if you want. You can read the same sentence again and again if you need to, the dogs won’t mind. They will be happy for the company.”

Bobby answers,Wow, that sounds cool. Yeah, let’s go THERE!”


Story by: Ned Campbell (voice of Coach Campbell, “Can Do” Street),  teacher and wrestling coach in Brooklyn, NY


Parent Note: For more information about children reading to dogs, check out:

  • Children read aloud to dogs

A growing number of libraries and some schools in the region are inviting volunteers to bring their dogs in to help children learn, hoping the pets will calm children who are struggling, excite those who are bored, and help kids equate reading with fun.

  • Children ‘Deck the Howls’ at shelter’s reading to dogs holiday event

This is open to children ages 5-11 who wanted to come to the shelter and read holiday stories to the adoptable dogs. According to the shelter’s YouTube page, the kids made toys, treats and pillows at the event, and helped tuck the dogs in for the night.


Riddle, Riddle, Who Has a Good Riddle?

Thursday, February 16th, 2017

riddleIt was riddle contest day at “Can Do” Street school. The “Can Do” Kids were bursting with riddles to share with each other.

Miss Pat called the class to order and announced that the riddle contest would we held right after lunch. The”Can Dos” could hardly wait!

Wendy was the first to say a riddle: I keep things safe. I have a hole in my middle. A key will open me. What am I?

Then Bobby went: I know the numbers 1 through 12. I have two hands. My hands move all day long. What am I?

It was Orrie’s turn next: My name is the same as what I do. People try to swat me. What am I?

Annie shared a riddle that went like this: I lay around all the time. People step on me, but it doesn’t hurt. Dogs like to sleep on me. What am I?

Hector had a good one too: I’m round. I’m made of metal. I have a picture of George Washington on me. Kids save me in a piggy bank. What am I?

 Nellie shared her riddle: I am made out of wood or plastic. I am straight. Kids use me to measure things. What am I?

Which riddle do you like the best? Which riddle was the hardest? Did yo get all the riddles right?
