Posts Tagged ‘best friend’

Dogs Shouldn’t Eat…

Tuesday, October 4th, 2016

Your dog is your best friend, and friends share. But, some of the things you eat are not good for dogs. For example, chocolate can make a dog very sick.

So, be a real best friend. Don’t feed your dog human treats and watch what he eats outside.

Below is a word scramble of things, that if your dog eats them, will make him sick.



When a Friend Moves Away

Thursday, July 7th, 2016

nellieGrandpa John is busy sweeping the sidewalk, in front of his store, when he sees Nellie coming down the street. He can see that Nellie is crying. She looks so sad!

When Nellie gets to where Grandpa John is sweeping, he asks softly, “Why Nellie, what’s wrong? Can I help in any way?”

Nellie stops in front of Grandpa John. She sniffles, wipes away her tears and says, “I’m so sad. My best friend, Minnie, is moving away today. She and her family are moving across the country because Minnie’s dad got a new job.” Then Nellie starts crying all over again.

Grandpa John says, “Nellie, let’s grab a bottle of juice and sit down and talk about this.”

They go into the store, and Grandpa John grabs two bottles of all-natural fruit juice. He opens them, and he gives one to Nellie. They sit down on two wicker chairs in the corner of the store, and Nellie begins to talk about Minne’s leaving.

“Minnie is my best friend. We play together every day, after school, and on weekends. What will I do without her? When will I see her again? Who will I tell all my important stuff to?” A big tear rolls down Nellie’s cheek and she starts sniffling again.

“Now just wait a minute, Nellie,” says Grandpa John. “This isn’t the end of your friendship with Minnie. If you have a computer, and I know you do, and if you have a webcam (a camera with your computer), you can see and talk to Minnie every day, for free.”

Nellie stops sniffling and says, “Do I need a special software program to do that? Does it cost money?”

Grandpa John smiles and answers, “You need Skype, which you can download for free.”

“Oh great,” answers Nellie. “Minnie’s dad works for a computer company, so no problem for her to get and use Skype, but me, who helps me?”

Grandpa John answers,”Well, it just so happens that my grandson, Orrie, uses Skype all the time. I’ll ask him to come over to your house tomorrow, and help you install and use Skype. ”

With that, Nellie gets up, thanks Grandpa John, and starts out the door. Grandpa John calls after her, “Where are you going?”

Nellie calls back, as she runs to catch Minnie before she leaves, “I’m going to make a Skype date with Minnie!”
