Posts Tagged ‘9 lives’

Does “Can Do” Cat Have 9 Lives?

Thursday, August 24th, 2017

Bobby, Hector and Willie were passing by Grandpa John’s store when they saw “Can Do” cat walking on a narrow ledge above the front door. 

image of catThe “Can Dos” ran in to tell Grandpa John. “Grandpa John, Grandpa John they shouted,  “Can Do” cat is going to fall. Come quick.” Grandpa John dropped what he was doing and quickly went outside to see if “Can Do” cat was okay. He looked up to see Can Do” cat balancing himself on the ledge. Grandpa John smiled and said, “Can Do” cat is fine. He is just doing what he always does.”

Hector asked, “Is it true cats have nine lives”? How many lives has “Can Do” cat used up already”? Grandpa John chuckled and said, “Boys, that is just a saying. Cats have a quickness, and the ability to land on their feet, which has kept this saying around for a long time.

Cats are amazing. They seem to be able to get themselves into trouble and get out of trouble unharmed, but…they don’t have nine lives. They are good at running from a dog, dodging a car, or jumping from a high level. Their muscles, bones, and even their inner ears are constructed to help them right themselves during a fall and increase their odds of  landing on their feet, and absorbing the shock. Even with these survival skills, cats do get injured.

I do everything I can to help “Can Do” cat live a long life, so I can enjoy him for many years. I am a responsible pet owner. If someday your mom lets you adopt a  kitty, and give him or her a place to live, remember that this is a lifelong commitment.

A cat is not a toy or a decoration, but a living creature that deserves your love and care as long as he or she lives. If well cared for, a cat can live up to 20 years. That’s how long I hope “Can Do” cat lives.”

The boys nodded. Grandpa John started back into the store, and “Can Do” cat just kept walking on the ledge.
