Posts Tagged ‘5Ws and 1H’

The 5Ws and 1H of a Bath for Scooter

Sunday, January 24th, 2016

the 5Ws and 1HMiss Pat called the class to order and said, “Everyone take out his or her copy of Arthur J’s story, ‘A Bath for Scooter’ and let’s review the 5Ws and 1H of the story.”

Hector looked confused. “Miss Pat,” said Hector, “Please remind me what the 5Ws and 1H are.”

Miss Pat smiled and said, “Every story usually answers the following questions:

What happens in the story?

Who does it happen to?

Why does it happen?

When does it happen?

Where does it happen?


How does it happen?

“Hmmm,” said Hector as he picked up his pencil and began to read Arthur’s story again.

The class grew quiet as each “Can Do” made a list of the 5Ws and 1H. Then each “Can Do” wrote the answers after each one of the 5Ws and 1H.

Okay, ready for the answers to the 5Ws and 1H?

What is the story about? A bath

Who does it happen to? Scooter

Why does it happen? Scooter got in the trash and got sticky

When does it happen? Yesterday

Where does it happen? The bath happens in the bathroom sink

How does the bath happen?  Bobby puts him in the sink and washes him with soap and water

Boys and girls reading did you do with the 5Ws and 1H?


A Bath for Scooter

Sunday, January 17th, 2016

ScooterGetting back into the routine of daily learning was hard for some of the “Can Dos” after the holiday vacation. So Miss Pat challenged the class to a story contest to get the “Can Dos back to thinking, being creative and writing.

Miss Pat asked the class to use the 5 Ws and the 1H of writing that they learned about before the holiday break to write a story about a puppy being bathed in a sink.

Well, to Miss Pat’s surprise, the best story, called, “A Bath for Scooter,” was written by Arthur Jay.

After Miss Pat announced the winner of the story contest about the puppy in the sink, she asked Arthur J to read his story to the class. Arthur J stood up, cleared his throat and started reading.

A Bath for Scooter, by Arthur J.

Scooter is a puppy that gets into things. Yesterday Scooter got into the kitchen trash can and got covered with sticky stuff.

Bobby’s mom told Bobby to give Scooter a bath in the sink. Bobby wasn’t happy about having to give Scooter a bath. His mom reminded him of how he kept asking for a puppy and how he promised to take care of the puppy if she would just get him one.

Bobby got the puppy soap. He picked up Scooter and put him in the sink. Scooter tried to get out of the sink, but he couldn’t. So he just laid his head on the side of the sink and got a sad look on his face.

Bobby washed Scooter and dried him with a towel that was just for him. He rubbed him all over until his fur was all fluffy. Then Scooter ran all around. Scooter looked and smelled good.

Whiles Scooter was running around, Bobby cleaned the bathroom and threw the towel in the wash. As he was cleaning up, Bobby made up his mind to do a better job of watching Scooter. He didn’t want to have to keep giving Scooter a bath and he didn’t want his mom to be mad a Scooter.

Okay, boys and girls at home why don’t you write a story about the puppy in the picture? In our next post, we will talk about the 5Ws and the 1H questions. Why not print out Arthur J’s story then circle the who, what, where, when and why and the how answers in Arthur J’s story. Let’s see how you do when you compare your answers to the ones the “Can Dos” give Miss Pat.
