I Don’t Think I’m Old Enough for a Puppy.

September 8th, 2017

image of Beagle puppyWhen Willie, Hector and Bobby arrived in homeroom class all they could talk about was Coach Campbell’s new puppy. They got the rest of the class all excited about puppies and having pets.

Teacher Pat, decided to use this conversation to talk about responsibility. Pets are a big responsibility and she didn’t think the “Can Dos” knew just how much of a responsibility they are, especially puppies.

“Class, pets are wonderful. Puppies and grown up dogs and kittens and cats make great companions. But…they are living things that need care. Just like you, they need to be fed and given water at certain times. They can’t do this for themselves.

They also need other things, like trips to the the vet, which is their kind of doctor to keep them healthy.

Let’s talk about a puppy. Coach Campbell told you that a puppy needs to be walked several times a day until he or she get older. Otherwise there will be accidents. A puppy need to be trained to behave, never hit, but trained by someone who knows how to train a puppy, or learns how to train a puppy.A puppy need to learn to follow commands such as …sit…stay…down.

Puppies need lots of exercise. They need to run and to play and they need lots of affection.”

Teacher Pat could see by the looks on the “Can Dos” faces that they still wanted to ask their parents about a puppy.  So she asked the big question,”Are you willing to get up a half hour earlier every day to walk your puppy in the rain and the snow and the cold weather, not just on sunny days?” A look of concern came over  some of the “Can Dos” faces.

“Are you ready to walk your puppy again after school, and before bed? Are you willing to clean up after him if he has an accident in the house?

Who will train your puppy to behave? Who will walk your puppy when you are in school? Will you give up after school activities to go home and walk your puppy?”

Now most of the class looked concerned.

Then Miss Pat said,”If this is your puppy, than you are responsible for him, not your mom, or your dad, or your older brother or sister…you are responsible.”

Hector raised his hand. When Miss Pat called on him he said,”I sure would like to have a puppy to play with from time to time, but I don’t think I’m old enough for a puppy, yet.” Most of the other “Can Do’s were nodding their heads in agreement.

Miss Pat smiled and said, “Good thinking, Hector. Getting a pet is a big commitment. Waiting untill you are a bit older, and can really take care of a puppy is the right idea.”


The “Can Do” Kids Eat Out

September 1st, 2017

picture of Miss Pat, Kids teacherMiss Pat couldn’t help but notice that some of the “Can Do” Kids were not using good table manners in the cafeteria.

She had money left from a class trip in May, so, she decided to take the “Can Do” Kids out to the local diner in the hopes that eating in a restaurant might help them to remember their manners, at least she hoped they would.

Before they walked to the “Can Do” Diner. Miss Pat reviewed the rules:

  • When ordering, speak clearly and politely and say please and thank you.
  • Order what you know you will eat.
  • Use your napkin to wipe your face and hands, don’t wipe your hands on your clothes.
  • No pushing or seat grabbing.
  • No throwing food, touching other kids food or using straws to blow milk at each other.

The “Can Do” Kids all agreed to mind their manners and behave. Grandma Hattie and Grandpa Dooley agreed to come along and help Miss Pat.

The walk to the restaurant went well. The “Can Do” Kids were fine sitting down. Things didn’t get tough until the menus came out and each “Can Do”had to decide what to order. Naturally most of the “Can Do” Kids wanted French fries and a soda with their meal, but Miss Pat wanted them to take a veggie and low fat milk.

Grandpa Dooley suggested a compromise. Every “Can Do” who chose a veggie over French fries and milk over soda got to have a dish of ice cream for dessert. All but one “Can Do” chose veggie’s and milk. The one who held out for French fries, was, you guessed it…Hector. So, his dessert was a small fruit salad. Miss Pat wouldn’t give in on the soda; Hector had to drink milk!

The “Can Do” Kids made Miss Pat proud;they were well behaved. Miss Pat proved to herself that the “Can Do” Kids did have table manners.


Does “Can Do” Cat Have 9 Lives?

August 24th, 2017

Bobby, Hector and Willie were passing by Grandpa John’s store when they saw “Can Do” cat walking on a narrow ledge above the front door. 

image of catThe “Can Dos” ran in to tell Grandpa John. “Grandpa John, Grandpa John they shouted,  “Can Do” cat is going to fall. Come quick.” Grandpa John dropped what he was doing and quickly went outside to see if “Can Do” cat was okay. He looked up to see Can Do” cat balancing himself on the ledge. Grandpa John smiled and said, “Can Do” cat is fine. He is just doing what he always does.”

Hector asked, “Is it true cats have nine lives”? How many lives has “Can Do” cat used up already”? Grandpa John chuckled and said, “Boys, that is just a saying. Cats have a quickness, and the ability to land on their feet, which has kept this saying around for a long time.

Cats are amazing. They seem to be able to get themselves into trouble and get out of trouble unharmed, but…they don’t have nine lives. They are good at running from a dog, dodging a car, or jumping from a high level. Their muscles, bones, and even their inner ears are constructed to help them right themselves during a fall and increase their odds of  landing on their feet, and absorbing the shock. Even with these survival skills, cats do get injured.

I do everything I can to help “Can Do” cat live a long life, so I can enjoy him for many years. I am a responsible pet owner. If someday your mom lets you adopt a  kitty, and give him or her a place to live, remember that this is a lifelong commitment.

A cat is not a toy or a decoration, but a living creature that deserves your love and care as long as he or she lives. If well cared for, a cat can live up to 20 years. That’s how long I hope “Can Do” cat lives.”

The boys nodded. Grandpa John started back into the store, and “Can Do” cat just kept walking on the ledge.


Taking Turns Picking What to Play

August 13th, 2017

image of kids at play using a soccer ball

Jay and Yundi went to the park to play.

Just then Jay saw some of their friends playing soccer and said, “Let’s go play soccer with our friends.”

“I don’t like soccer,” said Yundi. “I want to play tag.”Jay shook his head and said,”Our friends are playing soccer now. Maybe when they finish their soccer game they will play tag. I’m going to play soccer with them.”

Jay went off and played soccer and Yundi sat on the side of the field where his friends were playing and just looked grumpy.

When the game was over, Jay came over to Yundi with a big smile and said, “That was fun! You should have joined in. “

Yundi answered, “I told you I didn’t want to play soccer.”  Jay looked at Yundi and said,”Well, if you had been willing to play soccer today, than maybe tomorrow the others would be willing to play tag with you. If you look grumpy and don’t join in, then the other boys will think you don’t like any games and won’t ask you to play with them.”

Yundi thought about it for a minute and said,” So, if sometimes I play games I don’t really like so much, but others do, then they might play some of my favorite games?”

“Exactly,” said Jay. “It’s all about thinking of others, not just about what you want to play.” Then he added, “Most of all it’s about joining in and just having fun with friends, not what you play.”


The Shake and Smoothie Contest

August 6th, 2017

Shake and Smoothie

Members of the “Can Do” Street Chef’s Club held a shake and smoothie contest at the “Can Do” Street Community Center the other day.

Willie, Nellie, Maria, Bobby, and Arthur Jay got to be the judges. Grandma Hattie and Grandma Frances helped the “Can Do” Chefs Club members prepare those ingredients that required cutting up such as fruits and vegetables for each shake and smoothie.

It was a tough job…choosing a winner. Each of the judges had to drink a quarter of a cup of each shake or smoothie and there were 6 of them!

 The winner…Out Of This Whirled Shake

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Serves: 2

Cups of Fruits and Vegetables per Serving: .5


½ medium banana, peeled and sliced
1 cup unsweetened frozen berries:
(strawberries, blueberries, and/or blackberries)
½ cup low fat (1%) milk or soft tofu
½ cup 100% orange juice

Place all ingredients in a blender container. Cover tightly. Blend until smooth. If mixture is too thick, add ½ cup cold water and blend again. Pour into 2 glasses and serve.


Shake and Smoothie information:

Each serving provides: An excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of folate and potassium.

Credit: Recipe courtesy of Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH). This recipe meets PBH and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) nutrition standards that maintain fruits and vegetables as healthy foods.

Nutritional Information per Serving
Calories: 106 Carbohydrates: 23g
Total Fat: 0.9g Cholesterol: 3mg
Saturated Fat: 0.4g Dietary Fiber: 2g
% of Calories from Fat: 7% Sodium: 30mg
Protein: 3g