Archive for the ‘What Can a “Can Do” Do?’ Category

Painting with Pudding

Saturday, January 8th, 2011

Bobby, Kathy and Annie were all set to spend the afternoon at Grandma Maureen’s using the paint by numbers kits that she gave them for Christmas. Then Grandma Maureen reminded them that their young cousin, Billy was coming over and they needed to mind him while she made supper. “Oh no,” said Bobby, ” He’s too little to have around while we paint. He’ll ruin everything”! Kathy said, “It’s not fair Grandma. Billy gets into everything.”

Grandma said, “Fair or not, he’s coming. Let’s figure out what we can give him to do.” Annie said, “I know, I know what he can do and we can all still paint. Remember when were toddlers and you let us paint with pudding, Grandma Maureen”? Grandma Maureen smiled and said, “Great idea, Annie. Let’s cover the dining room table with a plastic cloth and then you can get out the construction paper.”

When Billy arrived, Bobby told him how they were all going to paint, even him. Billy was thrilled. Grandma Maureen brought in a box of instant vanilla pudding, a large bowl and two cups of milk. Kathy helped Billy pour the milk.  Annie helped him mix the pudding until it got thick. Kathy set out four small bowls and guided Billy’s hand as he scooped pudding into each bowl.

Billy got to choose the colors he wanted from the bottles of food coloring…red, green,yellow and orange. Bobby helped him squeeze just the right amount of coloring in each dish of pudding and stir the pudding in each bowl until it was just the right color.

Grandma asked Annie to draw or trace an outline of some things that Billy could fill in with pudding paint.

It was a great afternoon! Billy loved painting at the table with the other kids and didn’t pester them while they painted.

Most importantly, when he put the pudding paint in his mouth, no problem!


Wendy’s Grandma Lives Far Away

Friday, September 17th, 2010

One of Wendy’s grandma lives in China and Wendy lives in the USA. It is her Dad’s mom.  She wants to get to know her grandma before she spends a month with her in China. It will be the first time she has met her grandma in person.

Wendy sends her grandma cards now and then. Her grandma doesn’t speak English but that is okay because Wendy speaks Chinese at home and goes to Chinese school on Saturdays.She speaks Chinese well enough to talk to grandma.

What are some things Wendy can do before she visits to feel more comfortable with her grandma? Do you think she should:

  • Ask her dad to tell her more about grandma so she knows what grandma likes and doesn’t like
  • Start e-mailing grandma and get to know her better
  • Send grandma pictures and ask her to send pictures
  • Make grandma a present to take to her in China
  • Ask Dad if you can call grandma once in awhile and talk to her

What else can Wendy do to feel more  at home when she stays with grandma in China? (more…)


What Can I Do To Take Care of Myself?

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

Each year you get bigger and stronger and need less and less help to take care of yourself.  Circle the things you can do now, without help,  to take care of yourself.

Wash myself when taking a bath

wash my hair

brush my teeth

brush and comb my hair

go to the bathroom by myself

get dressed

tie my shoes

make my bed

pack my schoolbag

pour  a glass of milk  or water

make a sandwich

fix a snack

Wow, there’s lots to do…but you are a “Can Do” Kid and pretty soon you will be able to do all of these things to take care of yourself.
