Archive for the ‘What Can a “Can Do” Do?’ Category

Name Those Objects Quiz

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

Miss Pat and quizMiss Pat handed back the vocabulary quiz.

She was not happy with the results of the quiz. Many of the class didn’t do as well as she thought they would.

She asked the class why they thought they did poorly on the quiz. Arthur J raised his hand and said,” I didn’t recognize some of the objects on the quiz. I didn’t know their names.”

Miss Pat noticed that some of the other “Can Dos” were nodding their heads in agreement.

“Okay, boys and girls,” said Miss Pat,”Tomorrow I will have a few matching games on your computers to help you with naming objects you saw on the quiz.”

That is just what she did!

Why not play the matching games and see how you do with naming objects from the quiz?

Go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose games and choose ..Name the Objects.

After you are done naming the objects, write a sentence about each object you matched.


The Word Jumble

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

Well, the second day back to school was not much better than the first. So, Miss Pat decided it was another day for making a game out of learning, this time for spelling and vocabulary using a word jumble.

She chose a word jumble for them to do, hoping this would get their attention and they would learn and have fun while learning.

“The first three of you to finish the jumble correctly will not have any homework tonight.” Don’t shout out when you are finished the jumble, just raise your hand and I will come over and check your work,” said Miss Pat

Miss Pat handed out the jumble and the room got quiet. Soon Orrie’s hand went up. Then Maria raised her hand and then Yundi. Sure enough, they all had the jumble right! No homework for them.

Why don’t you see how you do with the jumble?

word jumble


September is National Children’s Good Manners Month

Saturday, September 24th, 2011

Hector wants to know…what are manners? Maria says that manners are guidelines for how to behave in all social situations. Is she right?

How would you describe manners?

Bobby says manners are important because they keep us from hurting people’s feelings. Do you think he’s right?

Do you know words that show you have good manners? Here are a few: Please…Thank You…You’re Welcome…Excuse me. Can you name any others?

Let’s see what you think would be good manners.

1. You are at the dinner table, with family company, and your head starts itching. What should you do?

2. A friend comes to your house and brings a gift. What should you say or do?

3. You see your grandma on the street and she is carrying packages. What should you do?

4. You have a seat on the bus, but an elderly lady gets on the bus and there are no seats left. What can you do?

5. You need to go to the bathroom in school. You need to get permission from your teacher but  she is talking to someone. What can you do?

Do you think you have good manners? Do you ask by saying please first? Do you say thank you when you receive something or get help? What about when you need to get by someone, or you bump into someone do you say excuse me?

Can you name a few things you can do to improve your manners?


Food Safety and Fixing an After School Snack

Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

nurse diane teaches after school snackNurse Diane visited the “Can Dos” in class and spoke to them about being careful when they prepare an after school snack at home.

Here is what she had to say. “You need to be careful when you make an after school  snack or you could wind up getting sick. This is what you need to do keep from getting sick:

  • First…put your books, knapsack, and sporting equipment on the floor, not on eating counters or the kitchen table where the germs on your bag, books and sporting equipment can get on the table where you are going to make your snack or eat it.
  • Wipe the counter or food preparation area before you put food on it to make sure their are no germs on the counter. Use a clean paper towel with hot water and soap to wipe the counter. Then rinse the area with another clean paper and clean, cool water. Make sure you get all the soap up
  • Clean out your lunch box and throw away sandwiches or other “refrigerator type” foods, such as yogurt tubes or cheese sticks, left over from lunch that are no longer safe to eat. Don’t eat them for a snack. It doesn’t matter if they look or smell okay.
  • Wash your hands before you make or eat a snack. Hands carry lots of germs, and not washing hands is a big reason for getting sick from making food with germ-filled hands.
  • Always use clean spoons, forks, and plates.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables with running tap water before you eat them.
  • Do not eat bread, cheese, or soft fruits or vegetables that have bruises or spots of mold.
  • Do not eat unbaked cookie dough because it may contain raw eggs that can have bacteria that can make you sick.
  • Do not leave cold items, like milk, lunch meat, hard cooked eggs, or yogurt, out on the counter at room temperature. Put these foods back in the refrigerator as soon as you’ve fixed your snack.
  • Don’t eat any food that has been  left out of the refrigerator, such as pizza — even if it isn’t topped with meat. Food should not be left in the temperature “Danger Zone” of 40 to 140 °F for more than 2 hours or no more than 1 hour if the temperature is 90 °F or higher.
  • When you finish preparing your snack, be sure to wash off the counter or food prep area with a clean paper towel.”

“Wow,” said Hector, “That’s a bunch of things to remember about making a snack!”

Nurse Diane nodded and answered, ” True, but It beats getting tummy troubles doesn’t it Hector?”

Hector had to agree!

Source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control


Look Who Got Promoted With the Class!

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

The “Can Dos” were all excited as they met up in the school yard before class on the first day of school.

Some walked to school with a parent or older brother or sister. Some car pooled with other kids from their neighborhood. Those who lived farthest away took the school bus.

Just then the bell rang and the “Can Dos” lined up behind the sign that said their grade. Then they all marched into the school and were led to a new classroom that would be where their class would be for the whole year.

Classroom for can do class

The tables and chairs were all neat and clean. Some had supplies on them like crayons and paper and pencils.

As they were taking their seats, a voice came from behind them, saying, “Don’t take seats just yet, class. I want to assign seating.”The “Can Dos” looked at each other in amazement. They recognized that voice. It was Miss Pat!

Miss Pat walked to the front of the room and greeted each “Can Do”  in the class by name. Smiling she said, “Since I know you all so well, I know who should and shouldn’t sit next to one another. That is why I am going to assign seats.”

The “Can Dos” knew better than to groan or make a smart comment. It was true, Miss Pat, their teacher from last year, knew them very well.

Kathy turned to Hector and whispered,”Did you read those books from the list Miss Pat gave us before summer vacation?” Hector beamed and answered, “I sure did. It took me most of last week to do it!: It was a good thing too, since as soon as they were seated Miss Pat said, “Okay, class let’s begin by reviewing the books from our must read list. You know the one, the one I gave you before summer vacation.”

Before they got started talking about the books they read and what the books were about, Miss Pat asked,”Class, does anyone have any questions about the new school year?” Eulyn raised her hand and when Miss Pat called on her she asked, “How come you are our teacher again this year? How come?”

Miss Pat smiled and said, “Why class, I got promoted just like all of you!”
