Archive for the ‘What Can a “Can Do” Do?’ Category

Coach and Jay Talk About Being a Good Sportsman

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013

coach campbell talking about being a good sportsman“Hey Jay,” said Coach Campbell, “I watched your ping pong game with Bobby this morning and I could tell from far away that you lost. I watched you throw the ping pong paddle down in anger and storm off from the game room yelling and kicking.  It was like you “melted down.”

Did Bobby say something that made you angry, or where you just upset that you lost the game?”

“Just that I lost the game,” answered Jay.

Coach Campbell nodded and said, “Look Jay….no one LIKES to lose…but, part of playing the game is knowing that you might lose. I mean it is a game and someone wins and someone loses, but you can’t let losing make you put on a show like this morning. You have to be a good sportsman.”

Jay looked puzzled and asked, “What’s a sportsman?”

“Ha, well…let’s see,” said Coach, “A sportsman is someone who even in defeat acts with grace.”

Hmm, said Jay, “Is defeat the same as losing?”

“Yes,” answered Coach.

“And, what’s grace,” asked Jay.

Coach thought for a moment and then said, “Being someone who had fun playing the game and wants to play again. The game, that’s the fun part. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but…you keep playing and that keeps you getting better…being better.”

Jay’s face brightened and he said, “Oh, I see.”

“Good,” said Coach.  “Look, next month there is a big ping-pong tournament and I think you can do well and maybe even get to the finals.  If you work hard and keep learning from your mistakes, it can happen.  But, I need to know you will not ‘lose it’ like this morning if you lose…will you be a good sportsman?”

Jay asked, “You really think I can do well?”

“Yes,” said Coach, “But you have to give me your word you will be a good sportsman.  No more melt downs.”

“YES,” said Jay, “I can do it. I can be a good sportsman. I know I can!”


Are You Ready for Mother’s Day?

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

can do kids are sitting around tables in the classroomMiss Pat knew if she started to talk about Mother’s Day the class would perk up.

It was Wednesday afternoon, just after lunch, and the “Can Do” Kids were having a hard time concentrating on their reading assignment. Miss Pat saw Willie fidgeting in his seat. Hector was scribbling in his notebook. Annie and Eulyn were whispering to one another. “Class”, said Miss Pat, ” I want to have a discussion that I think will be important to all of you.”

The class all looked up and came to attention. Miss Pat asked, “Who knows what day Sunday is?”

“It’s Mother’s Day,” shouted out most of the class.

By the looks on Hector and Arthur J’s faces Miss Pat could tell they forgot Mother’s Day was Sunday.  She couldn’t help thinking it was a good thing she brought it up.

Miss Pat asked, “Who wants to share what he or she is going to do for his or her mom and on Mother’s Day”?

Orrie raised his hand and said, “I saved some money that I got for my birthday and bought my mom a box of her favorite chocolates. I bought my grandma a box too.” The class clapped and Miss Pat said, “That is very thoughtful and generous of you Orrie. I know your mom and your grandma will be so pleased. “

Nellie and Willie shared that their mom was still home on leave from the army, so they were going to make her breakfast in bed with all her favorite foods. Again the class clapped. Then Yundi said he was going to ride his bike to the Chinese bakery and buy his mom her favorite dessert…custard tarts. He plans on paying for them with the money he earned from helping with chores around the house. Wendy wrote a special poem for her mom, all about what a great mom she is. Everyone thought these were special ideas.

Hector said, “I forgot Mother’s Day was coming up and I don’t have any money for a gift.” Arthur J. said, “Me too. I forgot and now I feel bad and I don’t know what to do.”

Miss Pat smiled and said, “Maybe the class can give you some ideas.”Annie raised her hand and said, “Why don’t you make your Mother’s Day cards and write how much you love them. Mothers love to hear that.” Maria suggested giving them a present of helping around the house for one week. “How would that work, asked Arthur J. “Simple,” said Maria, “just make a card that says…My Mother’s Day Gift to You Is Helping Around the House for One Week.  Then list all the things you will help with such as: Cleaning off the table, emptying the trash, sweeping the kitchen floor and putting the folded laundry away.”

“Wow, that’s a pretty big gift,” said Hector. “I wish I had saved money and bought flowers or candy.” The class all shouted out, “Oh Hector!”

Miss Pat said, “I am glad we had this talk. You all have some great ways to remember your moms and grandmas on Mother’s Day!”


The Flashlight

Saturday, April 27th, 2013

Kathy took the flashlight from its hook in the kitchen closet and slipped it under her robe. She took the back staircase from the kitchen upstairs to her bedroom.

She slipped the flashlight under her bed.  Then she took the book she had been reading, Anne of Green Gables, and slipped it under her pillow.

She smiled to herself, thinking  about how she could read by flashlight after bedtime. She went downstairs and joined her family in the living room to watch a TV show together.

When it was time for bed , she kissed her parents and made her way up to bed. Kathy shared a bedroom with Annie, her sister, so she had to wait until Annie fell asleep before trying to read by flashlight.

Once Annie was asleep, Kathy reached down and took the flashlight from under her bed and the book from under her pillow. She pulled the covers over her head so that the light from the flashlight could not be seen, is anyone passed by her bedroom door. She was also worried that the light from the flashlight might wake Annie and then Kathy would get in trouble for sure.

Kathy lost all track of time. When she heard her parents coming up to bed she quickly turned off the flashlight and tucked the book under her pillow. She pretended to be asleep. Just then her mom opened the door to her room and thinking that Kathy was asleep, said to Kathy’s dad, “I’m happy to see that Kathy is getting a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow is the big spelling bee and Kathy is such a good speller.I think she really has a good chance at winning.”

Oh no thought Kathy, I forgot about the spelling bee. I better get to sleep. When the alarm rang the next morning she had such a hard time waking up. She forgot to return the flashlight to the closet and left the book under her pillow. She was running late for school, so her mom told her to skip making her bed, that she would make it for her.

flashlightWell, the bad news is Kathy fell asleep during the spelling bee and missed her turn. So, she was out of the spelling bee.

The other bad news…she had a lot of explaining to do when she got home. Kathy took the flashlight from its hook in the kitchen closet and slipped it under her robe.


Time to Test Your Fire Safety Smarts

Friday, January 18th, 2013

The “Can Do” Kids took the Junior Fire Marshal Quiz, from the US Fire Administration for Kids and did very well!

Boys and girls it’s time to take the Junior Fire Marshal Quiz. Ready? Set? Go!

fire safety quiz



1. Smoke alarms need brand new batteries at least:
a. Once a month
b. Once a year
c. Once every two years
d. Once every ten years

2. When escaping from a fire:
a. Take time to find your favorite toys
and pets.
b. Get out fast.
c. Hide.
d. Call 9-1-1.

3. Heaters are hot so be sure to:
a. Ask an adult to turn them on and off for you.
b. Turn them on and off yourself.
c. Leave them on all the time.
d. Place wet clothes to dry over them.

4. A working smoke alarm can warn you early to escape
when a _____ happens.
a. Fire
b. Thunderstorm
c. Flood
d. Earthquake

5.You should plan to have __________ escape routes
from each room in your home.
a. Zero
b. One
c. Two
d. Three

6. Electricity can be very dangerous. Never play with:
a. A pocket video game
b. A television remote control
c. Electrical cords, outlets or wall sockets
d. A flashlight

7. Smoke alarm batteries need to be __________
once a month to make sure they are working.
a. Cleaned
b. Shined
c. Disconnected
d. Tested

8. Call 9-1-1 or the fire department only if:
a. You need a ride home from school
b. There is a scary thunderstorm
c. There is an emergency
d. You have a question about fire safety

9. Only ______ can use fire safely.
a. Kids
b. Kids and adults
c. Teenagers
d. Adults

10. If you see matches or lighters in a room:
a. throw them away
b. tell a grown-up right away
c. hide them
d. pick them up

The Junior Fire marshal quiz  answers: 1) b 2) b 3) a 4) a 5) c 6) c 7) d 8) c 9) d 10) b


Hector Is Not So Good at Doing Chores

Sunday, January 13th, 2013

Hector FrontHector is great at eating, sleeping, skateboarding, computers and math but he is not good at doing his chores.

Hector and his sister Maria have chores. Hector’s mom says,”We all live in this house and we all need to do our fair share of keeping the house nice.”  Hector agrees but when it is time to do his chores he forgets or hopes his mom will forget!

One of Hector’s chores is to empty the garbage every night after dinner. He always puts it off. When his mom reminds him,  he says he will do it in a few minutes. Most of the time he doesn’t do it.

Hector and Maria are supposed to make their beds each morning. Most mornings Hector doesn’t make his bed. He is also supposed to put his dirty clothes in the hamper each night. Most times he throws them in the corner of his room. By Friday he is often out of underwear.

Hector’s mom says if he doesn’t start doing his chores he is not going to be able to watch his favorite TV show and lose time on the family computer.

What does Hector need to do to remember to do his chores? What do you do to remember your chores?
