Archive for the ‘Teacher Pat’ Category

The First Day Back to School After the Holidays

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

The first day back to school after the holiday was cold and rainy. The “Can Dos” were having a hard time concentrating on school work.

Luckily, Miss Pat knew the “Can Dos”needed some help getting back in the school grove. So, she made two computer games to ease them back into their computer lessons.

She made two matching games about the toys the children got.

Why don’t you play along with the “Can Dos”? Go to the Club House on “Can Do” Street, click on it, then click on games. Look for the games called Show and Tell, click on them and play!


Halloween Computer Matching Games

Friday, October 19th, 2012

The “Can Do” Kids, burst into the computer lab just as Miss Pat was putting the finishing touches on the Halloween games she promised them in home room that morning.

“Take your seats at your computer stations and beginning playing the Halloween matching games,” said Miss Pat.

The “Can Dos” scrambled to get to their seats and followed Miss Pat’s directions to find the Halloween games.

Why not play along? Just go to the “Can Do”: Club House, choose games and choose Halloween games.

Have fun with the Halloween Games!



Adjective Games

Thursday, October 11th, 2012

Miss Pat heard from the English teacher that some of the “Can Do” Kids were having problems understanding the role of an adjective. So she made a few games up for them to play in computer class about the role of an adjective.

She thought if the learning were fun they might have an easier time understanding and remembering how to use the  adjective

Why not play along with the “Can Do’s and have some fun while getting good at using an adjective to describe a noun?

Go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose Games, then choose “What is?”

Have fun!


Math …Math…Math

Friday, September 21st, 2012

The “Can Dos” have been having a hard time with math according to their math teacher.

Once again, Miss Pat was asked to make up computer games for math. The math teacher was hoping that some math games might make learning the 6x table easier.

Their math teacher also hoping that a math game about the 4x table might help too.

When the “Can Dos” came to computer class, Miss Pat announced that she made some math games for them. At first, the “Can Dos” were not so thrilled to play games about math, but when they say how it made remembering the times tables easier, they were happy about it!

Why not try the games out? Go to the Club House, choose games, then choose times tables.

Have fun with the math games!




Name Those Flowers!

Sunday, April 15th, 2012

During school break, some of the “Can Dos” went on a day trip to the Botanical Gardens to view the spring flowers on display and learn their names. 

The trip was sponsored by the “Can Do” Street Community Center. Some of the members of the Seniors Club went along as chaperons. Since some of the members of the Seniors Club kept flower gardens, they made excellent tour guides.

Once at the Botanical Gardens, the “Can Dos” were broken up into small groups of four. Each group had a senior tour guide.

They made there way through the beautiful displays of flowers, stopping to smell the flowers, learn their names and how to take care of them.

When they got back to school after the break, Miss Pat asked the “Can Dos” that went on the trip to share with the rest of the class about what they saw and what they learned.

That evening, Miss Pat decided to make a matching game about spring flowers. Well, it was tough, because not all the class was familiar with the names of the flowers and how to spell their names. Miss Pat had to help out more than usual with this matching game.

Guess who did the best. Nope, not Orrie. It was Willie. How come? Well, he helps his grandpa, Grandpa Dooley, plant and care for his flower garden, so he knew the names of all the flowers.

Okay, your turn. Go to the “Can Do”Club House…choose games and choose “Spring Flowers.”
