Archive for the ‘senior center’ Category

The Halloween that Almost Wasn’t

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

There was no school on the day before Halloween and the electric company said there would be no school on Halloween.

When Hurricane Sandy hit “Can Do” Street, everyone was prepared to be safe and they were. Oh, there were problems…some streets flooded and a few basements of houses, some homes even lost electrical power for a day or so. But all in all, most problems were fixable. Well, almost all problems. You see the school had to close, because the lights went out.

The Can Dos” were really disappointed! No school! Most times they would be happy to hear…No school, but not on Halloween.

What about the costume parade, the prize for best costume, the Halloween games?

Not only was there no school, there would be no house to house trick or treating. The mayor had announced that some of the streets were in darkness and some streets had trees down…not safe conditions for walking from house to house.

Miss Sue, the director of the “Can Do” Street Community Center, came to the rescue. The day before Halloween, some of the parents came in to decorate the center. The seniors club made up treat bags and made Halloween cupcakes and punch.

Halloween Day dawned gray and misty, but the “Can Dos’ were glad they had somewhere to go to celebrate a favorite holiday.

The festivities began at 2PM with a costume parade all around the center. After the parade the judges gave prizes for the best costumes. Willie won for being an M&M. Maria won for being Dora the Explorer. Bobby thought he would win for coming as Sponge Bob Square pants, but there were several kids who wore that costume, so…he didn’t win.

After that there was a Halloween play staring Nellie and Hector.

Then it was time for the cupcakes, the fruit punch and Halloween songs and poems.

Just as they were getting ready to leave, the “Can Dos” were told to line up and pass in front of the line of parents grandparents and neighbors standing by the door. Imagine how surprised the “Can Dos” were when each adult dropped a Halloween treat in the baskets!

Well…it sure was a different kind of Halloween but all the “Can Dos’ agreed it was a good one.



Bookworm Apple Bark

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

Bookworm Apple Bark

The “Can Do” Kids Cooking Club members were busy making Bookworm Apple Bark, a healthy treat for snack time at the “Can Do” Community Center.

Lots of the kids who come to the center don’t eat enough fruit. So, the cooking club members decided to make a snack with fruits that had a name that would make kids want to eat it.  Bookworm Apple Bark, sound like a fun thing to eat, doesn’t it?

Some of the ladies from the senior club helped with the preparation by cutting the fruit and helping the “Can Do” Cooking Club members assemble the Bookworm Apple Bark snacks.

The “Can Dos” put them on trays and brought them around to all the kids attending programs at the center. The Bookworm Apple Barks were a great hit! The kids loved them.

If you would like to make Bookworm Apple Bark, here is the recipe.

Prep: 10 minutes


1 Granny Smith Apple
1 tablespoon peanut butter
2½  tablespoons golden or black raisins
1½  tablespoons dried sweetened cranberries

Directions: Be sure to get an adult to do the cutting !

Cut apple into four quarters, starting at the stem. Remove the core by cutting away to leave a flat surface on the apple quarter. Be careful not to cut too much of the edible portion of the apple away. Drop and slightly spread the peanut butter on apple quarters. Mix together the raisins and dried cranberries then sprinkle on peanut butter.

Serves: 1

Nutrition Information per Serving: calories: 272, total fat: 8.1g, saturated fat: 1.5g, % calories from fat: 25%, % calories from saturated fat: 5%, protein: 5g, carbohydrates: 50g, cholesterol: 0mg, dietary fiber: 6g, sodium: 79mg

Each serving provides:
  An excellent source of fiber and a good source of vitamin C.

Source: Recipe was developed for Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH) by Chef Mark Goodwin, CEC, CNC.  This recipe meets PBH and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) nutrition standards that maintain fruits and vegetables as healthy foods.

Recipe from the Cool Fuel for Kids cookbook.



Name Those Flowers!

Sunday, April 15th, 2012

During school break, some of the “Can Dos” went on a day trip to the Botanical Gardens to view the spring flowers on display and learn their names. 

The trip was sponsored by the “Can Do” Street Community Center. Some of the members of the Seniors Club went along as chaperons. Since some of the members of the Seniors Club kept flower gardens, they made excellent tour guides.

Once at the Botanical Gardens, the “Can Dos” were broken up into small groups of four. Each group had a senior tour guide.

They made there way through the beautiful displays of flowers, stopping to smell the flowers, learn their names and how to take care of them.

When they got back to school after the break, Miss Pat asked the “Can Dos” that went on the trip to share with the rest of the class about what they saw and what they learned.

That evening, Miss Pat decided to make a matching game about spring flowers. Well, it was tough, because not all the class was familiar with the names of the flowers and how to spell their names. Miss Pat had to help out more than usual with this matching game.

Guess who did the best. Nope, not Orrie. It was Willie. How come? Well, he helps his grandpa, Grandpa Dooley, plant and care for his flower garden, so he knew the names of all the flowers.

Okay, your turn. Go to the “Can Do”Club House…choose games and choose “Spring Flowers.”
