The “Can Dos” weren’t very interested in learning about rhyme.
They just didn’t get it. So Miss Pat invited her friend, Alan Fishbone to come to class and read some of the rhymes he wrote when he was their age. Miss Pat went to school with Mr. Fishbone, and she remembered how much fun his rhymes were. His rhymes also helped the rest of the class to understand how you go about rhyming.
When Mr. Fishbone came to class, he shared the following poems and the “Can Dos got it! The “Can Dos” understood and started to write using rhyme and have fun with it.
Question and Rhyme
How do rhinos kiss you say
With such big horns atop their noses?
Well, they do just fine you see
As long as neither rhino dozes.
Rhinos don’t watch TVs
Nor go to school with suitcase lunches,
but they hear the whispering trees
And gobble grapes in purple bunches.
Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock:
Well, I’ve heard this before,
But what about the Knock Knock Knock
The whiskered cat taps at his door
While he is tucked away in his bed
And snoring as a mouse will snore
With dreams of cheese around his head?