Archive for the ‘play’ Category

Taking Turns Picking What to Play

Sunday, August 13th, 2017

image of kids at play using a soccer ball

Jay and Yundi went to the park to play.

Just then Jay saw some of their friends playing soccer and said, “Let’s go play soccer with our friends.”

“I don’t like soccer,” said Yundi. “I want to play tag.”Jay shook his head and said,”Our friends are playing soccer now. Maybe when they finish their soccer game they will play tag. I’m going to play soccer with them.”

Jay went off and played soccer and Yundi sat on the side of the field where his friends were playing and just looked grumpy.

When the game was over, Jay came over to Yundi with a big smile and said, “That was fun! You should have joined in. “

Yundi answered, “I told you I didn’t want to play soccer.”  Jay looked at Yundi and said,”Well, if you had been willing to play soccer today, than maybe tomorrow the others would be willing to play tag with you. If you look grumpy and don’t join in, then the other boys will think you don’t like any games and won’t ask you to play with them.”

Yundi thought about it for a minute and said,” So, if sometimes I play games I don’t really like so much, but others do, then they might play some of my favorite games?”

“Exactly,” said Jay. “It’s all about thinking of others, not just about what you want to play.” Then he added, “Most of all it’s about joining in and just having fun with friends, not what you play.”
