Archive for the ‘Just for fun’ Category

Animals Have Homes

Sunday, November 20th, 2011

animals have homesMiss Pat asked,”Do you know that animals have homes”?

Some of the “Can Dos” looked confused, then Hector raised his hand and said,” Yeah, cats and dogs and fish and gerbils and hamsters make their homes with us, because they are our pets.” He looked so proud of himself and the class all nodded their heads in approval.

Miss Pat smiled and said, “Well, you are right, Hector, but I was speaking of animals that are not pets. I am referring to animals that live outdoors or in the water.”

Orrie raised his hand and When Miss Pat called on him, he said,” Cows live on a farm.” Miss Pat nodded, “That’s right, Orrie, they live on a farm but what do they live in on the farm? Where to they stay when it is raining or cold or when it is night time and time for sleep.”?

Willie raised his hand and said, ” They live in a barn on the farm.”

“Excellent,” said Miss Pat,”There are so many animals and they all have homes. So let’s go to our computers and play two new games I made for you. They are both about animals and where they live.”

Once the “Can Dos” were at their computers, Miss Pat gave them them directions for finding and playing the two new matching games. She reminded them that these games would help with vocabulary building and spelling as well as helping them learn where the animals live.

Why don’t you play along boys and girls at home? Just follow these directions from Miss Pat.

  • Go to the “Can Do” club house
  • Choose games
  • Play the games called Animal Homes  and Animals in Water


The Apple…

Monday, September 26th, 2011

Miss Pat passed around a plate filled with slices of apple. She directed the class to each take a slice of apple and eat it. The Can Do Kids were happy to do what she asked, but a little puzzled as Miss Pat never handed out food in the middle of the afternoon.

“Class who knows what day today is?” Miss Pat smiled and looked around at all the faces looking at her. Hector raised his hand, “Why it’s Monday the 26th of September, Miss Pat, don’t you remember?” Miss Pat laughed and answered, ” I know Hector, but who do we honor on September 26th?”

As always, Orrie was the first to raise his hand with an answer. “It’s Johnny Appleseed Day,” said Orrie. “Very good, Orrie,” answered Miss Pat, “Now who, other than Orrie, can tell me who Johnny Appleseed was and why we remember him today.”

The “Can Dos” all squirmed in their seats, hoping they wouldn’t be called on for the answer. Miss Pat waited, then she said, “I see I need to read to you about Johnny Appleseed. Be sure to pay attention because there will be a short quiz when I am done.”

Miss Pat began to read,”When the colonists first came to America they carried with them seeds from apple trees back home in Europe. It was a good thing, as there were no apple trees in America when they arrived. They planted the seeds where they settled in New England and soon there were apple trees full of fruit for eating and baking.

When the Wild West was opened a man named John Chapman, who was born on September 26, 1774,  set out to explore the new territory and to plant apple orchards along the way. His work earned him the name, “Johnny Appleseed.” He was a devoted naturalist who respected the land. He treated everyone as he wanted to be treated.

When he died, at 70 years of age, he left behind apple orchards all over the Western U.S. that still bear fruit today.”

Miss Pat Looked up from her reading and said, ” Take out your pencils  and I will pass out a short quiz about what I just read to all of you.

The Quiz:

When was John Chapman born?____________________________________________________

Were there always apple trees in the U.S. ?___________________________________________

Who brought apple seeds to America?________________________________________________

Why did John Chapman get the name Johnny Appleseed?_________________________________

Where did he plant apple orchards?__________________________________________________

Are any of his apple orchards still around today?________________________________________

Name 3 things we can make with apples________________________________________________


Take a Hike!

Monday, August 8th, 2011

 coach campbell talking about a hike“Good Morning,” said Coach Campbell. “Good Morning, Coach,” answered the “Can Dos.”

Coach continued to talk, saying, “Camp will soon be over and we have to think about how we keep physically fit once the school year begins. I’m here to suggest an activity we can all do together outside and even include our families.

Let’s take a hike on the Saturday after school starts!”

Eulyn raised her hand and asked, “What’s a hike ?”

Coach Campbell answered, “A hike is a long walk in the countryside.

It’s a chance to enjoy being outdoors. While hiking  we can see birds and flowers we don’t usually see on “Can Do” Street.”

Coach noticed that Orrie and Mickey were looking kind of sad. “Orrie, Mickey you are going to enjoy this hike. We are going to be using a handicapped accessible trail.

Orrie, you can power your chair, and when you need a break, I will be there to help out,” said Coach. “Mickey, Muggins is going to love a walk in the country with you. He will be great on the trail. Once again, if you need anything, there will be lots of us there to help.”

“A hike sounds like fun! Count me in,” said Hector. Then all the other “Can Dos” chimed in that they wanted to be part of the hike.

“Great, said Coach,”Let’s go over what we need to know to have a good time on our hike.”

  • Weather – If it is raining hard, we will reschedule for the following Saturday.
  • Pack hooded rain jackets in your backpack,  just in case.
  • Dress in layers.
  • Wear comfortable shoes for walking and pack an  extra pair of socks just in case the pair you wear get wet. Who likes soggy socks?
  • Staff will carry water, but please help and bring along your water bottles. You need to drink plenty of water.
  • There are restrooms and porta johns along the way.
  • Pack a light snack that is easy to carry.

Coach reminded the “Can Dos” to be on time…10 am in front of the community center.

Then he said,”Remember …invite your families to join you and take a hike!”


Holy Guacamole!

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Miss Sue came into the cooking class at summer camp just before the session started and said,” Boys and girls I have a surprise for you today.”

chef raquel makes guacamoleWith that Chef Raquel, stepped out from behind Miss Sue, saying, “Is everybody ready to learn how to make Guacamole? It’s a great summer dip you can prepare with your mom or dad or a grandparent.”

The “Can Dos” all clapped and called out, “We’re ready!”

Chef Raquel smiled, opened the door and said,”It just do happens I stopped by the senior center on my way here. Look who all volunteered to come and help all of you cut, slice and chop the ingredients for the Guacamole.”

With that the grandmas all came into the class! There was Grandma Maureen, Grandma Hattie, Grandma Frances and Grandma Sue. Each of the grandmas joined a group of “Can Dos” around their individual food prep tables.

“Hmmm,” said Chef Raquel, “What is the first thing we have to do before we start making our Guacamole dip?”

As usual, Orrie was the first to raise his hand and answered, “We have to wash our hands really well and then dry them with a paper towel before we handle the ingredients for the Guacamole.” Orrie led the group to the wash sinks in the room and everyone took turns washing up. Then they went back to their food prep tables.

Soon the room filled with the sounds of chopping and slicing and conversations about what they were making. Before long the Guacamole dip was ready and it was time for tasting. Chef Raquel passed around pita wedges and everyone sampled what they made.

A couple of the “Can Dos” liked the Guacamole so much they popped their tops!  Willie was so excited about the taste he yelled out, ” Holy Guacamole!”         Willie says Holy Guacamole

Here’s is Chef Raquel’s recipe for Guacamole, in case you want to make it at home for your family.

Additive Guacamole with Pita Wedges Serves 6


2 Haas avocados – peeled, pitted, and smashed

1 Haas avocado, peeled, pitted and medium diced

1 lime, zest and juiced

1 tsp. kosher salt

½ cup yellow onion, minced

3 tbs. chopped cilantro

2 Roma tomatoes, seeded and diced

1 clove garlic, minced


  1. In a medium bowl, have child mash the avocados, lime juice, and salt.  Add onion, cilantro, tomatoes, and garlic and cayenne pepper. Have him or her stir.
  2. Gently fold in diced avocado. Don’t not over mix or it will get too mushy.
  3. Refrigerate 1 hour for best flavor, or serve immediately with pita chips.
  4. For Homemade Pita Chips: Cut pita bread into 8 slices. Lay flat on a baking sheet.  Drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil, sprinkle with salt, pepper and dried oregano.
  5. Bake for 6-10 minutes at 400 degrees until golden. Allow to cool and serve with Guacamole.


Home Again…Home Again!

Monday, July 11th, 2011

a passenger planeAs the plane touched down at “Can Do” Street airport Arthur J, Annie and Kathy looked at each other and said,”We’re home”!

When they looked out the window they saw their parents and friends waiting for them. All of a sudden they were no longer sad, just glad to be home! There was so much to share about their trip; all the things they saw and did on the cruise ship and in the ports they visited in Canada.

They ran up to their parents and hugged them. They even hugged their cousins and friends! It was so good to be home, back on “Can Do” Street. It seemed like they had been away from home a lot longer than 10 days!

Grandpa John announced that there was a little get together at the community center to welcome them home. So off they went, meeting up with their neighbors and classmates and sharing a wonderful lunch with them.

Arthur J, Annie and Kathy each got up and told a bit about their trip. Grandma Maureen promised to process the pictures she took and put them on display, at the community center, where all could see them by the following Saturday.

Just as Grandma Maureen was finishing her talk, Annie tugged her sleeve and pointed to Arthur J who was sound asleep, lying on the floor, his head on his suitcase.

Grandma smiled and announced, “It looks like we have a weary traveler that needs to go home. Traveling is wonderful, but coming home is the best”!
