Archive for the ‘Just for fun’ Category

A Favorite Word Activity

Saturday, February 11th, 2012


Since Kathy did the best on the object matching games, Miss Pat let her choose what the next word activity would be.

Kathy chose a word jumble.

The class all applauded since word jumbles are everyone’s favorite.

Why not print out the word jumble below and see how you do?



The Word Jumble

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

Well, the second day back to school was not much better than the first. So, Miss Pat decided it was another day for making a game out of learning, this time for spelling and vocabulary using a word jumble.

She chose a word jumble for them to do, hoping this would get their attention and they would learn and have fun while learning.

“The first three of you to finish the jumble correctly will not have any homework tonight.” Don’t shout out when you are finished the jumble, just raise your hand and I will come over and check your work,” said Miss Pat

Miss Pat handed out the jumble and the room got quiet. Soon Orrie’s hand went up. Then Maria raised her hand and then Yundi. Sure enough, they all had the jumble right! No homework for them.

Why don’t you see how you do with the jumble?

word jumble


A Christmas Story

Sunday, December 18th, 2011

Christmas in the Barn

christmas in the barnOnly two more days and Christmas would be here! It had been snowing hard, and Johnny was standing at the window, looking at the soft, white snow which covered the ground half a foot deep. Presently he heard the noise of wheels coming up the road, and a wagon turned in at the gate and came past the window.

Johnny was very curious to know what the wagon could be bringing. He pressed his little nose close to the cold window pane, and to his great surprise, saw two large Christmas-trees. Johnny wondered why there were TWO trees, and turned quickly to run and tell mama all about it; but then remembered that mama was not at home. She had gone to the city to buy some Christmas presents and would not return until quite late.

Johnny began to feel that his toes and fingers had grown quite cold from standing at the window so long; so he drew his own little chair up to the cheerful grate fire and sat there quietly thinking. Puss, who had been curled up like a little bundle of wool, in the very warmest corner, jumped up, and, going to Johnny, rubbed her head against his knee to attract his attention. He patted her gently and began to talk to her about what was in his thoughts.

He had been puzzling over the TWO trees which had come, and at last had made up his mind about them. “I know now, Puss,” said he, “why there are two trees. This morning when I kissed Papa good-bye at the gate he said he was going to buy one for me, and mama, who was busy in the house, did not hear him say so; and I am sure she must have bought the other. But what shall we do with two Christmas-trees?”

Puss jumped into his lap and purred and purred. A plan suddenly flashed into Johnny’s mind. “Would you like to have one, Puss?” Puss purred more loudly, and it seemed almost as though she had said yes.

“Oh! I will, I will! if mama will let me. I’ll have a Christmas-tree out in the bam for you, Puss, and for all the pets; and then you’ll all be as happy as I shall be with my tree in the parlour.”

By this time it had grown quite late. There was a ring at the door-bell; and quick as a flash Johnny ran, with happy, smiling face, to meet papa and mama and gave them each a loving kiss. During the evening he told them all that he had done that day and also about the two big trees which the man had brought.

It was just as Johnny had thought. Papa and mama had each bought one, and as it was so near Christmas they thought they would not send either of them back. Johnny was very glad of this, and told them of the happy plan he had made and asked if he might have the extra tree. Papa and mamma smiled a little as Johnny explained his plan but they said he might have the tree, and Johnny went to bed feeling very happy.

That night his papa fastened the tree into a block of wood so that it would stand firmly and then set it in the middle of the barn floor. The next day when Johnny had finished his lessons he went to the kitchen, and asked Annie, the cook, if she would save the bones and potato parings and all other leavings from the day’s meals and give them to him the following morning.

He also begged her to give him several cupfuls of salt and cornmeal, which she did, putting them in paper bags for him. Then she gave him the dishes he asked for–a few chipped ones not good enough to be used at table–and an old wooden bowl. Annie wanted to know what Johnny intended to do with all these things, but he only said: “Wait until to-morrow, then you shall see.”

He gathered up all the things which the cook had given him and carried them to the barn, placing them on a shelf in one corner, where he was sure no one would touch them and where they would be all ready for him to use the next morning.

Christmas morning came, and, as soon as he could, Johnny hurried out to the barn, where stood the Christmas-tree which he was going to trim for all his pets.

The first thing he did was to get a paper bag of oats; this he tied to one of the branches of the tree, for Brownie the mare.

Then he made up several bundles of hay and tied these on the other side of the tree, not quite so high up, where White Face, the cow, could reach them; and on the lowest branches some more hay for Spotty, the calf.

Next Johnny hurried to the kitchen to get the things Annie had promised to save for him. She had plenty to give. With his arms and hands full he went back to the barn. He found three “lovely” bones with plenty of meat on them; these he tied together to another branch of the tree, for Rover, his big black dog.

Under the tree he placed the big wooden bowl, and filled it well with potato parings, rice, and meat, left from yesterday’s dinner; this was the “full and tempting trough” for Piggywig. Near this he placed a bowl of milk for Puss, on one plate the salt for the pet lamb, and on another the cornmeal for the dear little chickens. On the top of the tree he tied a basket of nuts; these were for his pet squirrel; and I had almost forgotten to tell you of the bunch of carrots tied very low down where soft white Bunny could reach them.

When all was done, Johnny stood off a little way to look at this wonderful Christmas-tree. Clapping his hands with delight, he ran to call papa and mama and Annie, and they laughed aloud when they saw what he had done. It was the funniest Christmas-tree they had ever seen. They were sure the pets would like the presents Johnny had chosen.

Then there was a busy time in the barn. Papa and mama and Annie helped about bringing in the animals, and before long, Brownie, White Face, Spotty, Rover, Piggywig, Puss, Lambkin, the chickens, the squirrel and Bunny, the rabbit, had been led each to his own Christmas breakfast on and under the tree. What a funny sight it was to see them all standing around looking happy and contented, eating and drinking with such an appetite!

While watching them Johnny had another thought, and he ran quickly to the house, and brought out the new trumpet which papa had given him for Christmas. By this time the animals had all finished their breakfast and Johnny gave a little toot on his trumpet as a signal that the tree festival was over.

Brownie went, neighing and prancing, to her stall, White Face walked demurely off with a bellow, which Spotty, the calf, running at her heels, tried to imitate; the little lamb skipped bleating away; Piggywig walked off with a grunt; Puss jumped on the fence with a mew; the squirrel still sat up in the tree cracking her nuts; Bunny hopped to her snug little quarters; while Rover, barking loudly, chased the chickens back to their coop.

Such a hubbub of noises! Mama said it sounded as if they were trying to say “Merry Christmas to you, Johnny! Merry Christmas to all.”

Source: Public Domain


Christmas Matching Games

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

WChristmas matching gamesith only 10 days until Christmas, the “Can Do”s were not very interested in regular school work.

So, Miss Pat decided to make two Christmas matching games to use in the vocabulary and spelling lessons for the day.

Miss Pat announced that it was vocabulary time. After the class stopped moaning and groaning she said, “Class I have  a surprise for you. Today’s vocabulary building and spelling is going to be about Christmas words and Christmas things.”

Hector raised his hand and said, “This ought to be easy. I know all about Christmas stuff.” Miss Pat smiled and said,” We’ll see about that Hector.”

Then she asked everyone to go to their computers because the games were interactive matching games that could only be played on the computer.

Boys and Girls, why don’t you see how you would do playing the Christmas matching games? Just go to the “Can Do” Club House  choose games  and then choose Christmas games. The games are called. What is Santa Up To and Christmas Things.


Math Games

Friday, December 9th, 2011

Nellie and math gamesNot all the “Can Dos” do well in math, especially Nellie, who needs lots of help with addition and adding with multiples of numbers.

Miss Pat was afraid that Nellie  might fall behind in class so she asked Orrie to help her. Orrie said he would be happy to help.

Over the holiday weekend, Miss Pat made two math games that the whole class would enjoy and with Orrie’s help, the games would make math a little easier for Nellie.

“Class, Miss Pat, “Let’s do math today by playing some math games on the computer.’ The class thought this was a great idea and each went to his or her computer. Orrie sat next to Nellie, saying,”If you need any help, I’m right here.”  Nellie smiled and said, “Thanks Orrie, I could use some help.”

How about you following along with Miss Pat’s directions and try the new math games with the “Can Dos”?

Miss Pat says, ” Go to the “Can Do” Club House and click on the balloon that says more games. Look for “Everlasting Math Sheets – Addition. It is a great way to practice addition. “Number Lines” is a fun math game.

The classroom got quiet as the “Can Do” kids practiced adding and played at “Number Lines.” When the session was over, Nellie turned to Orrie and said,”Thanks Orrie. You are a great math tutor”!

How did you do with the math games?
