Archive for the ‘Just for fun’ Category

Brain Teasers

Monday, February 24th, 2014

Another cold wet day on “Can Do” Street during winter recess. Miss Sue, the recreation center director, had a bunch of table games and brain teasers work sheets to keep the “Can Dos” busy. Here are two brain teasers. Let’s see how you do.

brain teasers


brain teasers


Just for Fun

Saturday, January 18th, 2014

Miss Pat couldn’t help but notice that the “Can Do” Kids were not into vocabulary building today. They needed a fun break. How could she make vocabulary fun?

Hmmm…she thought. How about a word jumble and a word search? That ought to be more that a few minutes of fun. So she gave the “Can Dos” the following teacher printouts  to do.

Why don’t you print out these handouts and have a fun break? The fist jumble is about animals. The second images is about things we see in the spring.




Table-top Marbles on a Rainy Day

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

The “Can Do” Kids tumbled into Grandpa John’s house when he opened the front door. Hector shouted out, “We’re here to learn how to play marbles like you did in the olden days.”

Grandpa John smiled and said.” We are all set up for a game called Marbles in the Box. Follow me to the playroom. Orrie is already there.”

Orrie was sitting at a long table.  At the end of the table was a tissue box with a whole cut in the bottom. The side with the whole rested on the table.

Grandpa Dooley was there to help out, He handed each of the “Can Dos” a small bag with 5 marbles.

“Now everybody take a seat while I explain the rules”,  said Grandpa John. “When I was a kid we played this game in a playground area that had a flat surface. Sometimes, when the weather was bad, we played it indoors on a long table, just like we are doing today.

The object of the game is to win  marbles. Whoever has the most marbles at the end of the game is the winner.

The rules are : 5 players can play at any one time; each player gets 5 marbles to play with. The 6th player is the Marble Master.

  1. The Marble Master begins the game with 60 marbles

  2. The Marble Master challenges a player to take a shot to win 3 marbles. If a player gets a marble in the hole in the box, and it stays there, he or she wins 3 marbles and gets to go again, until he or she doesn’t get a marble in the hole.

  3. If the player doesn’t get the marble in the box, he or she loses the marble to the Marble Master

  4. When a player runs out of marbles, he or she is out of the game.

  5. The game is over when:

  • All the players are out of marbles and the Marble Master wins

  • The Marble Master runs out of marbles and the player with the most marbles wins and becomes the next Marble Master

6. The only way you can get the marble into the hole is either by flicking it:

  • with your thumb pressed against your pointer finger
  • with your pointer finger  against your thumb
  • There are no do overs once you flick and release the marble

Now that you know the rules, let’s pick a Marble Master and play “Marbles in the Box.”  The group voted for Willie to be Marble Master.

Grandpa Dooley asked, “Who wants to practice flicking the marbles before playing”? Hector said, “I don’t need to practice. This game is easy” Everybody else took a few practice shots with Grandpa Dooley’s help. Hector should have taken some practice shots because he was the first player out of marbles!

Arthur J. won by having the most marbles when Willie, the Marble Master, ran out of marbles.

Ready to try this game at home? All you need is a box with a hole in it and marbles! Be sure to check out the marble game in the “Can Do” Club House.


Pick-Up Sticks

Thursday, February 21st, 2013

Can do kids are sitting around tables in the classroom waiting to play P0ck-Up Sticks “Class, we are going to play Pick-Up Sticks”, said Miss Pat.

Willie moaned and Hector groaned and Jay rolled his eyes. Miss Pat ignored them calling on Eulyn asking, “Do you know how Pick-Up Sticks is played”? Eulyn shook her head no.

Orrie called out, “I do, I do my grandpa taught me to play Pick-Up Sticks.”

“Oh Orrie, You’re such a show off,” said Kathy, “You always know the answers”!  Orrie gave her a look and said, “Can I help it if I’m smart and always look things up in Wikipedia”?

“OK class, that’s enough”, said Miss Pat. Everyone settled down and Miss Pat invited Orrie to demonstrate how the game is played. She handed Orrie a bunch of sticks that she had in her hand. They were about 6 to 8 inches long.  Picture of hand holding for Pick-Up Sticks

Orrie said, “Okay, this is how Pick-Up Sticks is played.”

Then he took the sticks and dropped them in a pile on the table. He told his classmates that the object of the game is to remove a stick from the pile without moving any of the other sticks. The person that has the most sticks when all the sticks are gone is the winner.

The class lined up, waiting to take their turn. Kathy made the pile of sticks move the first time she tried. Annie was doing well for awhile and then she was out of the game because she made the sticks move. It came down to Jay and Maria and…

Maria won Pick-Up Sticks!


Math …Math…Math

Friday, September 21st, 2012

The “Can Dos” have been having a hard time with math according to their math teacher.

Once again, Miss Pat was asked to make up computer games for math. The math teacher was hoping that some math games might make learning the 6x table easier.

Their math teacher also hoping that a math game about the 4x table might help too.

When the “Can Dos” came to computer class, Miss Pat announced that she made some math games for them. At first, the “Can Dos” were not so thrilled to play games about math, but when they say how it made remembering the times tables easier, they were happy about it!

Why not try the games out? Go to the Club House, choose games, then choose times tables.

Have fun with the math games!


