Archive for the ‘Good Choices’ Category

Math …Math…Math

Friday, September 21st, 2012

The “Can Dos” have been having a hard time with math according to their math teacher.

Once again, Miss Pat was asked to make up computer games for math. The math teacher was hoping that some math games might make learning the 6x table easier.

Their math teacher also hoping that a math game about the 4x table might help too.

When the “Can Dos” came to computer class, Miss Pat announced that she made some math games for them. At first, the “Can Dos” were not so thrilled to play games about math, but when they say how it made remembering the times tables easier, they were happy about it!

Why not try the games out? Go to the Club House, choose games, then choose times tables.

Have fun with the math games!




Kathy is a Butinsky!

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

KathyKathy often buts in when other kids are talking. She doesn’t let other kids finish what they are saying; she just starts talking about what she wants to talk about.

Some kids say Kathy is rude; others just call her a butinsky.

Well, here is what happened the other day, that made Kathy promise to stop being a butinsky.

Kathy and Maria were walking down “Can Do” Street when they met Nellie. “Hi Nellie, how are you,” said Kathy. “I’m OK thanks,” answered Nellie. “Did you see the…” said Nellie, but before she could finish what she was saying, Kathy said, “Did you see the new Disney show on TV last night?”

“No I didn’t,” said Nellie, “But you should…”

“Oh it was so cool,” said Kathy. Again she didn’t let Nellie finish what she was saying.

Kathy talked on and on for a few minutes about the TV show. Then Nellie interrupted her saying, “I have to go home for dinner now. I will see you both in school tomorrow.”

Maria then asked,”Okay Nellie what was it you wanted to tell us?”

“Oh” said Nellie, “I just wanted to tell you that they were giving away free chocolate candies over at the store across the street. I guess they will be all gone by now.” With that she left her two friends and started for home.

“Bye,” said Maria. Then she turned and stared at Kathy.

“What?” said Kathy.

“It was rude of you to keep interrupting Nellie while she was speaking,” said Maria. “We missed out on getting free candy because you didn’t let her finish what she was trying to say.”

“I’m sorry,” said Kathy. She really was sorry.

“Oh, it’s OK,” said Maria. “Just remember that it is good manners to let others finish speaking before you start to talk.”

“I promise to do better. I promise to listen when someone else is speaking and wait until they finish before I begin to talk,” said Kathy.


Arthur J. Loses His Way

Friday, August 17th, 2012

Arthur JArthur J. felt so grown up walking the one block to Hector’s house all by himself.

Hector lived three blocks from a playground with a ping pong table.  Arthur J.  was looking forward to beating Hector in a game or two.

Arthur J. was staying with Grandma Maureen and Grandpa John over the weekend. They only lived one block from Hector.

When Grandma Maureen agreed that he could walk to Hector’s alone, Arthur J had to promise to go directly to Hector’s and not stop anywhere else or talk to strangers along the way. When he got to Hector’s, he was to call Grandma Maureen from the cell phone she gave him to use.

Arthur J. got to Hector’s house and rang the bell. Hector’s mom answered the door, saying,” Hi Arthur J. How are you today?” Arthur smiled and answered, “I’m fine, thank you Miss Maria. I came to ask Hector to go to the playground with me.”

Miss Maria shook her head no and said, “Hector can’t go anywhere today. In fact, he won’t be going anywhere until he finishes the books on his summer reading list. Did you read all the books on the reading list”?

Arthur J shook his head yes and answered, “I finished reading all the books last week.”

“Good for you,” said Hector’s mom. “I am sorry you came over here only to find out Hector can’t play with you today.” Arthur J nodded. Hector’s mom closed the door. Arthur J stood there a minute wondering what to do next.

Arthur J really wanted to go to the playground. He knew there would be other kids there willing to play a game of ping pong with him. Besides, he thought to himself, the playground was only three blocks from where he was. He could walk that distance in no time. He would be careful crossing the streets.

Arthur J  forgot about his promise to call his grandma when he got to Hector’s. He also forgot that grandma only gave him permission to walk by himself as far as Hector’s house.

He started walking in the direction he thought he would find the playground. After three blocks, he new he was going the wrong way. He came to a street with heavy traffic and wasn’t so sure he should cross the street. He turned around and started walking back, but the street didn’t look familiar to him. He thought he must have taken a wrong turn somehow.

Now Arthur J was scared. He thought he was lost. He was afraid to ask a stranger for help. There were no police around, or school crossing guards, or even a mailman that he could ask for help. Then he remembered the cell phone. He dialed grandma’s number. She answered right away. She sounded so worried. “Where are you? When you didn’t call, we called Hector’s mom. She said you had already left. Grandpa John is out looking for you right now.”

Grandma was talking so fast, Arthur couldn’t even say anything. When grandma stopped talking, Arthur J said,”I’m lost. I don’t know where I am.” Grandma said, “Arthur J, look at the street sign what does it say?” Arthur looked around and said the name of the street he was on. “Oak Street,” said Arthur J. “OK said grandma. “Follow the street to the next corner and read me the sign of the street that crosses Oak street.” Arthur hurried down the street, feeling safer with every step he took, knowing that his grandpa would be coming for him soon.

When he got to the next corner, he told grandma the name of the street, Elm Street. Grandma answered, “Stay there and grandpa will come and get you.” A few minutes went by and Grandpa John pulled up in the car. Arthur J got in the car. Grandpa didn’t say much on the way home.

When they got in the house, grandpa told Arthur J to go into the living room and wait for him and grandma there. That’s when Arthur J knew he was in trouble.

Grandma came in and hugged him and told him she was so glad he was okay. Grandpa cleared his throat and said, “Arthur J you gave us quite a scare. You didn’t keep your promise to call and you walked far more than one block on your own.  You didn’t behave like a boy who should be allowed to go out on his own. It will be a long time before we let you go out alone again.”

Arthur J said, ” I’m sorry I broke my promise. I’m sorry I made you worry.”

Grandpa said, “I know you are. Then he looked at grandma and asked, “What should Arthur’s punishment be?” Grandma thought a minute and answered, “I think Arthur needs some quiet time to think about what he did. An afternoon in his room and no TV tonight will give him that time.”

Arthur J wasn’t happy about the punishment, but he knew what he did was wrong. He worried his grandparents and didn’t keep his promise. So, maybe he did need to think about making better choices in the future.


Footprints in Time

Sunday, August 5th, 2012

footprintsMiss Sue Came into the crafts class at camp and announced that a new path was going to be created from the back entrance of the community center to the lake, which is about a 1/2 mile distance. She asked that the “Can Dos” think about a way to make the path special. The “Can Dos” all nodded their heads yes, and Miss Hattie, who was leading the crafts session that day, smiled and said they would.

After Miss Sue left, the class got very quiet as they thought about ways of making the path special. Miss Hattie sat thinking to herself. All of a sudden she burst out with a big “AHA”and the kids all looked up hoping she had thought of something.

“Footprints, let’s make stones for the path with our footprints,” said Miss Hattie. “Huh?” answered some of the kids.

Hector wanted to know how they would get there footprints on stone. Maria was afraid it would cost a lot of money, and they were just kids and didn’t have any money. Willie wanted to know if he would have to take his socks off to make the footprint. He didn’t want to get clay or whatever material they would make the stones out of to get between his toes.

Miss Hattie said, “Not to worry, we can make the footprints stones out of baked dough, right here in crafts class.”

Another”Huh” from the class.

“It’s easy,” said Miss Hattie. “We just mix 1 cup of salt with 1 cup of flour and add 1/2 cup water for each stone. We knead it the mixture together then we roll out, with a rolling pin, on a piece of parchment paper on the floor. When it is the right size for a footprint, we take off our right shoe and sock and step right in the middle of the dough. Then we use a stick to carve our name and the year in the stone. Then it is ready for baking at 200 degrees for 2-3 hours, just until it is  hard, but not browned.”

The “Can Dos” loved the idea! Now they just had to convince Miss Sue that footprints stones would be a great way to decorate the new path.


A Rainbow on my Plate

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

plateThe “Can Do” Kids Chefs Club hosted a camp session on making healthy food choices called …A Rainbow on my Plate.

The guest speaker was Miss Mary, a dietitian, who works for the “Can Do” Street Elementary and High Schools during the school year. Miss Mary’s job is to plan healthy meals for the children attending the schools. She makes sure that the children get foods that will help them feel good so they do well in school and after school activities, such as sports.

“Good Morning “Can Dos,” said Miss Mary. “Let’s play a game I call Rainbow on my Plate.”  With that, Miss Mary handed each “Can Do” a paper plate and said,”We are going to fill the plate with fruits and vegetables that are the colors of the rainbow.” Miss Mary had a box of paper vegetable and fruits and as each “Can Do”answered her questions, with the right answers, she added a picture of the fruit or vegetable to the plate.

Here are the questions. Choose the correct answers from the list of fruits and vegetables listed below the questions.

Let’s see how you do building a rainbow of fruits and vegetables on your plate.

1. Choose a green vegetable____________________

2. Choose a green fruit ________________________

3. Choose a red vegetable ______________________

4. Choose a red fruit__________________________

5. Choose a blue fruit_________________________

6. Choose an orange vegetable__________________

7. Choose an orange fruit______________________

8. Choose a yellow vegetable___________________

9. Choose a yellow fruit_______________________

10. Choose a white vegetable__________________

11  Choose a white fruit______________________

Be sure to ask a family member to review your answers with you.

Did you make a rainbow on your plate?

Answers: pear, cauliflower, pineapple, corn, cantaloupe, carrot, blueberry, apple, beet, pepper, grape.
