Archive for the ‘Good Choices’ Category

The Vase

Thursday, February 28th, 2013

Grandma Maureen had a special vase that she kept on a table in the hallway that lead from the living room to the bedroom. It was her mother’s. She loved that vase. it reminded her of her mother. Every few days she put fresh flowers in the vase.

Arthur J and Bobby were pushing each other as they went down the hall. They bumped into the table with the vase on it. Before either one of them could catch the vase, it fell to the floor and broke in too many pieces to ever be glued back together again.

For a minute Arthur J and Bobby just stared at the broken vase on the floor. They couldn’t believe what they had done. Then they looked at each other and Bobby said, ” What do we do? Grandma loves this vase. We can’t buy her a new one, it came from her mother. She is going to be so mad at us!”

Arthur J answered,”I know, we can say the dog did it. He ran by the table, very fast and his tail was wagging so fast it knocked the vase over.”

Bobby thought for a moment. He wasn’t so vasesure that lying about it was such a good idea. Grandma could always tell when they were lying. Besides, he liked the dog and didn’t want to get him in trouble.

Just then, grandma came down the hall and saw the vase broken on the floor. ” Oh, no,” she said, ” Not my mother’s vase!”

Before Bobby could say anything. Arthur J said, “The dog did it, grandma. He broke your vase.”

Grandma Maureen looked at Arthur J and said,”It is bad enough that you broke my vase, but now you are not telling me the truth about how it got broken. The dog isn’t even here. He is outside, where he has been for the past hour.”

Then grandma said, “Let’s go in the living room and sit down and talk about this.” When they sat down, grandma said,”Accidents happen, but blaming others, especially a pet that cannot defend himself is wrong.  Blaming the dog for my vase is telling a lie and no good comes of lying. At first, you may think it is an easy way to avoid being punished for doing something, but a lie often makes things harder for us as we keep telling it. Please tell me what really happened to my vase.

So that is what they did. Arthur J and Bobby told Grandma Maureen what happened. They said that were sorry and asked what they could do to make up for breaking the vase. Then Arthur J apologized for lying to his grandma and promised not to do it again.

Grandma hugged them both and reminded them it is always better to tell the truth. She told then they could make up for breaking the vase by helping her around the house for the rest of the day. Arthur J and Bobby were all to happy to help. They really felt bad about breaking her favorite vase.

vaseThen Arthur J got up and started for the back door. Grandma Maureen called after him, asking where he was going.

Arthur J answered,”I’m going to apologize to the dog for blaming him.”

Grandma smiled and said,”Do you think he will understand you?”Arthur J answered,” No , but I’ll feel better for saying I’m sorry.”


Time to Test Your Fire Safety Smarts

Friday, January 18th, 2013

The “Can Do” Kids took the Junior Fire Marshal Quiz, from the US Fire Administration for Kids and did very well!

Boys and girls it’s time to take the Junior Fire Marshal Quiz. Ready? Set? Go!

fire safety quiz



1. Smoke alarms need brand new batteries at least:
a. Once a month
b. Once a year
c. Once every two years
d. Once every ten years

2. When escaping from a fire:
a. Take time to find your favorite toys
and pets.
b. Get out fast.
c. Hide.
d. Call 9-1-1.

3. Heaters are hot so be sure to:
a. Ask an adult to turn them on and off for you.
b. Turn them on and off yourself.
c. Leave them on all the time.
d. Place wet clothes to dry over them.

4. A working smoke alarm can warn you early to escape
when a _____ happens.
a. Fire
b. Thunderstorm
c. Flood
d. Earthquake

5.You should plan to have __________ escape routes
from each room in your home.
a. Zero
b. One
c. Two
d. Three

6. Electricity can be very dangerous. Never play with:
a. A pocket video game
b. A television remote control
c. Electrical cords, outlets or wall sockets
d. A flashlight

7. Smoke alarm batteries need to be __________
once a month to make sure they are working.
a. Cleaned
b. Shined
c. Disconnected
d. Tested

8. Call 9-1-1 or the fire department only if:
a. You need a ride home from school
b. There is a scary thunderstorm
c. There is an emergency
d. You have a question about fire safety

9. Only ______ can use fire safely.
a. Kids
b. Kids and adults
c. Teenagers
d. Adults

10. If you see matches or lighters in a room:
a. throw them away
b. tell a grown-up right away
c. hide them
d. pick them up

The Junior Fire marshal quiz  answers: 1) b 2) b 3) a 4) a 5) c 6) c 7) d 8) c 9) d 10) b


Hector Is Not So Good at Doing Chores

Sunday, January 13th, 2013

Hector FrontHector is great at eating, sleeping, skateboarding, computers and math but he is not good at doing his chores.

Hector and his sister Maria have chores. Hector’s mom says,”We all live in this house and we all need to do our fair share of keeping the house nice.”  Hector agrees but when it is time to do his chores he forgets or hopes his mom will forget!

One of Hector’s chores is to empty the garbage every night after dinner. He always puts it off. When his mom reminds him,  he says he will do it in a few minutes. Most of the time he doesn’t do it.

Hector and Maria are supposed to make their beds each morning. Most mornings Hector doesn’t make his bed. He is also supposed to put his dirty clothes in the hamper each night. Most times he throws them in the corner of his room. By Friday he is often out of underwear.

Hector’s mom says if he doesn’t start doing his chores he is not going to be able to watch his favorite TV show and lose time on the family computer.

What does Hector need to do to remember to do his chores? What do you do to remember your chores?


The First Day Back to School After the Holidays

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

The first day back to school after the holiday was cold and rainy. The “Can Dos” were having a hard time concentrating on school work.

Luckily, Miss Pat knew the “Can Dos”needed some help getting back in the school grove. So, she made two computer games to ease them back into their computer lessons.

She made two matching games about the toys the children got.

Why don’t you play along with the “Can Dos”? Go to the Club House on “Can Do” Street, click on it, then click on games. Look for the games called Show and Tell, click on them and play!
