Archive for the ‘Good Choices’ Category

The Coin Game

Wednesday, March 30th, 2016

Miss Pat noticed that some of the “Can Dos” were having trouble figuring out their coin change when they bought snacks at the skating rink the other day.

She decided to put up a game on their computers that would help with coin counting.

The next day she directed the class to go to their computers and play the coin game.

Why don’t you play along? Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose the balloon that says more games and start playing

After you play the game, try writing a sentence about each coin.


Tic Tac Toe Waffles…a Great Game and a Good Snack!

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016

picture of girl hwith long hair holding a bookOn day two of camp, the Pre-K  campers got to combine a game with snack time by playing Tic Tac Toe Waffles.

Since Maria suggested the game, Miss Sue called on her to show the campers how the game is played. Maria brought a box to the front table that had a paper plate with a tic tac toe game made out of decorated mini waffles.

Maria invited the campers to gather round the table and watch as Annie and Hector showed everyone how to play Tic Tac Toe Waffles.While Annie and Hector played Maria explained the game, saying, “To play, a camper needs to be an O or an X.  The center of the tic tac toe board is a free space for either player. To win, a player needs to eat a straight line of Os or Xs. Each child in the 2 camper team takes  turns selecting a waffle and puttinga tic tac toe board made out of edible waffles on a separate plate to be eaten after the game is won. The volunteer is responsible for marking the plate where an O or an X waffle is removed .

If, after one member of the team wins, they don’t eat their waffles, then, if the loser finishes his or her waffles, they become the winner.

Maria then asked the volunteers to divide the campers into teams with 2 campers to a team making 5 teams, with one team at a table. Then she asked  that each team have a volunteer to help play the game and keep score. Each team drew straws for who got to go first and select whether they wanted to be an O or an X.

All but one camper finished eating their waffles. She was not happy to lose her place as a winner for not finishing her waffles. But, she learned something about being a good sport and following the rules of the game Tic Tac Toe.


The”Can Do”s Volunteer to Help with Crafts in Summer Camp

Wednesday, July 29th, 2015

picture of grandma hattie, the crafts teacher, with her hand on her hip Boys and girls,” said Miss  Hattie, ” I need volunteers to help me with my preschool crafts classes here, at the Community Center.

I need two volunteers for the morning crafts session from 10 until 11 am and two volunteers for the afternoon session from 1 to 2 pm.”

Everybody, except Hector looked up from their crafts projects and gave Miss Hattie their attention. Hector kept his head down and kept working on his crafts project. Willie poked Hector saying, “Hey Hector, that’s my grandma you’re ignoring!”

“Sorry Willie; sorry Grandma Hattie, I mean Miss Hattie, I am sorry for not paying attention,” said Hector. It’s just that I don’t want to help with little kids. I’ve got a little brother and I have to help him all the time and that’s enough helping to have to do”! Miss Hattie smiled and said, “I  understand how you feel, Hector, but maybe you could help in another way. How about you hand out crafts materials before class? Maybe you would rather collect the craft materials after class and put them away. I always need help with sweeping up after class.”

Hector thought for a moment and then said, “Put me down for sweeping up after the morning crafts  class. I like to sweep. It’s fun.”  Before Miss Hattie could thank Hector, Jay raised his hand and volunteered to sweep after the afternoon crafts class. Then Bobby volunteered to set up for the morning class and  the afternoon class. Miss Hattie said, “Thank you. That will be such a big help! Now, who wants to work with the preschoolers”?

Orrie, Nellie, Kathy and Arthur Jay raised their hands. “That’s wonderful,” said Miss Hattie.

“Okay, here’s the fun part,” said Miss Hattie, “Who has ideas for crafts that the preschoolers might like”? Orrie was first to raise his hand. When called on he said, ” I have a no mess paint craft.”  Miss Hattie nodded and said, “I’m all for that.” Nellie raised her hand and said, “I can make jewelry you can eat.”  That got everyone’s attention, but before they could ask how the crafts projects were done the bell rang signaling that crafts class was over.

As the “Can Dos” got up to go t0 their next activity, Miss Hattie called out, “Thank you all for being so generous with your time!”



The Ring

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015

ringWendy was washing her hands in the girls room when something caught her eye. There, on the glass shelf above the sink, was a beautiful pearl ring.

Wendy looked around. There was no one else in the girls room but her. She took the ring off the shelf and slipped it on her finger. It fit as if it were made for her! It looked so pretty on her finger. She had wanted a pearl ring for so long. Her sister had one that her grandma had brought back from a vacation in Japan.

Wendy wanted to keep the ring, but…she knew some one had left it there by accident and would soon miss it.

She thought for a minute, wondering if she should go down to the school office and turn it in or…should she hold on to it and see if there was an announcement about a lost ring on the loudspeaker. Maybe there would be a flyer up about it. Until then she could wear it and pretend it was hers.

Wendy went back to class with the ring on her finger. She couldn’t stop looking at it, playing with it. Miss Pat noticed her playing with the ring and called her outside to speak with her.

Miss Pat had heard about a missing ring in the teacher’s lounge during lunch break. She looked at Wendy and asked,”Where did you get that ring, Wendy?”

Wendy’s eyes got all watery and her voice quivered as she answered, “I was going to give it back, honest I was. I found it in the girls room and it is so beautiful I just wanted to wear it for awhile before I gave it back.”

“Wendy,” said Miss Pat, “That ring is not yours to keep even for a little while. It belongs to someone else. It belongs to a girl, your age, who loves it and feels terrible that it is missing.”

By now Wendy was crying and saying how sorry she was for holding on to the ring. Miss Pat asked, “What do you need to do , Wendy?”

Wendy took the ring off her finger and asked Miss Pat for permission to go to the office and turn in the ring.

Miss Pat helped Wendy dry her eyes and sent her on her way.

Questions for you:

  • Was Wendy wrong to keep the ring, even for a little while?
  • Have you ever kept anything that didn’t belong to you?


Grandpa Dooley and the Fast Food Menu

Friday, May 23rd, 2014

Nellie and Willie were surprise to see their grandpa come into class. He didn’t tell them, when they had breakfast together that morning, that he was coming to their class. Nellie got worried. Was grandma sick? Willie raised his hand, saying, “Grandpa is everything okay? Why are you here?

Grandpa Dooley and the fast food listGrandpa Dooley smiled and said, “Everything is just fine. Miss Pat saw me at McDonald’s at lunch time and she noticed I was eating food from the healthy choice menu.

We got to talking. I told her that almost all of the fast food places now have healthy choice menus to choose from and still eat healthy while eating out  with your family and friends.

Miss Pat invited me to come and talk to you all about what’s good to eat at your favorite fast food restaurants.

The class didn’t look to sure about this. After all, each one of them had their favorite foods to eat at the local fast food restaurants and weren’t too sure about giving up what they always ordered for something off the healthy choice menu. But, after all, Grandpa Dooley loved to eat and if he said the foods on the healthy choice menu tasted good, well, they could at least hear what he had to say. Besides, he was their friend’s grandpa and their music teacher. Two more reasons to pay attention and be respectful.

“Okay, boys and girls,” began Grandpa Dooley, “I know your moms and dads and teachers are all talking to you about eating healthy so you feel well and have energy to learn and play.

I also know how much fun it is to eat out at a fast food restaurant. So, here’s a list of what you can eat at some of your favorite restaurants and still eat healthy:

Burger King -Whopper Jr, no mayo (260 calories, 10g total fat)   Side -Fresh Apple Fries with Caramel Sauce ( 70 calories, o.5g of total fat)  Sweet -Frozen Cherry Drink ( 140 calories, 0 total fat)

McDonald’s -Premium Grilled Chicken Classic ( 420 calories, 10g total fat) Side – Apple Dippers with Low Fat Carmel Dip (420calories, 10g total fat) Sweet – Kids Cone ( 45 calories, 1g total fat)

Subway – 6″ Turkey Breast on 7 Grain Bread ( 280 calories, 3.5g total fat) Side – Apple Slices ( 35 calories, o total fat) Sweet – Oatmeal Raisin Cookie ( 200 calories, 8g total fat)

Wendy’s – Ultimate Chicken Grill ( 370 calories, 7g total fat) Side -Mandarin Orange Cup (90 calories, o total fat) Sweet – Junior Original Frosty(150 Calories, 4g total fat)

Kentucky – 3 Crispy Strips ( 340 calories, 11 g of total fat) Side – Green Beans ( 20 calories, 0.5 g total fat) Sweet – Oatmeal Raisin Cookies ( 150 calories, 6g total fat)

So, boys and girls,” said Grandpa Dooley, “The next time I see you eating out at a fast food restaurant, I hope you are eating something from the healthy choice menu!”
