Archive for the ‘Good Choices’ Category

Dinosaur Show and Tell

Sunday, February 20th, 2011

The “Can Do” Kids were all excited about the  trip they just took to the dinosaur exhibit at the museum. They wanted to talk about what they saw and ask more questions about dinosaurs.

Orrie raised his hand and when Miss Pat called on him he asked, “Can we study more about dinosaurs this week”? Miss Pat answered, “That’s a good idea, but first I want to see how much you all got out of our trip today. So, tomorrow we are going to have dinosaur show and tell. Here are the rules for show and tell: write a story about dinosaurs, draw a picture, or make a dinosaur. The student with the most original show and tell will win the book I bought at the museum about dinosaurs.”

All the way home the “Can Do”s talked about what they would do for show and tell. Wendy said she would write about what she saw at the museum. Kathy thought she would draw a picture of a dinosaur. Orrie shared that he was going to do research on the Internet and write about what dinosaurs ate. Willie wasn’t sure, but he thought he might make a collage out of dinosaur pictures. Hector was strangely quiet. When Jay asked him what he was planning to do for show and tell Hector said, “It’s a surprise. You just have to wait until tomorrow to see what I am doing for show and tell.”

Be sure to come back on Thursday to find out what Hector did for show and tell and who won the book !

In the meantime…think about what you would do for a Dinosaur Show and Tell.


The Tooth Quiz

Saturday, February 5th, 2011

The “Can Do” Kids take good care of their teeth; do you?

Take the Tooth Quiz and see how you do:

  • How many times should you brush your teeth every day?
  • When should you brush your teeth each day?
  • Do you have to brush all of your teeth, or just the front ones?
  • How many minutes do you need spend brushing your teeth?
  • Circle if you should use a …soft bristle…a medium bristle …hard bristle brush… on your teeth?
  • How often should you get a new tooth brush?
  • Why do you need to floss your teeth?
  • How many times a day do you need to floss to get stuff from between your teeth that the tooth brush can’t get?
  • How many times a year do you need to see the dentist?
  • Circle all of  what the dentist does when you visit…cleans teeth…checks for cavities…checks for healthy gums…teaches you  how to take care of your teeth

You can do things every day to help your teeth and gums stay healthy and to have a nice smile. Circle what you can do to protect your teeth and gums:

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables     Drink and eat foods that are rich with calcium such low fat milk and yogurt      Eat lots of sugary treats

How did you do? If you got stuck, ask a parent or big brother or sister to go over your answers with you.

Keep Smiling!



Monday, September 27th, 2010

As Jay walked home from school  he saw a man run by a lady and grab her purse. Should he:

  • mind his own business and not tell anyone what he saw?
  • find policewoman Paula and tell her what happened?

Is he snitching if he tells policewoman Paula?

Bobby sees his sister spill milk on the floor in the kitchen. Should he:

  • help her clean it up?
  • say ” I’m telling mom on you?

Is he snitching if he tells his mom that his little sister spilled milk?

Annie comes back early from lunch and sees a classmate take a pen and candy from Miss Pat’s desk. Should she:

  • take her seat and pretend she didn’t see anything?
  • tell Miss Pat what she saw?

Is Annie snitching if she tells Miss Pat what she saw?


Willie Wants a Dog

Monday, September 13th, 2010

Grandma Hattie and Grandpa Dooley know Willie misses his mom whose away in the Army but they are not so sure that getting him a dog is the best thing to do. They are busy taking care of him and Nellie, his sister, and don’t have the time or the energy to be picking up after a dog.

Willie promises to take care of a dog, but he has never had one before and really doesn’t know all he will have to do to take care of a dog. Do you? Can you circle all the things Willie will have to do to take care of a dog?

Take the dog for a walk 2-3 times a day (with a puppy even more times)

Put food out and clean up if the dog makes a mess

Make sure the dog always has water in his/ her bowl

Brush  the dog each week

Clean up after the dog if she/ he has a bathroom accident

Come home from a play date on time to walk the dog

Get up early every day to walk the dog

Can you think of anything else Willie will need to do?


Do I Have To?

Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

You have finished your homework and got your things ready for school for the next day. Dinner is over and there is a really fun show on TV that you want to see. Then mom says, “Time to take your bath and get ready for bed.”  Then you say, “Why do I have to take a bath? I’m not dirty.”

Circle what you can you say to make mom change her mind about bath time.

1.I’ll take my bath as soon as the show is over.

2. Please mom, can I  just see my show and then I will take my bath?

3. Mom, I promise to take a quick bath and go right to bed  if I can just see my show.

Why did you choose the answer you did?

Ask your mom the answer she would most like to hear.
