Archive for the ‘Good Choices’ Category

Bear Face Waffle Craft…Make and Eat

Sunday, April 10th, 2011

bear face craft made from different size waffles, cream cheese and pieces of fruitAnnie was all excited as she took her craft to the front of the room to show the class what she made.

As she held it up the craft for all to see she said,  “This is a bear face that I made out of two mini waffles and one regular waffle. I decorated my craft project with strawberry cream cheese and made eyes out of blueberries and a nose out of the tip of the strawberry and the mouth out of a strip of strawberry.”

Before she could say anything else, Willie yelled out,You could have done a better job spreading the cream cheese on the waffles.” Annie’s face turned red and she stared at him, saying, ” Willie Hunt, I did that on purpose. This is a little kids craft. If  I make it perfect looking, they will feel bad if they can’t make the craft to look as good as mine. ”

Miss Hattie smiled at Annie and said, That’s very thoughtful of you Annie! Why don’t you continue with what you were saying before Willie yelled out at you”? Annie gave Willie a look , smiled at Miss Hattie and said, ” After the children make this craft, they can eat is as a snack!

All you need to make this craft  with 10 children is one box of frozen waffles, one box of frozen mini waffles, one tub of strawberry cream cheese, a small container of fresh blueberries, a small container of fresh strawberries, paper plates and one package of plastic knives.”

Miss Hattie thanked Annie  and all the “Can Do” Kids that come up with a craft idea for spring camp. Then she said, You gave me so many good craft ideas that Miss Sue wants to talk to you all about games the Pre-K group can play in spring camp.”


Name Card Crafts

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

Eulyn raised her hand and when Miss Hattie called on her she said, “I have a project for the preschool crafts class that is both practical and fun.

I brought a sample with me to show you and the class. May I tell you about it and show you the sample”?

Miss Hattie smiled and answered saying, “Of course Eulyn, we would all like to hear and see what you brought in as a project for my crafts class”  Eulyn beamed and said, “This is a craft for the first day of camp that will help the teachers and the volunteers quickly get to know the children’s names without having to ask them all the time.

I’m talking about name tags that the children can make in crafts class and wear in all their other classes and activities.”

the crafts class will make decorated name tagsEulyn held up a name tag that was decorated all around the edges with small stickers and had a space in the middle for a child’s name. She said, “In the first crafts class on the Monday of Spring Camp, each child would be given 5 name tags, the kind that you wear right on your clothes; a nontoxic magic marker, and enough small stickers to decorate 5 cards. Those boys and girls who already print can put their names in the middle of their cards.  Volunteers will help those boys and girls who don’t, as yet, print to write their names on their cards.

Doing five cards will keep the boys and girls busy for the whole crafts class and they will each have a new name card for every day of camp.” Eulyn smiled and sat down.

The class clapped and Miss Hattie said, “I like your idea Eulyn. You’re right, it is practical and the children will be very proud to wear the tags. It will definitely make things a lot easier for the teachers. Now they don’t have to keep looking up a child’s name on the attendance sheet”!

Just then Annie raised her hand and said, “Miss Hattie, I have a craft that is fun to make and then you can eat it.” Miss Hattie looked pleased and answered, ” Sounds good, Annie, but you will need to wait to tell us about it until the next crafts class because we are almost out of time.

See you all in our next crafts class.”


Jewelry You Can Eat and No Muss Paint Crafts

Saturday, April 2nd, 2011

Miss Hattie called the crafts class to order.

picture of grandma hattie with her hand on her hipThen she asked Nellie to come up and show and tell the class how to make jewelry that the preschoolers can make, wear and eat in crafts class.

Nellie came up to the front of the room holding a necklace made of  a very long red licorice lace with colored Lifesaver Gummies hanging from it. Picture of a necklace for crafts class made of red licorice and lifesaver gummies

“OK, everybody this is what you need to make 4 necklaces,” said Nellie.

Materials for 4 necklaces

1 bag of Lifesaver Gummies

1 bag of licorice laces (black or red)

4 small, but sturdy rubber bands

“And this is how you make the necklaces,” said Nellie.


Measure the licorice so the necklace will hang  in the middle of the chest on each child when finished and fit over the head with plenty of room.

Cut the licorice.

Let each child string the lifesaver gummies on his or her licorice, using 8 lifesavers.

Help each child with tying the licorice in a knot and then holding it in place with a rubber band.

“Thank you Nellie! Well done,” said Miss Hattie. “We will definitely make your necklace in crafts class.

Now it is Orrie’s turn to tell us about his no muss paint for crafts class.”

Orrie asked his table mates to clear the table for four that they shared with him. He took a big piece of Saran Wrap and covered the table tightly. Then he reached into his bag on the back of his chair and took out a big can of shaving cream and sprayed it evenly all over the Saran Wrap on the  table. Then he asked Jay to help him gently cover the shaving cream with more saran wrap, making sure it was tightly joined to the underneath Saran Wrap.

Then Orrie invited Jay, Willie, and Yundi to demonstrate how to make shapes in the shaving cream on the table and not get their hands messy. When they were done the boys carefully removed the wrapping from the table as one big piece and threw it in the trash. Their hands were clean, the table was clean and the floor was clean. Everyone clapped, even Miss Hattie!

Just then the bell rang and it was time to go home. Miss Hattie said, “Well done Orrie I will be using your idea in crafts class. Thanks again to both you and Nellie.  If anyone has other crafts suggestions, please bring them to next week’s session.”

Miss Hattie was so excited with what Nellie and Orrie did that she said, “My crafts class for preschoolers is going to be very special”!


Is Sharing Always a Good Idea?

Friday, March 25th, 2011

picture of grandma Maureen Grandma Maureen and Arthur J saw a situation that made them ask, “Is sharing always a good idea”?

Grandma Maureen and her grandson Arthur J were having lunch out at the diner on “Can Do” Street.  At the table next to them there were two mothers and their sons also having lunch. The boys looked and sounded like they were about 3 years old.

The one boy kept bouncing around on his seat, whining and hanging on to his mother’s arm. The other boy ate his lunch quietly and let his mom enjoy her lunch.

The waiter came over to the table and asked if the boys wanted a treat. The boy who had been eating quietly was finished his lunch and asked his mom if he could have an ice cream. His mom said yes. The other boy had left most of his lunch on his plate, but his mother asked him if he wanted ice cream. ” No,” he said loudly, “I want a smoothie.” His mom reminded him that he didn’t eat his lunch and a smoothie would be a lot to drink. He began to cry and slide down in his seat. His mom gave in and ordered him a smoothie.

When the treats arrived, the boy with the ice cream was enjoying his treat, while the boy with the smoothie took a couple of sips and said, “I don’t want this. I want ice cream.”

Grandma Maureen and Arthur J couldn’t help listening and watching. They wanted to see what would happen next!

The mother of the boy who wanted the ice cream turned to the other boy and said, ” Would you mind sharing half of your ice cream “? Before the boy could even answer, his own mother took his bowl of ice cream, scooped out half of it and gave it to the other boy!

Grandma Maureen and Arthur J couldn’t believe their eyes!

The boy who lost half his ice cream pulled his dish close to him and gobbled up what was left as fast as he could. The other boy grinned at him while eating what was once his ice cream.

Arthur J felt mad about what he had just seen. “Grandma,” he said, ” That  just wasn’t fair!  The boy never got a chance to say whether or not he wanted to share. He was forced to share. I don’t know who I feel madder at, the selfish boy who took his ice cream and ate it, or  the mom who asked him to share his ice cream, or his mom who just took his dish and gave his ice cream away. “

Grandma Maureen nodded and said, “Sharing isn’t always a good idea.There were lots of ways that could have been handled fairly. Maybe the boys and girls hearing this story can come up with some other ways than what we just saw.”

What do you think boys and girls? Do you have any ideas?


Dinosaur Show and Tell Day

Monday, February 21st, 2011

The “Can Do” Kids were  excited to see that Miss Pat  decorated the classroom with dinosaurs for Dinosaur Show and Tell Day. They each took their seats and waited for Miss Pat to call on them for show and tell.

Miss Pat called the class to order and said, “Class here are the rules for winning today’s show and tell prize, a book about dinosaurs. Each of you will take a turn. When all of you have presented your show and tell we will have a silent vote. You may not vote for yourself. In case of a tie, we will vote for the students that are tied.”

Wendy went first. She wrote a story about a dinosaur she called Puff. The class all clapped. Then Willie showed the picture he drew. He didn’t get as much applause as Wendy. When it was Kathy’s turn, she showed the class how to make a dinosaur out of toilet paper rolls and construction paper. Wow…she got lots of applause. Orrie talked about what dinosaurs ate.

Soon everyone had a turn but Hector. He went to the front of the room and put a small and a big box on Miss Pat’s desk. First he opened the small box and took out a dinosaur he made from green play dough. Everyone wanted to know how he had made it. That’s when he opened the big box and said, “I made it the same way I made these cookies…with a cookie cutter I  bought in the gift shop at the museum.” Then he gave out a dinosaur cookie to each of his classmates and Miss Pat. Everyone agreed it was the best dinosaur they had ever eaten!

Guess who won the book for show and tell. That’s right…it was Hector. He was very nice about it though. He told everyone  that after he read it, he would lend it to anyone who wanted to read it as long as they promised to take good care of it and give it back after a few days.
