Archive for the ‘Good Choices’ Category

Food Safety and Fixing an After School Snack

Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

nurse diane teaches after school snackNurse Diane visited the “Can Dos” in class and spoke to them about being careful when they prepare an after school snack at home.

Here is what she had to say. “You need to be careful when you make an after school  snack or you could wind up getting sick. This is what you need to do keep from getting sick:

  • First…put your books, knapsack, and sporting equipment on the floor, not on eating counters or the kitchen table where the germs on your bag, books and sporting equipment can get on the table where you are going to make your snack or eat it.
  • Wipe the counter or food preparation area before you put food on it to make sure their are no germs on the counter. Use a clean paper towel with hot water and soap to wipe the counter. Then rinse the area with another clean paper and clean, cool water. Make sure you get all the soap up
  • Clean out your lunch box and throw away sandwiches or other “refrigerator type” foods, such as yogurt tubes or cheese sticks, left over from lunch that are no longer safe to eat. Don’t eat them for a snack. It doesn’t matter if they look or smell okay.
  • Wash your hands before you make or eat a snack. Hands carry lots of germs, and not washing hands is a big reason for getting sick from making food with germ-filled hands.
  • Always use clean spoons, forks, and plates.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables with running tap water before you eat them.
  • Do not eat bread, cheese, or soft fruits or vegetables that have bruises or spots of mold.
  • Do not eat unbaked cookie dough because it may contain raw eggs that can have bacteria that can make you sick.
  • Do not leave cold items, like milk, lunch meat, hard cooked eggs, or yogurt, out on the counter at room temperature. Put these foods back in the refrigerator as soon as you’ve fixed your snack.
  • Don’t eat any food that has been  left out of the refrigerator, such as pizza — even if it isn’t topped with meat. Food should not be left in the temperature “Danger Zone” of 40 to 140 °F for more than 2 hours or no more than 1 hour if the temperature is 90 °F or higher.
  • When you finish preparing your snack, be sure to wash off the counter or food prep area with a clean paper towel.”

“Wow,” said Hector, “That’s a bunch of things to remember about making a snack!”

Nurse Diane nodded and answered, ” True, but It beats getting tummy troubles doesn’t it Hector?”

Hector had to agree!

Source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control


Take a Hike!

Monday, August 8th, 2011

 coach campbell talking about a hike“Good Morning,” said Coach Campbell. “Good Morning, Coach,” answered the “Can Dos.”

Coach continued to talk, saying, “Camp will soon be over and we have to think about how we keep physically fit once the school year begins. I’m here to suggest an activity we can all do together outside and even include our families.

Let’s take a hike on the Saturday after school starts!”

Eulyn raised her hand and asked, “What’s a hike ?”

Coach Campbell answered, “A hike is a long walk in the countryside.

It’s a chance to enjoy being outdoors. While hiking  we can see birds and flowers we don’t usually see on “Can Do” Street.”

Coach noticed that Orrie and Mickey were looking kind of sad. “Orrie, Mickey you are going to enjoy this hike. We are going to be using a handicapped accessible trail.

Orrie, you can power your chair, and when you need a break, I will be there to help out,” said Coach. “Mickey, Muggins is going to love a walk in the country with you. He will be great on the trail. Once again, if you need anything, there will be lots of us there to help.”

“A hike sounds like fun! Count me in,” said Hector. Then all the other “Can Dos” chimed in that they wanted to be part of the hike.

“Great, said Coach,”Let’s go over what we need to know to have a good time on our hike.”

  • Weather – If it is raining hard, we will reschedule for the following Saturday.
  • Pack hooded rain jackets in your backpack,  just in case.
  • Dress in layers.
  • Wear comfortable shoes for walking and pack an  extra pair of socks just in case the pair you wear get wet. Who likes soggy socks?
  • Staff will carry water, but please help and bring along your water bottles. You need to drink plenty of water.
  • There are restrooms and porta johns along the way.
  • Pack a light snack that is easy to carry.

Coach reminded the “Can Dos” to be on time…10 am in front of the community center.

Then he said,”Remember …invite your families to join you and take a hike!”


Holy Guacamole!

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Miss Sue came into the cooking class at summer camp just before the session started and said,” Boys and girls I have a surprise for you today.”

chef raquel makes guacamoleWith that Chef Raquel, stepped out from behind Miss Sue, saying, “Is everybody ready to learn how to make Guacamole? It’s a great summer dip you can prepare with your mom or dad or a grandparent.”

The “Can Dos” all clapped and called out, “We’re ready!”

Chef Raquel smiled, opened the door and said,”It just do happens I stopped by the senior center on my way here. Look who all volunteered to come and help all of you cut, slice and chop the ingredients for the Guacamole.”

With that the grandmas all came into the class! There was Grandma Maureen, Grandma Hattie, Grandma Frances and Grandma Sue. Each of the grandmas joined a group of “Can Dos” around their individual food prep tables.

“Hmmm,” said Chef Raquel, “What is the first thing we have to do before we start making our Guacamole dip?”

As usual, Orrie was the first to raise his hand and answered, “We have to wash our hands really well and then dry them with a paper towel before we handle the ingredients for the Guacamole.” Orrie led the group to the wash sinks in the room and everyone took turns washing up. Then they went back to their food prep tables.

Soon the room filled with the sounds of chopping and slicing and conversations about what they were making. Before long the Guacamole dip was ready and it was time for tasting. Chef Raquel passed around pita wedges and everyone sampled what they made.

A couple of the “Can Dos” liked the Guacamole so much they popped their tops!  Willie was so excited about the taste he yelled out, ” Holy Guacamole!”         Willie says Holy Guacamole

Here’s is Chef Raquel’s recipe for Guacamole, in case you want to make it at home for your family.

Additive Guacamole with Pita Wedges Serves 6


2 Haas avocados – peeled, pitted, and smashed

1 Haas avocado, peeled, pitted and medium diced

1 lime, zest and juiced

1 tsp. kosher salt

½ cup yellow onion, minced

3 tbs. chopped cilantro

2 Roma tomatoes, seeded and diced

1 clove garlic, minced


  1. In a medium bowl, have child mash the avocados, lime juice, and salt.  Add onion, cilantro, tomatoes, and garlic and cayenne pepper. Have him or her stir.
  2. Gently fold in diced avocado. Don’t not over mix or it will get too mushy.
  3. Refrigerate 1 hour for best flavor, or serve immediately with pita chips.
  4. For Homemade Pita Chips: Cut pita bread into 8 slices. Lay flat on a baking sheet.  Drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil, sprinkle with salt, pepper and dried oregano.
  5. Bake for 6-10 minutes at 400 degrees until golden. Allow to cool and serve with Guacamole.


The “Can Do” Kids Recycle

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

The following guest post about the need to recycle comes from  Laura Scott, webmaster for the Toymaker of Williamsburg.

bottle to recycle“Bobby, why are you throwing that water bottle in the trash?You should always recycle plastic, glass, and paper products.”Maria said.

“Why Maria? It’s all trash. Who cares if I throw it away or recycle it,” said Bobby.

“Chipmunks and squirrels and birds care,” answered Maria. She continued saying, “Every time you recycle, you save a part of nature.”

“What? How does recycling do that, Maria?” asked Bobby.

“Everything that we use comes from something. Paper and wood products come from trees and most plastic comes from wood or oil. To get paper or plastic we need to cut down trees and those trees are home to chipmunks and squirrels and birds. But if we recycle, we can save some of those trees! If we recycle, people can use our trash to make something useful for someone else. Every time we recycle we save trees, and we save chipmunk and squirrel and bird homes.

Paper, cardboard, and bottles like that water bottle can be used to make things that people really need. All kinds of things can be made from recycled stuff.  When you recycle plastic, it can be used to make things like that fleece jacket you’re wearing or even a bench at the park. When you recycle paper, it can be used to make other paper products; you’re probably even using some at your house right now!”

“O wow, I had no idea, I think I’ll recycle this bottle.”

“That’s a great idea, Bobby,” Maria said.



Friday, July 15th, 2011

hector needs a gift for Father's DayHector heard on the news that the next day would be rainy. Uh-O he thought, now the camp picnic and games will be held in the gym at the community center. “Hmmm,” he said to himself, “What can I do to make the indoor picnic seem more like an outdoor picnic”?

He started walking around the house thinking, what does an outdoor picnic have that an indoor picnic doesn’t have?

Then it came to him…ants. That is what the indoor picnic wouldn’t have…ants. And that is when Hector decided to bring ants to the picnic.

He remembered seeing lots of ants on a log behind the garage. He grabbed an empty jar, a piece of cheesecloth from the kitchen drawer that had very tiny holes in it, and a rubber band to hold the cheesecloth in place. Out he went to the log. He scooped up a bunch of ants in the jar, quickly covered them with the cheesecloth that would let them breathe and fastened the rubber band over the top of the jar to hold the cheesecloth in place and keep the ants in the jar.

Hector was so proud of himself! He put the jar of ants in his knapsack for camp.

The weather man was right; it was raining very hard the next day. So, the counselors held the sack races and the egg on a spoon races and the ring toss games and ping pong in the gym. When the games were over, the counselors gave each group of campers a picnic blanket. The counselors told the camper groups  to each pick a section of the gym where they could lay the blanket down and sit on it while they ate their picnic lunch.

Just as Hector’s group got settled, Hector reached into his knapsack and took out the jar of ants. But before he could take off the rubber band and let the ants out of the jar a voice behind him said, “Hector, you let those ants loose in here and you will be in trouble.”

Hector turned around and there, right behind him was Coach Campbell. “What were you thinking,” asked Coach. “Don’t you know what will happen if you let those ants loose?  They will get in your friends’ food and they won’t be too happy with you, added Coach Campbell. “Also,” said coach, “What will happen to the ants? How will they find their way outside again”?

Hector looked surprised and said, “I never thought of it that way. I was just trying to make the indoor picnic more like an outdoor picnic. There are always ants at an outdoor picnic.”

Coach Campbell took Hector by the hand and they went outside together. The rain had stopped, but the ground was wet. They walked away from the gym until they found a place to let the ants go free.

Once the ants were free, they headed back to the gym. Coach Campbell reminded Hector that ants don’t belong inside, not even for a picnic.Ants belong outside where they can be free!
