Archive for the ‘Good Choices’ Category

A Math Quiz

Friday, February 17th, 2012

It was the day before a 3-day weekend. The “Can Dos” were having a hard time focusing on school work. Most were thinking about what they were going to do with three days off!

Miss Pat had already reviewed what President’s Day was all about. They spent time talking about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and all that they did for America.

So…now what thought Miss Pat. Then she remembered the math game she put on the computers.

“Class,” said Miss Pat, time for a math quiz.” Several of the “Can Dos” let out groans and moans.

“That’s enough,” said Miss Pat. “Go to your computers and let’s get started. Today’s math quiz is about the 2x table and adding one.”

Why don’t you play along. Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose games and choose times table +1.

Good luck with the math quiz!



Kathy Fell Asleep in Class…Again!

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

asleepAfter recess, Miss Pat noticed that Kathy had her head on the table and was sound asleep.

Her table mates were trying not to giggle, but Kathy was snoring so loudly it was hard to hear Miss Pat.

Miss Pat went over to Kathy and gently shook her awake. Kathy woke with a start. ” I was just resting my eyes,” said Kathy. Her classmates started laughing and Arthur J said, “You were snoring, Kathy.

You were asleep and you were really snoring!”

Kathy got mad and said,”Was not asleep; was not snoring!” The her classmates yelled out, “Were too snoring!” Hector even demonstrated how she sounded. Kathy’s face got beat red and her eyes got all watery. She was so embarrassed.

Miss Pat asked,”Kathy, why so tired?” Kathy answered, “The last time I fell asleep in class it was because I didn’t eat a good breakfast. But this morning I had eggs and toast and juice and that is a good breakfast.”

Miss Pat said,”What time did you go to bed last night?” Kathy answered, “I went to bed at my usual time but I couldn’t get to sleep for a long time.”

Orrie started waving his hand madly and saying, “I know, I know.” Miss Pat called on him saying, “What do you know, Orrie?”

“I think I know why Kathy couldn’t fall asleep last night. I saw her take a can of soda up to bed with her. It was the kind of soda that has caffeine in it. it also has lots of sugar.”

Miss Pat asked, “Is that true, Kathy?” Kathy nodded. Miss Pat said, ” Sugary drinks, especially those with caffeine can make you jumpy any time. If  you drink them but before bed, well, they can keep you up for hours!”

“What else shouldn’t we have before bed,” asked Miss Pat. Bobby said,” No eating candy.” Annie said, “Don’t take sugary cereals.”

Miss Pat smiled, “Got the idea Kathy? Ask your mom what you can have as a safe and healthy snack so you can get to sleep and stay asleep.”



A Favorite Word Activity

Saturday, February 11th, 2012


Since Kathy did the best on the object matching games, Miss Pat let her choose what the next word activity would be.

Kathy chose a word jumble.

The class all applauded since word jumbles are everyone’s favorite.

Why not print out the word jumble below and see how you do?



Name Those Objects Quiz

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

Miss Pat and quizMiss Pat handed back the vocabulary quiz.

She was not happy with the results of the quiz. Many of the class didn’t do as well as she thought they would.

She asked the class why they thought they did poorly on the quiz. Arthur J raised his hand and said,” I didn’t recognize some of the objects on the quiz. I didn’t know their names.”

Miss Pat noticed that some of the other “Can Dos” were nodding their heads in agreement.

“Okay, boys and girls,” said Miss Pat,”Tomorrow I will have a few matching games on your computers to help you with naming objects you saw on the quiz.”

That is just what she did!

Why not play the matching games and see how you do with naming objects from the quiz?

Go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose games and choose ..Name the Objects.

After you are done naming the objects, write a sentence about each object you matched.


Signs Game

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

Miss Pat and signs games

Miss Pat wasn’t sure that the “Can Dos” understood some of the signs they see on the street.

She decided to make a matching game out certain signs and signs of things that can help keep the “Can Dos” safe.

Why not see how you do playing the signs matching games?

To play along with the “Can Dos” just go to the “Can Do” Street Club House, click on games and choose “signs.”
