Archive for the ‘games’ Category

Using Computer Games to Brush up on Vocabulary

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

gamesThe “Can Dos” were happy to be back in the computer lab with Miss Pat. They didn’t know it, but the Language Arts teacher asked Miss Pat to make some computer games out of vocabulary words.

Miss Pat Made up two matching games about fruits and vegetables most often eaten in the fall and the winter.

Why not play the games along with the “Can Dos” and see how you do?

Go to the Home page, to Club House and choose Games. Then choose Do You Eat and/or Fall and Winter Vegetables.

Have fun and good luck with the games!


Bobby’s Getting His Brain Ready for School

Saturday, September 1st, 2012

brainBobby told Grandpa John that his brain didn’t feel ready to go back to school.

Grandpa John smiled and said, “I have just what you need to get your brain ready for school.”  With that he got up and left the room. When he came back, he had a book of word searches. He gave the book to Bobby, saying, “Doing a few of these word searches ought to get your brain up to speed.”

Here is one of the word searches that Bobby did to get his brain up to school speed. Let’s see how you do.

 Is your brain up to school speed? Check it out.

Just print out this page and find the words listed on the left in the word puzzle on the right.



Counting by 10’s

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

countingMiss Pat is always looking for ways to get the class excited about math. She made a new math game and put it on each computer.

Why not try it out? The class thought it was fun.

Just got to the “Can Do” Club House, choose games, then choose counting by 10’s.


Name Those Flowers!

Sunday, April 15th, 2012

During school break, some of the “Can Dos” went on a day trip to the Botanical Gardens to view the spring flowers on display and learn their names. 

The trip was sponsored by the “Can Do” Street Community Center. Some of the members of the Seniors Club went along as chaperons. Since some of the members of the Seniors Club kept flower gardens, they made excellent tour guides.

Once at the Botanical Gardens, the “Can Dos” were broken up into small groups of four. Each group had a senior tour guide.

They made there way through the beautiful displays of flowers, stopping to smell the flowers, learn their names and how to take care of them.

When they got back to school after the break, Miss Pat asked the “Can Dos” that went on the trip to share with the rest of the class about what they saw and what they learned.

That evening, Miss Pat decided to make a matching game about spring flowers. Well, it was tough, because not all the class was familiar with the names of the flowers and how to spell their names. Miss Pat had to help out more than usual with this matching game.

Guess who did the best. Nope, not Orrie. It was Willie. How come? Well, he helps his grandpa, Grandpa Dooley, plant and care for his flower garden, so he knew the names of all the flowers.

Okay, your turn. Go to the “Can Do”Club House…choose games and choose “Spring Flowers.”


Counting by 5s

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

countingMiss Pat noticed the “Can Dos” were getting tired of all the counting exercises she was giving them to do. She decided to make a few counting games they could do on the computer.

The counting games were not as easy to do as the “Can Dos” thought they would be but they were more fun than doing counting problems on paper.

The counting games are all about putting the numbers in the right order. It took some of the “Can Dos” longer than others to get the counting games right.

Guess who was first to finish the counting games and to get them right? Nope, not Orrie but Annie. She is really good at counting!

Why don’t you try? Go to The “Can Do” Club House and choose games, then choose…counting by 5s.

