Archive for the ‘friends’ Category

Being a Friend Means Making Thoughtful Choices

Monday, April 15th, 2013

Grandpa John took his grandson Orrie and his friend, Jay to the movie theater.

There is special seating for children and adults using wheelchairs. This seating area is behind the last row of seats in the theater. This is where Orrie needs to sit. There are chairs in this area, where a friend or two can sit with the child or adult sitting in a wheelchair.friend

While Orrie is getting settled in the theater, Jay stands on line to get a bag of popcorn for himself and one for  his friend, Orrie.

Jay meets Hector on line and Hector invites him to sit with him in the front of the theater where he tells Jay he can see the movie better. Jay has been waiting to see this movie and doesn’t want to miss any of it.

Is it okay for Jay to give Orrie his popcorn and tell him he is going to sit up front with Hector and will see him after the movie is over? If he is a good friend, what else can he do? What would you do?

What about asking Hector to sit with him and Orrie in the special seating area? Then they could all watch the movie together. 


Kathy is a Butinsky!

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

KathyKathy often buts in when other kids are talking. She doesn’t let other kids finish what they are saying; she just starts talking about what she wants to talk about.

Some kids say Kathy is rude; others just call her a butinsky.

Well, here is what happened the other day, that made Kathy promise to stop being a butinsky.

Kathy and Maria were walking down “Can Do” Street when they met Nellie. “Hi Nellie, how are you,” said Kathy. “I’m OK thanks,” answered Nellie. “Did you see the…” said Nellie, but before she could finish what she was saying, Kathy said, “Did you see the new Disney show on TV last night?”

“No I didn’t,” said Nellie, “But you should…”

“Oh it was so cool,” said Kathy. Again she didn’t let Nellie finish what she was saying.

Kathy talked on and on for a few minutes about the TV show. Then Nellie interrupted her saying, “I have to go home for dinner now. I will see you both in school tomorrow.”

Maria then asked,”Okay Nellie what was it you wanted to tell us?”

“Oh” said Nellie, “I just wanted to tell you that they were giving away free chocolate candies over at the store across the street. I guess they will be all gone by now.” With that she left her two friends and started for home.

“Bye,” said Maria. Then she turned and stared at Kathy.

“What?” said Kathy.

“It was rude of you to keep interrupting Nellie while she was speaking,” said Maria. “We missed out on getting free candy because you didn’t let her finish what she was trying to say.”

“I’m sorry,” said Kathy. She really was sorry.

“Oh, it’s OK,” said Maria. “Just remember that it is good manners to let others finish speaking before you start to talk.”

“I promise to do better. I promise to listen when someone else is speaking and wait until they finish before I begin to talk,” said Kathy.
